After hanging up the phone, Jin Jiaojiao contacted Ji Feng and said to Ji Feng, "Ji Feng, I'm in some trouble now, you want to pick me up."

Ji Feng rarely heard that Jin Jiaojiao would be in trouble. Jin Jiaojiao is still a very self-conscious girl, and this was the first time she called herself.

Ji Feng said, "Okay, send me the address and I'll take a look."

Jin Jiaojiao quickly sent the address to Ji Feng, and then she walked out of the bathroom and returned to the dining room, where many classmates were eating at the table.

Originally this was an ordinary dinner, but who knew that an unexpected guest had come.

Jin Jiaojiao thought that the murderer had been brought to justice, so she planned to invite her classmates out for a meal and a party. Who knew that I met my former classmates.

Huang Zixuan smiled and sat next to Jin Jiaojiao, he said, "Jiaojiao, come here, I just changed seats with Chunyu, I can sit next to you."

Jin Jiaojiao's good friend Chun Yu looked at Jin Jiaojiao pitifully, needless to say, Huang Zixuan must have threatened her.

Jin Jiaojiao looked at Huang Zixuan coldly and said, "Don't be mean, please get out of the way."

Huang Zixuan shrugged and said, "You don't have to treat your old classmates like this, right?"

Jin Jiaojiao sneered and said, "I'm so sorry, I don't think the two of us are classmates." Huang Zixuan was indeed in the same class with them before, but before he finished university, Huang Zixuan was expelled from the school for doing bad things.

To say it was dismissal, it is better to say that he wanted to go.

Because Huang Zixuan had no plans to go to school at all, even in school, he was just messing around.

Huang Zixuan had been harassing Jin Jiaojiao at that time, because Jin Jiaojiao was beautiful, he wanted to eat swan meat.

Huang Zixuan didn't know that Jin Jiaojiao was the granddaughter of the leader of the Panlong Gang, but everyone knew that Huang Zixuan was the son of the leader of the Xuanwu Sect.

Huang Zixuan has been using this identity to suppress others, so that they cannot be disrespectful to him.

Huang Zixuan had always wanted to be **** Jin Jiaojiao, but Jin Jiaojiao kept dealing with it. Back then, the Panlong Gang was at the bottom of the food chain, so she naturally could only give Huang Zixuan three points.

Although it's different now, she doesn't want to cause trouble to her grandfather.

Jin Jiaojiao thought that her grandfather had just recovered not long ago, and since the Panlong Gang had annexed Zhuquetang, there must be a lot of things to do, so Jin Jiaojiao didn't plan to trouble her grandfather.

But Huang Zixuan was like a dog-skin plaster, sticking to her all the time. Just now Huang Zixuan had been sitting in the middle of them, looking like he was activating the atmosphere, but Jin Jiaojiao knew that this guy was not so kind.

Huang Zixuan laughed, and he said to Jin Jiaojiao, "It's been so long, I'm afraid you've forgotten who I am?"

Jin Jiaojiao squeezed her fist and said, "If I didn't want to cause trouble to my grandfather, I wouldn't take you seriously!"

Jin Jiaojiao let out a heavy sigh, and said to Huang Zixuan, "Don't waste your energy, I won't have anything with you, I said, my boyfriend is going here to catch up with fashion, you Better leave quickly."

Huang Zixuan raised his brows. He smiled and said, "When did you have a boyfriend, why don't I know? What does your boyfriend look like? Why don't you let me know?"

Behind Huang Zixuan was a bodyguard. This bodyguard looked very powerful and fierce. He wore sunglasses and adjusted his clothes.

Although this bodyguard has been following Huang Zixuan from a distance from the beginning, everyone has noticed that they originally came out to eat happily, but now this meal makes them restless.

Everyone wanted to leave, but Wang Zixuan was sitting there. No one moved Jin Jiaojiao to go to the toilet just now. Everyone was worried that Jin Jiaojiao would not come back. They were afraid of offending Huang Zixuan, even though Huang Zixuan was no longer a student in the school. , but he is notorious and is still imprinted in the minds of every Imperial University student.

Jin Jiaojiao didn't intend to trouble others, but thinking that Ji Feng is not an ordinary person, he should be able to deal with such an occasion, so Jin Jiaojiao sat down without fear, she glanced at Huang Zixuan and sneered Said: "See my boyfriend in a while, don't be so cowardly that you can't speak!"

When Huang Zixuan heard Jin Jiaojiao say this, he just felt amused. Huang Zixuan said, "What are you kidding? How could I be cowardly?"

Jin Jiaojiao withdrew her eyes, then took a sip of tea, everyone tremblingly passed minutes and seconds, and after a while, a figure appeared in the restaurant.

This person is none other than Ji Feng.

Ji Feng looks like a student dressed up because he usually likes to wear sports clothes.

Ji Feng walked in and said to Jin Jiaojiao with a smile, "What's the matter with calling me in such a hurry?"

Some of these people have already recognized Ji Feng. When monsoon and the captain of the basketball team played basketball that day, many people were watching. After all, everyone knows how powerful the captain of the basketball team is, but Ji Feng actually won.

After Jin Jiaojiao saw Ji Feng coming, she immediately stood up and walked towards the place, only to see Jin Jiaojiao grab Ji Feng's hand and look at Huang Zixuan provocatively. Said: "See, this is my boyfriend!"

Huang Zixuan also stood up, he looked at Ji Feng up and down, and then said with a sneer, "I thought your vision could be better, but I didn't expect such a thing, it looks vulnerable!"

Ji Feng squinted his eyes, but there was no smile on his face. He said, "Who is this person? Why does he have no tutoring?"

Huang Zixuan was instantly enraged by Ji Feng's remarks, he looked at Ji Feng fiercely, and said to Ji Feng, "What kind of thing are you, you dare to tell me about tutoring?"

Ji Feng smiled coldly. He said, "I have always been polite. I will talk to anyone I see. How do you treat me, and how do I treat you? Is there any problem?"

Jin Jiaojiao nodded in agreement, she said to Huang Zixuan: "Huang Zixuan has seen my boyfriend now, you don't need to stay any longer, don't you realize that you are here to make your classmates feel uncomfortable? ?"

Huang Zixuan smiled and said, "I thought you lied to me, but I just couldn't find an excuse, but since I met your boyfriend, it's even more impossible for me to leave now. I don't think I'm better in any way. Go on him, do you really want to choose this guy?"

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