The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1114: three minutes is enough

Jin Jiaojiao raised her head and said, "Yes, I just want to be with him. Besides, who I am with has nothing to do with you. Now that you meet my boyfriend, please give up."

However, Huang Zixuan said with a smile: "I'm really sorry, I'm a stubborn person, I don't think this guy is worthy of you or arguing with me. So I'm going to show him some color to let you know that the person you choose has How bad."

After Huang Zixuan finished speaking, he raised his hand and said, "Jason, come here and teach him a lesson."

This Jason is the bodyguard in black who has been standing there since the beginning. This black-clothed bodyguard is still a foreigner, and at first glance, he knows that he is not someone to provoke.

Jason took off his suit, his muscles were about to burst his shirt, Jason shook his body, and said to Ji Feng in blunt Chinese: "Boy, it's too late for you to admit defeat! Otherwise, what will you do in a while? I won't give you a chance if you cry."

Ji Feng smiled and said, "You look very good. But if I give up now, won't I be embarrassed in front of my girlfriend?"

Huang Zixuan laughed and said, "Okay Jason, since someone is rushing to die, then you don't have to be merciless, just go straight up."

Seeing this scene, Jin Jiaojiao's classmates shivered with fright. Ji Feng looked around and said, "Fight here? Isn't it okay? This is someone else's shop anyway."

Huang Zixuan sneered and said, "Are you trying to find an excuse to escape? Let me tell you, you lost your best chance. I won't let you leave."

Ji Feng shrugged and said, "Forget it, since you said so, of course I can't shirk it. Come on! How do you fight?"

Huang Zixuan looked at Ji Feng, who was overpowering himself, and he couldn't help laughing. You know, Jason is very powerful. He had won the international Sanda champion before, and his fist was enough for Ji Feng.

Ji Feng promised to learn from each other, which is a lifeless behavior.

But Ji Feng was not worried at all. Jin Jiaojiao sat down and said to Ji Feng, "Ji Feng, I'll leave it to you. I'm hungry, I want something to eat."

Chun Yu said sternly, "Jiaojiao, are you still in the mood to eat?"

Jin Jiaojiao cut the steak and put it in her mouth, she heard Chun Yu say this, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, if it's Ji Feng, it won't disturb my meal, right, Ji Feng?"

Ji Feng said helplessly: "It's said that fists and feet have no eyes, and they will fight in a while, but it doesn't matter if you or me, are you sure you want to eat here?"

Jin Jiaojiao raised her chin and said, "Sure. You have to make sure that you won't disturb my meal, otherwise how can you be someone's boyfriend?"

Ji Feng saw that Jin Jiaojiao was so self-willed, and he couldn't be ashamed at this time, so he said, "That's fine. Give me three minutes."

Jin Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Just right, the red wine has to wake up."

The blue veins on Huang Zixuan's forehead were exposed. These two guys ignored him from the beginning and kept talking to themselves. Did Ji Feng really think he was Jason's opponent this time?

snort! He wants Ji Feng to know what a master is! "Jason, don't worry, just do it!"

Although Jason can't quite understand it, he can see that Ji Feng doesn't take himself seriously. How could Jason swallow this breath?

Jason made a preemptive strike and planned to give Ji Feng a blow to let Ji Feng know how powerful he was.

But who knows, Jason's fist didn't fall on Ji Feng's face! Ji Feng was extremely fast and quickly avoided Jason's fist.

Before Jason could react, Ji Feng had already grabbed his fist. Everyone only heard a "click", and Jason let out a terrible wailing.

It wasn't over yet, Ji Feng fell over his shoulder and threw the man out, and Jason's big man was thrown out the door!

Jason is also a Sanda champion. He didn't expect to meet such a strong opponent!

He struggled to get up, but the bones of his hand had been crushed by Ji Feng, and the heart-piercing pain made Jason tremble.

He couldn't get up at all!

What is the origin of this guy? Three punches and two legs beat him down!

"Jason! What are you still doing?!"

Huang Zixuan was angry, he spent a lot of money to hire Jason, but now Jason is not Ji Feng's opponent, he was thrown out by Ji Feng!

Jason shuddered, he must be worthy of his employer for this salary!

Jason didn't care so much, and wanted to rush in again, but Ji Feng walked in front of the door, and when Jason rushed over, he kicked Jason's stomach!

Jason snorted and was kicked several meters away. This time, he directly hit a road sign beside him, and the road sign made of steel actually dented!

Jason really couldn't get up at this time.

Seeing this scene, Huang Zixuan couldn't close his mouth in surprise. He swallowed hard and looked at Ji Feng in fear.

This guy doesn't look as big as Jason, how can he be so explosive!

When Ji Feng came back, he smiled and said, "Have three minutes?"

Jin Jiaojiao smiled and said, "Not yet, two and a half minutes. Sit down now, I've already ordered for you just now."

Ji Feng looked at Huang Zixuan and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I want to sit next to my girlfriend. Your people have already been beaten down by me. Do you have any comments?"

Huang Zixuan swallowed with a "gu dong". After he hired Jason as his bodyguard, he always went out of his way and was domineering.

But he didn't expect that he kicked the iron plate this time. He feels ashamed now, but he can't do anything about it. Even Jason is not his opponent, can he beat him?

Huang Zixuan stood up and said angrily, "You! Don't think that you are very powerful! This time Jason is out of shape! Next time I will definitely beat you! You wait for me!"

After Huang Zixuan sternly said harsh words, he ran away in despair.

After watching Huang Zixuan leave, Jin Jiaojiao couldn't help laughing, she said, "You were so cruel just now!"

Ji Feng said with a smile: "Of course you have to be tougher when dealing with such wicked people. Are these all your classmates? I'm really sorry, I disturbed your meal just now, I'll invite you to this meal, you can eat whatever you want. ."

Jin Jiaojiao pouted and said, "Do you need to invite me? This is what I wanted to treat."

Everyone hasn't recovered yet. The big guy just now was kicked out by Ji Feng like this. Is this really terrible?

How strong is Ji Feng this year?

Jin Jiaojiao was stunned when she saw that everyone was staring, and she said embarrassedly, "Okay, stop watching, let's eat!"

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