The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1126: not an opponent

When Ji Feng heard what Huang Zixuan said, he couldn't help but sneered. Ji Feng said, "Stinky boy, do you know who I am? You dare to get an axe in front of me, I think you are impatient."

First of all, Huang Zixuan thought he would be worried, but he never thought that he had no fear at all.

Huang Zixuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He watched Ji Feng pressing step by step, and couldn't help but drum in his heart.

Ji Feng didn't want to let these two guys go, but he slammed Huang Zixuan with a savage punch, and Huang Zixuan's face was instantly swollen.

Xiao Wanghong was stunned watching from the side, and she didn't even dare to move.

Ji Feng glanced at Xiao Wanghong, he sneered and said, "You should be thankful that I don't hit women, otherwise you and him will end up together."

Xiao Wanghong was trembling and didn't dare to move at all, but Ji Feng walked over to loosen Su Miaomiao's binding. At this time, Su Miaomiao's mind had gradually collapsed. When Ji Feng touched Su Miaomiao's hand, she only felt that she The skin is extremely hot!

Ji Feng was taken aback. He couldn't care less. After picking up Su Miaomiao, Ji Feng immediately left. He put Su Miaomiao in the car and hurried to the hotel and returned to his room. .

Su Miaomiao was hot like a boiled shrimp, and his skin gradually turned pink.

Ji Feng touched Su Miaomiao's forehead, and he frowned. Now Ji Feng can't take care of it anymore. He first filled Su Miaomiao with a glass of water, and then took Su Miaomiao to the bathroom. He unscrewed the shower head and poured cold water into the bathtub.

While pouring cold water, Ji Feng used the shower head to rinse Su Miaomiao's hot skin with cold water. Su Miaomiao shivered coldly, but Su Miaomiao's face showed a comfortable expression.

After a while, the water in the bathtub filled Ji Feng and Su Miaomiao soaked in the bathtub. After a long time, Su Miaomiao finally recovered.

Ji Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then he took the wet Su Miaomiao outside.

She shivered and said, "Brother-in-law, I should tell you where I went, but I didn't expect that woman to plot against me..."

Ji Feng comforted Su Miaomiao and said, "Don't blame yourself, this matter has nothing to do with you, you can only blame the two of them for their vicious methods. If it wasn't for the pendant I happened to give you last night, I might not be able to save you."

Su Miaomiao also felt scared for a while. When she thought of what Huang Zixuan had done to her, Su Miaomiao couldn't help but shiver. Fortunately, Ji Feng arrived in time, otherwise Su Miaomiao would have really been sullied by Huang Zixuan.

Su Miaomiao looked at Ji Feng gratefully and said, "Brother-in-law, I still feel very hot and dizzy, what should I do?"

Ji Feng knew that the efficacy of Su Miaomiao's body had not yet been used, so he took a lot of mineral water for Su Miaomiao, and he told Su Miaomiao: "Although the efficacy of this medicine is very overbearing, as long as you drink more water, the medicine Excretion out of the body, then the body will naturally be better."

When Su Miaomiao heard what Ji Feng said, she had to drink water with a bitter face, because it is very painful for a person to force himself to drink water when he is not thirsty, but Su Miaomiao There is no way, after all, he was poisoned.

At this time, Ji Feng went out and said to Sister Hui next to him: "I have brought him back, you go in and take good care of him, he is still dizzy now, let him drink more water, you supervise him to take care of him. The water in there is drained."

Sister Hui's heart finally fell.

After tossing until nearly midnight, Su Miaomiao's condition improved. Su Miaomiao didn't know how many times she ran to the toilet, and when she thought of Su Miaomiao, she felt fear and nausea.

Ji Feng looked at the time too late, so he went out to pack some supper and came back.

Su Miaomiao looked at the supper on the table, she had no appetite at all, she burped and said to Ji Feng: "Brother-in-law, I feel very full when I see these things now. I have already drank all the water. I'm so full, I really can't eat anymore."

Ji Feng comforted Su Miaomiao and said: "You have gone to the toilet so many times, and there is nothing in your stomach. It has already been emptied, so you still need to eat something to nourish your stomach. Don't worry, I will help you later. You get two needles and you won't feel so uncomfortable."

Su Miaomiao said with a sad face: "Brother-in-law, if the needles are good, then you should have given me two needles just now. Why did you make me drink so much water, I almost vomited."

Ji Feng shook his head and said, "If I could cure you with silver needles, then I wouldn't let you drink water just now, just because a few needles can't cure you, that's why I asked you to drink more water. , as long as you drink more water, the toxins in your body can be excreted. You should not feel so uncomfortable now, you can stop drinking water, drink the porridge in a while, and then go to bed and have a good rest. As for Huang Zixuan and that little boy Internet celebrities have to be rectified.”

Su Miaomiao said indignantly: "I think so too. They are so hateful. I didn't expect that I would give them a chance, but they treated me like this! Brother-in-law, what should we do?"

Ji Feng said: "Don't worry, I have my own way."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he called Sun Tao and asked Sun Tao to sneak into Huang Zixuan and Xiao Wanghong's mobile phones to copy some information.

For Sun Tao, this trivial matter is easy to grasp. It has no technical content at all. After a while, Sun Tao sent the explosive video and some chat records to Ji Feng's hands.

When Ji Feng saw these videos and chat records, a cold smile appeared on his face.

Ji Feng has always been a person who does not offend her, and he does not offend anyone.

Originally, Ji Feng didn't want to care about Huang Zixuan and this little internet celebrity, but the two of them hit the muzzle, and Ji Feng had to take action.

Ji Feng sold the information to the paparazzi, and although he didn't need the money, the paparazzi spread much faster than him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for these news to spread quickly everywhere as if they had grown wings.

The Internet is like a torpedo entering a fish pond in an instant, blowing up the pot.

Huang Zixuan, who was in the hospital at this time, was doing his best to take care of Huang Zixuan.

Huang Zixuan was concussed by Ji Feng's fist, and now he feels nauseated.

The more Huang Zixuan thought about it, the more he felt unwilling, this Ji Feng is really hateful!

Just then, Huang Zixuan's cell phone rang.

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