Huang Zixuan frowned, who was calling at this time? Huang Zixuan looked down and found that the caller turned out to be his father. Huang Zixuan couldn't help but sneered, thinking that his father still couldn't let him go, so he called him now to ask about his situation, so Huang Zixuan connected. telephone.

Before Huang Zixuan could speak, his father's scolding voice came from the other end of the phone: "You bastard, you've been thrown into your grandma's house, and you did such a thing. I don't have your son, so I'll do it tomorrow Make a statement, and you will go far away and don't come back!"

Huang Zixuan originally thought that his father's phone call was an apology, but he didn't expect it to be a scolding.

Huang Zixuan couldn't help but be surprised. He said, "Dad, what are you doing? Why are you scolding me like this? I didn't do anything wrong? Did you know that your son, I was beaten today, and I'm in the hospital now!"

Huang Zixuan's father let out a sneer, he said to Huang Zixuan: "Who taught you a lesson, I really want to thank him, you should be cleaned up! If you don't know, go online Look at it, it's all over the internet, you really made me lose face, I don't know how to deal with my partners now!"

After Huang Zixuan's father finished speaking, he hung up the phone fiercely. Huang Zixuan couldn't help frowning. He took out his mobile phone, endured dizziness, and opened the web page to check.

At this time, Huang Zixuan saw a video of himself playing with those young model stars at the Haitian feast!

Not only that, but the large-scale videos of him and Xiao Wanghong were also posted online. Xiao Wanghong's mobile phone rang at this time, and she looked down and found that it was her company.

The last time Xiao Wanghong wore an expensive dress to attend the feast of the place, she gained a lot of fans, and she also wanted to make a lot of money.

But at this moment, the company called and said that he wanted to make an appointment with Xiao Wanghong. He didn't know what was going on at all. He quickly went online to watch it. At this time, he found that all the videos on the Internet were unsightly. , has been leaked!

Xiao Wanghong was so frightened that he was at a loss. At this time, several of his spare tires also bombarded Xiaowanghong in turn, and asked Xiaowanghong what was going on. He was obviously with them, so why did he play like this with others?

Not only such a small Internet celebrity, but also followed several rich local tyrants. These local tyrants bought her gold and silver jewelry, a car and a house. Now the local tyrants want to bring everything back, and let the small Internet celebrity weigh the small Internet celebrity by themselves. , where have you seen such symptoms, you have already been scared to death.

The little internet celebrity quickly said to Huang Zixuan, "Brother Xuan, how did these videos get uploaded to the Internet? You should hurry up and think of a way. If this goes on, everyone in my family will know!"

Huang Zixuan is also one of the top two now, how does he know how these videos spread?

These videos were obviously shot on their own mobile phones. Could it be that some hackers hacked into their phones and got the information? If so, it would be bad. Now Huang Zixuan has no money, and these videos are like the plague It spread all over the Internet as quickly as it spread, and even if he wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Huang Zixuan licked his dry lips, thinking that the only person who could do this was probably Ji Feng, that guy Ji Feng should have the means.

After all, on the night of the imperial capital, Ji Feng bought more than 10 million clothes for Su Miaomiao, and if such clothes were not related, they would not be able to get them at all.

Huang Zixuan slammed his fist on the bed, then he took out his mobile phone and called his subordinates.

"how are you now?"

Huang Zixuan's bodyguard was injected with a super potion, which is still in the experimental stage because this super potion is an improved version.

Recently, Huang Zixuan and the vice president of the chamber of commerce have been compared. The vice president of the chamber of commerce told Huang Zixuan that he has a new version of the super potion on hand, and the injection is much more powerful than before.

It's just that this improved version of the super potion is still being tested, so the bodyguards must be kept in the laboratory to observe.

The bodyguard told Huang Zixuan, "Boss, I feel my body is full of energy now, I think I can kill a cow!"

Huang Zixuan was getting impatient now, so he said to the bodyguard: "You remember the guy who beat you out, he has provoke me now, and posted my videos on the Internet, making me disgraced. I can't take this breath, as long as you beat him to death, it doesn't matter how much it costs!"

The bodyguard replied, "Master, I don't need you to give me any money, because me and the guy named Ji Feng are also worried, I have to let him see how powerful I am, and I will hit him all over the floor. Find your teeth!"

Huang Zixuan nodded and said: "Okay, you come out immediately, I will give you the address, no matter how much you pay, we must let him see how powerful we are, we must beat him to the point of begging grandpa to tell grandma, not only that, you You have to record the video and send it to me, okay?"

After the two finished the phone call, Huang Zixuan smashed the phone against the wall, and the phone shattered in an instant. The little internet celebrity on the side was so frightened when he saw this scene, he had no idea what to say.

Huang Zixuan gritted his teeth and said, "Ji Feng, ah Ji Feng, tonight is your day of death!"

At this time, Ji Feng was looking at the information on his mobile phone in the hotel. After he read it, he turned off the mobile phone with a smile on his face.

At this time, Su Miaomiao broke into the door. Su Miaomiao's body was still very weak, but now she was able to cheer herself up. Su Miaomiao pointed to the mobile phone in her hand and said to Ji Feng, "Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, did you look? To the report? Oh my God, the scandal of Huang Zixuan and Xiao Wanghong broke out, I was shocked when I saw it, I didn't expect that the two of them were such people in private, it's really terrible!"

Ji Feng said with a smile: "I knew at a glance that the two of them are not good people. Maybe they have done all their bad things, so even God can't stand it anymore, and let them have scandals all over the sky. Well, you go to rest quickly, Don't you want to join the cast today?"

Su Miaomiao nodded and said, "I really want to join the crew today, yes, I'm here to say goodbye to you today. When I join the crew, I will send you a message. The crew will arrange a special hotel for us to live in. , just to facilitate communication.”

Ji Feng nodded and said to Su Miaomiao, "Then if you feel any inconvenience when you enter the crew, tell me directly. If someone dares to bully you, you should also tell me, you know?"

Su Miaomiao smiled and nodded, "I know, I don't think anyone would dare to bully me!"

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