Ji Feng shook his head and said, "I'm so sorry, I won't admit defeat."

In fact, no matter whether Ji Feng admits defeat or not, Li Zhankui never thought about letting him go.

The old **** Li Zhankui said: "This is really the way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come here. Since this is the case, then I'm welcome! If you lose to my men this time, then you Not only do you have to kowtow to apologize, but you also have to post 100 million to me!"

Ji Feng smiled and said, "Looking like you look like this, you should have set up a net here. Even if I want to leave, I shouldn't be able to leave."

Li Zhankui nodded and said, "It would be better if you knew it in your heart. Since you have no intention of surrendering, then accept my monstrous anger, how dare you humiliate me in front of so many people and make me look ashamed. , I will never let you go!"

Ichiro Dongtian walked out slowly. He looked at Ji Gong with contempt for the heroes. In his eyes, Ji Feng was a vulnerable guy, and he was not his opponent at all.

Ji Feng beckoned to Ichiro Dongtian and said, "Let's not make up those falsehoods, let's go with as many people as you have."

After listening to Li Zhankui and Dongtian Ichiro, they both felt that Ji Feng was too arrogant. It was only Li Zhankui and his girlfriend Wang Siqi that day.

Li Zhankui lost to Ji Feng because he did not have martial arts to release his life, but how could Ji Feng be an opponent when he faced Taekwondo master Fuyutian Ichiro? You have to know that Ichiro Higashida is amazing, he is the world champion! A three-legged cat kung fu like Ji Feng is definitely no match for a world champion!

Li Zhankui laughed and said to Ji Feng: "Since you are so confident, then I will fulfill you! But I can tell you the ugly things in front of you. If you are beaten all over the place and cry for your father and mother, you don't want to. Kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Ji Feng raised his brows and said, "I hear you mean that these guys can beat me to the ground and beg for mercy? Then I really have to wait and see, come on, stop talking nonsense, let me try your abilities. ."

Li Zhankui raised his hand and asked Ichiro Toda and his men to join him, but Ichiro Toda felt that Ji Feng was not his opponent at all.

So Dongtian Ichiro sent his two apprentices to fight against Ji Feng, Ji Feng watched the two black belts of Taekwondo walking towards him, he smiled and said, "I have already said, Just don't waste your time together, but I didn't expect you to want to fight in the wheel, since that's the case, then I'll fulfill you."

The two apprentices of Ichiro Dongtian were underestimated by Ji Feng. They were very angry, thinking that such a poor fellow would dare to mock them? Make them feel very angry.

The two apprentices went up together and wanted to beat Ji Feng to the ground, but they didn't expect that these two guys were not Ji Feng's opponents at all.

Ichiro Dongtian was taken aback. These two were his own strong apprentices. He didn't expect Ji Feng to have such a skill!

Ji Feng rubbed his joints and said to Ichiro Dongtian: "I already said, don't waste any more time, let's go together if you want, my patience is limited."

When Li Zhankui saw Dongtian Ichiro's two apprentices being beaten like this, he couldn't hold his breath. He glared at Dongtian Ichiro and said, "What do you mean? My family gave you so much money. Jianwuguan, are you the ones who have cultivated such idiots?"

Ichiro Dongtian felt that Ji Feng should be a ruthless character. At the beginning of the winter, he still felt that it was enough to deal with a layman like Ji Feng and his two apprentices, but Ji Feng was hidden, he should be a master.

Ichiro Dongtian didn't dare to neglect him anymore. Since Ji Feng was so powerful, he had to save his face, otherwise the Li family would never be able to pay for himself to maintain the martial arts hall in the future, so he would not be able to profit from it.

Ichiro Dongtian said to Li Zhankui: "Master Li, this person is not simple, he definitely has a very powerful master, my two subordinates are very skilled in martial arts, and logically they are professional players, it is impossible for them to belong to both of them. Opponents, and the two of them are still working together."

Li Zhankui gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't come to listen to you to grow other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige. You are the best now. Give me an explanation. If you don't kill him, I am the only one!"

Ichiro Dongtian also knew that this was related to his own interests and his own reputation. If he was defeated by a little-known character like Ji Feng, who would hire him, he knew very well, so This battle can only be won, not lost.

Ichiro Dongtian walked out slowly. He stared at Ji Feng and said, "I really underestimated you just now. You are still a hidden master! Let me meet you for a while!"

If Ichiro Higashida can win the world championship, he must have something special. Although he has retired, Ichiro Higashida has been practicing.

Ji Feng said: "Okay, no one listens to you talking about these nonsense. If you want to fight, you can beat it or not. Come on, let's start!"

Dongtian Ichiro's tricks were very fast, and his tricks were fatal, but Ji Feng discovered his tricks when he made a trick, and every trick would be restricted by Ji Feng.

Dongtian Ichiro suffered several losses, and he was shocked that Ji Feng was really powerful!

After a few rounds, Ichiro Dongtian was already exhausted, but Ji Feng seemed to have a steady stream of strength, and found that Ichiro Dongtian was a little staggered. Ji Feng immediately made a decision, shot quickly, and beat people steadily. Retreat!

Ichiro Toda instantly became Ji Feng's defeated general!

After Higashida Ichiro was defeated, he immediately stepped back and said, "I'm sorry, it's true that I'm blind! I apologize!"

Li Zhankui was so angry that he pulled it away, and Ichiro Dongtian said to him, "I asked you to defeat him, not to ask you to apologize to him. What are you doing now? Are you trying to embarrass me? "

Ichiro Dongtian whispered to Li Zhankui, "It's not that I don't want to win against him, Young Master Li, but his moves are so weird, I can't guess his next move at all, and his movements are quite fast, I Not his opponent, but we can win by surprise!"

Li Zhankui rolled his eyes when he heard what Ichiro Higashida said.

Ji Feng asked with a smile: "How is it? The so-called willingness to surrender. If you lose, you should also give me 10 million."

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