Li Zhankui nodded and pretended to be scared. At this time, he took out his mobile phone and said to Ji Feng, "I was wrong just now, I'll transfer the money to you now!"

Li Zhankui asked Ji Feng to come closer, so that he could transfer the money to Ji Feng, but he didn't expect that when Ji Feng walked in front of Li Zhankui, Ichiro Dongtian suddenly attacked and saw him slamming towards Ji Feng's gate of life!

In fact, Ji Feng had already sensed the intentions of the two of them. Although the two of them spoke very quietly, outsiders could not hear them at all, but for Ji Feng, their voices could be heard. So these two can't be their opponents at all.

Ichiro Dongtian was not his opponent, he was overturned by Ji Feng in three or two strokes, and this guy was too vicious, Ji Feng got angry and broke Ichiro Dongtian's hand, and Ichiro Dongtian fell to his knees. On the ground, there were wailing and wailing, but Ji Feng didn't let him go even so. Ji Feng kicked Dongtian Ichiro on the chest, and Dongtian Ichiro flew out several meters away. Broken ribs and spine

The bones on Ichiro Higashida's body were broken, and he would definitely not be able to practice again in the future.

When Li Zhankui saw this scene, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. He hurriedly took a step back, but Ji Feng approached slowly. Ji Feng looked at Li Zhankui with terrifying eyes. Li Zhankui couldn't help shivering. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Ji Feng squinted at Li Zhankui and said, "I originally wanted to give you a chance, but you are too insidious and cunning, so I plan to teach you a little lesson."

Li Zhankui saw that Ichiro Dongtian was beaten like that, how could someone who doesn't even know how to do three-legged cat kung fu be Ji Feng's opponent? Li Zhankui ran out subconsciously, but his limbs were not diligent, the grains were not divided, and he could not run away at all. Ji Feng had no intention of going up to chase him at all. He picked up a stone on the ground and bounced it accurately Li Zhankui's legs.

Li Zhankui never thought that Ji Feng could beat him even at such a long distance. He groaned and knelt on the ground.

Ji Feng walked over slowly, he looked down at Li Zhankui, Li Zhankui's leg was no longer needed, he dragged his leg and wanted to run, but how could he escape?

Ji Feng asked with a smile, "Aren't you able to run quite well? Then keep running."

Li Zhankui was in a cold sweat, he really couldn't run away, and now he had to beg for mercy.

But Ji Feng didn't like this, Ji Feng shook his head and said to Li Zhankui: "Since you think I'm easy to bully, then I won't give you another chance. In fact, the money is worthless to me, but Your attitude makes me very angry. For a young man like you, what you like most is to look down on people. Since that is the case, then I will not let you go out. "

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he raised his foot and stepped on it fiercely. Li Zhankui's already injured leg made a crisp sound, but Li Zhankui couldn't scream in pain.

Ji Feng knew that Li Zhankui's leg would never get better.

He looked at Li Zhankui coldly, then withdrew his eyes, and left him without looking back, leaving Li Zhankui with his life, but took away his leg.

After Ji Feng left, Li Zhankui couldn't bear it any longer. He took out his mobile phone and called his father: "Dad is bullying me. I'm really not his opponent. Come and pick me up!"

Li Zhankui was rushed to the hospital, but even if it was an operation, the doctor said that his leg was damaged so badly that he could only be amputated.

Li Zhankui's father, Li Batian, said that his son's leg was broken and he would be amputated.

But the doctor also said that he really can't keep this leg. If he doesn't make a decision, it will be even more troublesome if it hinders the best time for amputation.

In the end, Li Batian had no choice but to sign and let the doctors operate.

After Li Zhankui, who had undergone the operation, was pushed out, his anesthesia had not yet passed, but his mind was full of that hateful Ji Feng. When he woke up the next day and found out that his leg had been amputated, he looked at him. Seeing that his legs were empty, he burst into tears at the moment. Li Batian had to comfort Li Zhankui and said, "My dear son, there is nothing I can do. The doctor said that if you don't amputate your limbs, it may endanger your life."

Li Zhankui wiped his tears, his eyes were terrifying, and he said to his father: "Dad! You must be the master for me, Ji Feng, I don't know what happened, and injured Dongtian Ichiro and him. He also broke one of my legs, thanks to him, I am disabled now, but I can't swallow this breath!"

Li Batian naturally understands that Li Zhankui has offended people, because the doctor also said that his leg was broken by a heavy object, and Li Zhankui called last night and said that his leg was trampled and broken. Someone has such strength, so that guy must be a trainer.

Li Batian gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, our Li family is also one of the five heroes in Jiangcheng City. How can we let others run up to us and run wild, don't worry, I will definitely find out that guy and teach him a lesson. of!"

Li Zhankui said: "Not only to teach a lesson, but also to let him break a leg like me, otherwise I won't be able to swallow this breath!"

At this moment, Li Batian's younger brother said, "Master, I do know that there is a country doctor who is very powerful. What he is best at is the art of moving flowers and connecting trees. Maybe the young master's leg can be saved."

Li Batian hurriedly said to his younger brother: "If you can help me find this country **** to heal my son's leg, then you will not have to worry about your prosperity in the future, no matter how much money the other party pays, it will be fine as long as he If I can cure my son, I am willing to give it!"

The other party nodded, and soon contacted the country doctor.

This rural genius doctor is called Huang Banxian by others, and Huang Banxian looks immortal. After he came to the hospital, he looked at Li Zhankui's leg, he sighed and said, "It's a pity to have to amputate at such a young age, but you can still have this leg attached."

Li Batian hurriedly asked, and Huang Banxian said, "Huang Banxian, how should I pick it up?"

Huang Banxian said mysteriously: "My son's original leg is naturally unusable. What can be used is someone else's leg. We must find a suitable one. I can help you find it, but you have to give me the benefits."

Li Batian nodded hurriedly and promised, "Don't worry, I will give you a lot of rewards."

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