Huang Banxian also nodded very readily. Huang Banxian pointed out directly that if he wanted to save his son's leg, he had to find someone who could match the leg, and this person had to be strong.

"It's better for this man to have some martial arts, so that his muscles are elastic, and it will be much easier to connect your son's leg."

Li Batian frowned. Although he did not understand medical skills, would the method mentioned by Huang Banxian work? It seems that medical skills are not so developed now. Even if it is a heart transplant or other organ transplant, there is still rejection. Is it really possible to use someone else's leg?

Huang Banxian also saw that Li Batian was hesitating. He said to Li Batian, "Mr. Li, I know you are worried, but you must believe me. You see, this is a successful case."

Huang Banxian said, took out a thick stack of documents from his briefcase and showed it to Sunday. After reading it on Sunday, he made a final decision and said, "Okay! It really works! Since that's the case, I'll go right away. Find someone."

After Li Zhankui knew that his leg was saved, he immediately grabbed his father and said, "Dad! You don't have to go to anyone else, I think that Ji Feng's leg that hurt me is very good! This guy's ability is excellent. , and the martial arts are strong! I want his legs!"

No matter what, Li Zhankui couldn't take this breath. He had to teach Ji Feng the lesson he deserved. Ji Feng caused him to lose a leg, so he would let Ji Feng also lose a leg in order to vent his hatred.

Moreover, Li Zhankui told his father very clearly that he was going to arrest someone and watch his legs become his own. He couldn't kill him, because he wanted to make Ji Feng's life worse than death!

Li Batian nodded and said, "You're right! This guy called Ji Feng made you lose a leg. As your father, how can I watch my son suffer humiliation? In this way, then I will immediately summon the masters of the sect to meet this Ji Feng for a while!"

Although Higashida Ichiro is very powerful, Higashida Ichiro is just a talent he uses to train his bodyguards, and he has more powerful people on hand!

Li Batian immediately took out his mobile phone and instructed them to call back the most powerful people in the gang. In addition, Li Batian also specially asked people to investigate the place to see what this guy was from!

Li Batian's investigation quickly caught Brother Eagle's attention.

Brother Eagle frowned when he saw that the people of the Li family were so abnormal, and immediately sent someone to follow up the investigation. Only then did he realize that the person the Li family wanted to investigate was their eldest brother Ji Feng.

Brother Eagle is naturally a little scared. The Li family is one of the five heroes in Jiangcheng City, and their strength is not bad. It is the object that must not be provoked. If you provoked them, you may be provoked!

Brother Eagle immediately found Ji Feng and reported it. After hearing this, Ji Feng had a smile on his face, and he told Brother Eagle: "I know, because the eldest young master of the Li family, Li Zhankui, My leg was broken by me, and it should have been amputated."

When Brother Eagle heard Ji Feng say this, the whole person was stunned, his face was pale, and he asked again tremblingly: "Mr. Ji, you are not joking, that's Li Zhankui, you broke his leg, he Dad Li Batian won't let us go."

Ji Feng put down the phone and said to Brother Eagle seriously: "I don't commit crimes if people don't offend me, but they bullied me on the head. You say I won't fight back, does that make sense?"

Brother Eagle licked his dry lips and said, "This..."

Ji Feng added: "You don't have to worry so much, I caused this matter, so I will take responsibility, but I also want to tell you that those who do big things are not careful, they have been here for so long, and they will hold you down. Underneath, can't you swallow this breath?"

Ji Feng's remarks really woke Brother Eagle, Brother Eagle really couldn't take this breath, he thought about how long he had been suppressed in Jiangcheng City, Brother Eagle naturally wanted to stand out, but his Although the means are powerful, no one else has deep roots, so he is always bullied. If it weren't for the location problem, and the other four heroes were not in harmony, otherwise he would have been annexed long ago.

Brother Eagle also knows that Ji Feng is not a simple person. Since Ji Feng said so, then he doesn't grasp it, and the opportunity is too stupid. Brother Eagle immediately nodded and said solemnly: "Mr. Ji! I understand! "

Ji Feng nodded and said, "It would be great if you could understand. Aren't they investigating me now? I want you to release the news yourself, just say I'm Jiang Bin's new boss."

Brother Eagle nodded immediately and said, "No problem, Mr. Ji, don't worry, no matter how many people they come, I will let them go without food!"

It didn't take long for Li Batian to learn about Ji Feng's information.

"He turned out to be Jiang Bin's new boss."

Li Batian laughed and said, "I really didn't know that Jiang Bin had such a powerful character. Since that's the case, let's go meet them for a while!"

Li Batian knew that Jiangbin's big boss was Brother Eagle. He wanted to annex Jiangbin's land not long ago, but because Brother Eagle was there and others were eyeing him, Li Batian didn't succeed, but now he But there were legitimate reasons to attack them, and at this time the experts invited by Li Batian also arrived.

Li Batian told the masters he had invited that they were going to Night Rose to fight Ji Feng tonight!

Ji Feng also said to Brother Eagle and the others: "The news has been released, Li Batian should come to the door soon, be careful, they are likely to come to Ye Rose tonight. I will be there tonight. Ye Rose will go to the town, if there is any trouble, let the brothers not confront them in person, and let him come to me directly, you know."

Brother Eagle frowned and said, "But if that's the case, isn't Mr. Ji passive?"

Brother Eagle planned to lead his subordinates to weaken Li Batian's ability there first, but Ji Feng said: "His subordinates are quite powerful, I fought with the master of the Taekwondo gym under his subordinate named Ichiro Dongtian. He's not my opponent, but it's more than enough to deal with you."

Brother Eagle's face couldn't hang, he coughed and said, "Mr. Ji, I'm too embarrassed, I should improve my ability!"

Ji Feng said with a smile: "It has nothing to do with you, because the opponent is really powerful, and it is normal for you to fail, so don't let the brothers go to save them from getting hurt."

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