"I also buy small ones."

Ji Feng smiled slightly, the dealer and Qian Meimei glanced at each other, then opened the dice cup, "One, two, two, small."

"Ji Feng, you are lucky! But you won't have such luck next time."

Qian Meimei sneered, and then continued to look at the shaking dice cup.

"This time I'll buy a big one."

The dealer slowly opened the dice cup, and sure enough, there were five or six in it, which was indeed big.

"How does it feel so stressful? After all, I've already won twice. Maybe you can guess right next time."

Qian Meimei deliberately wanted to put pressure on Ji Feng, but Ji Feng didn't care, he seemed very confident.

The dealer shook the dice cup in her hand, and she steadily dropped the dice cup down again.

"It's still small."

Ji Feng ordered a table.

The corners of Qian Meimei's mouth curled slightly. They made him guess that they did it on purpose for the first time, but now he doesn't have such good luck. If he loses, he loses. Anyway, as long as he loses, he will lose him. 's little life!

The dealer opened the dice cup, "Sorry, Mr. Ji, this one is big."

"Oh? That's really not a coincidence. I didn't expect that I would guess wrong."

Ji Feng raised his brows and said so lightly.

"Hmph, don't think you will have any good luck, I think you are like a death star, if you lose this one again, then you will be obedient to eat the gun!"

When Qian Haoming said this, his expression proved that he was looking at the gun on the table, and he wished to grab the gun now and feed Ji Feng the gun.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Ji Feng smiled coldly, Qian Haoming was so angry at the moment, where did this guy come from to say such a thing?

Maybe he was just dying!

The corners of Qian Meimei's mouth curved slightly, she only needed this one to win, then even if Ji Feng couldn't open the one, everyone would know who wins and who loses! The dealer was originally with them, and of course he knew how to do it. After all, the dealer she invited today is the king of a thousand kings!

Her way of getting old can be said to be unfathomable. Even a person with deep qualifications may not be able to detect it, let alone Ji Feng. How could someone like Ji Feng be able to identify whether others are old? What about thousand?

Qian Meimei was full of confidence, "I'll buy this one!"

At the moment when the other party slowly opened his head, Ji Feng tapped the desktop lightly.

At that moment, the dealer seemed to notice something, and she stared at Ji Feng for a moment.

"What's wrong? Why don't you open it?"

Ji Feng asked with a smile.

It's not easy for the dealer to play tricks now, because the dice have been seen!

"I think about it, the reason why you don't open it is because you lost Qian Meimei, right?"

"Bah! How could I possibly lose! Open it up and show him!"

Qian Meimei was so angry that she immediately slapped the table fiercely. The dealer was now in a dilemma, not knowing whether to open the dice cup or not.

"You don't need to delay any longer. The longer you delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for you."

Ji Feng grinned, "Don't think I don't know, what have you done, you are from Qian Meimei, you have a thousand skills, just shake the numbers in your head just as you thought. , you can shake it into any number you want, am I right?"

"Ji Feng, don't talk nonsense and interfere with this game!"

Qian Meimei didn't expect Ji Feng to guess it, her heart jumped up and down in an instant, and they were likely to lose if it went on like this!

She can't let this happen!

"Is it interfering with the game, let him open the dice cup to know?"


Qian Meimei clenched her fists, knowing that the reason why people who knew her were so hesitant was because they were seen through...

So it doesn't matter if this game is tied. Anyway, he only lost one game in three games. If Ji Feng loses two games, he still loses!

The dealer slowly raised his hand, and sure enough, Qian Meimei lost this round.

"That doesn't matter, anyway, gambling is all about luck. It's your turn! Don't blame my dealer for no reason! This game is fair and just, if you think my dealer has moved Hands and feet, then you can find evidence, but don't smear people's innocence!"

Ji Feng smiled, "Okay, the last one is to shake me... For the sake of fairness, why don't you shake it?"

Qian Meimei was stunned for a moment. She didn't know anything about Qianshu. If this dice cup left the dealer's hand, then winning or losing could only be random...

"You seem a little hesitant, are you worried that you will lose to me?"

"What an international joke, you have won one hand and lost one hand, and if you lose this one, then you will lose, and even if you win, we are just tied!"

Qian Meimei shook the dice cup in her hand as she spoke, "Buy big, buy small, buy and leave!"

Although she owns this casino, she doesn't know anything about gambling, but Qian Meimei has the means. She can hire a lot of people to serve her, just like the current dealer.

She was very skilled, but Qian Meimei dug her out from another field.

Ji Feng glanced at it, and then said, "Buy this one big."

Qian Meimei opened her head reluctantly, and sure enough, this one is really big, and the two of them are currently tied.

Damn, if Ji Feng didn't notice it, then she wouldn't have to lose.

Seeing this, Qian Haoming was a little anxious at the moment, "Second sister! Give me some strength!"

"Shut your mouth, do you think I don't know?"

If she could defeat Ji Feng just now, she would have already done it, and would it be Qian Haoming's turn to make irresponsible remarks here?

Qian Haoming is still relying on his second sister for help, so he has to shut his mouth embarrassingly, but he still looks at it eagerly, hoping that Meimei will get the hateful Ji Feng before this game.

"Since it's a tie, let's gamble again!"

How could Qian Meimei just let Ji Feng go, she must win Ji Feng!

"It's okay to bet one more time. After all, we always have to decide the winner, but we were tied just now, so it's not interesting to bet on the dice cup again."

Ji Feng rolled his eyes, then pointed to the revolver on the table, "This revolver can hold six bullets in total, why don't we remove all the other bullets and leave only one to see who is that? Lucky."

Qian Meimei's face turned pale in an instant, this is a life gamble!

"What? Don't the former second miss dare to gamble with me? That's okay, since you don't gamble, you can let your brother come."

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