If she bet on the ones just now, she can still let the dealer make money, but now the pistol is blocked, how can she control the bullets in the pistol?

This guy Ji Feng is just playing his life!

"Who dares not bet, I tell you, I bet with you!"

"The third young master is really refreshing. Since you want to bet with me, then I will accompany you to the end."

As Ji Feng spoke, he picked up the pistol on the table, and then took out all the bullets in the revolver, leaving only one.

I saw Ji Feng spinning the magazine of the revolver and making a clicking sound, and then he pointed the gun at Qian Haoming.

The moment Qian Haoming was pointed by the pistol, he felt his body tremble. The probability of 1 in 6 was actually very high. Maybe he would be pointed at by the loaded pistol now!

Qian Haoming swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty. He didn't feel that terrible just now, but now that he was really pointed at by a gun, Qian Haoming felt that it was not very good.

"You're scared, give me the first bullet. Come on, shoot."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he handed the pistol over. Qian Haoming took the pistol tremblingly, and then thought to himself, since this is the case, then he is welcome. The person is Ji Feng!

Thinking of this, Qian Haoming had courage.

"Ji Feng, don't say I didn't give you a chance. If this one really has bullets, then you can only go to see Hades! But now you kneel down and beg me, and I may be able to spare your life!"

"It's all at this juncture, don't you dare to shoot? If that's the case, why don't I shoot it for you?"

Ji Feng was not afraid at all, it seemed that the old **** was there.

"Humph! Since someone is rushing to die, I will definitely not stay! If you die in a while, don't come to me if you are a ghost!"

Qian Haoming licked his dry lips, then pointed at Ji Feng tremblingly, "I'm going to shoot!"

"Then you're open. What are you talking about?"

Ji Feng raised his chin and immediately focused on the revolver in Qian Haoming's hand.

Although Qian Haoming shouted and killed all day long, it was the first time that he actually pointed a gun at someone.

Qian Haoming was a little scared in his heart, but he thought that after all, they were the family of the Demon City, and even if he killed the person in front of him, no one would hold him accountable!

Qian Haoming thought so and pulled the trigger, but he didn't expect the expected gunshot to sound.

"Looks like there's no bullets left."

Ji Feng didn't even mean to dodge, he stretched out his hand towards Qian Haoming with a murderous look in his eyes, "It's my turn next."

This time, Qian Haoming was really scared to the point where his calf became weak, and now there is only a one-fifth chance left!

Qian Haoming's hand holding the pistol was sweating. He hesitated, not knowing if he should hand the gun over.

"What? Feeling scared?"

"Who is afraid! Here you are!"

Qian Haoming can't stand other people's aggressive tactics the most. When Ji Feng said this, Qian Haoming was immediately angry. He handed the revolver over, "Come on, shoot me in the head!"

Ji Feng raised his hand, facing the front and back, and now his whole body was shaking. Ji Feng looked at his slightly distorted face and couldn't help but chuckled.


Ji Feng fired, but in fact there was no smoke. He just deliberately simulated the sound of gunshots to frighten Qian Haoming.

Sure enough, when Qian Haoming heard the gunshots, he was so frightened that he was a bastard. He hurriedly fell to the ground and covered his head, shouting loudly, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

When Ji Feng saw this scene, he only felt extra joy.

"You are not dead."

Ji Feng shook the gun in his hand. Although he was just trying to frighten Qian Haoming, Qian Haoming was really scared. Bu Xing had already peeed his pants.

"You! You bastard, I will never spare you!"

Qian Haoming hurriedly got up from the ground, but his pants were already wet, and an unpleasant smell of urine permeated.

"Hey, you can't blame me for this. You feel scared. Come on, there are four chances left, and I don't know who among us will be so lucky."

Qian Haoming was startled, and his heart was already beating a little. He didn't know where the bullet of the gun was, and he couldn't see it.

But now he has the dominance, so as long as he fires this shot, he will know whether the other party will be shot or not!

But if he's really that lucky, there's only a one-third chance left!

Qian Haoming couldn't grasp his one-third chance, whether he could get the shot without the bullet!

"You don't have to grind anymore, it's a waste of everyone's time, and you know everyone's time is precious."

Qian Haoming raised the gun in his hand and pulled the trigger, but he didn't expect that there would be no bullets this time.

Ji Feng looked at Qian Haoming so frightened that his face was pale. He immediately took the pistol and raised his hand to face Qian Haoming. This time, he didn't say hello and just pulled the trigger!

Qian Haoming was taken aback, his knees softened, and he actually knelt down again. He was embarrassed twice in a row. Qian Haoming only felt that there was no face left and looked at Qian Meimei and quickly gave his brother a wink. Of course they won't die, because they never thought about letting Ji Feng win!

Otherwise, Qian Meimei would not be able to invite a skilled dealer to preside over their games.

There are only two bullets left now, and now the dominance is in the hands of Qian Haoming. Qian Haoming can completely kill people with two shots. Anyway, no one will care if he dies!

Qian Haoming saw that his sister had colored him, and he nodded immediately. He raised his pistol and grinned, "We still have one chance left, are you scared now?"

"No, I don't feel scared at all, because I'm the outlaw you call it. You can just shoot. If you die, it's mine. If you don't, it's yours."

"What a desperado, then I'll show you what it means to be awesome!"

Qian Haoming said that he pulled the trigger, but this time there was still no bullet, Qian Haoming's heart trembled!

"There is a one-sixth chance of being able to select you. It seems that you are still very lucky. Do you need me to do it next? Or do you do it yourself?"

"Stinky boy, how could I let you kill me!"

As Qian Haoming said that, he pulled the trigger again. He gritted his teeth and wanted to kill Ji Feng!

But what I never expected was that the last bullet did not sound a gunshot!

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