Then, the underground trading market was precisely sniped one by one.

As the scandal of Boss Wu was exposed, after he smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away, all the industries at hand were in a state of no one to manage, and one or two of these small leaders were also leaderless.

In order to avoid unnecessary losses, the superior urgently dispatched other people in the organization to come.

But who knew that all these trading markets were under Ji Feng's control, Ji Feng immediately contacted the police, and the police went immediately because of the clues provided by Ji Feng.

These people thought that their underground trading market would not be discovered, but they didn't expect that they had already exposed the underground organizations under the magic capital to break them down, and they had fallen for more than half of them in an instant.

By the time the superiors found out that they wanted to retreat, it was too late.

This time, the painful and heavy loss sounded the alarm for them. They thought that as usual, as long as their means were good, then the other side would surrender to them no matter who they were.

But they didn't expect that such a number one person would appear for no reason. This guy looked unremarkable and very ordinary, but they didn't expect the means to be so amazing!

Yesterday, Ji Feng was still at a disadvantage, the resources on hand had been controlled, and the people around him were also threatened, and no one could help him at all!

But even in such a situation, he was able to reverse the two poles. When they were complacent, he slammed them to the ground so that they had no room to turn over at all!

"Fuck! How the **** is this done!"

They don't even know where Ji Feng came from!

Ji Feng took a sip of wine in the hotel, "Xiao Gang, you can start doing business there. Those people stationed by their side should be in turmoil now. Did I arrange for you to join him in the past team?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji, everything is ready, just wait for your order, and you can perform the task immediately."

"Then let's start executing it now. They are now the grasshoppers in the autumn after the fall. I don't want my women to be wronged."

Ji Feng sneered, these guys really thought they were capable, it would be great to be able to contact the people in the Senate, but in fact he knew better than anyone that the rabble in the Senate was just relying on them Some resources at hand are particularly arrogant.

Don't those old guys want to see their own jokes? He wants to let these old guys know who is the king of the Ji family!

"Fight me? Ha!"

The underground organizations fell one by one, and the small organizations that those people arranged around Su Yu and others also fell into panic in an instant. After all, they couldn't contact the headquarters, and their headquarters was now very busy.

But before they could react, the team that Xiao Gang had arranged for them to be defeated and destroyed in an instant!

All of this happened in a flash of light, and in just three or four hours, there was such a terrifying transformation!

After the underground organization and the people over there in the Senate got the news, their eyes widened.

After drinking, Ji Feng tidied up his clothes, and then called Tang Jingbin, "You immediately ask someone to approve a horizontal line and send me back to Jinhai City. I have things to do tonight."

Tang Jingbin is also very busy right now. After all, this is their territory. Now that they have been thoroughly investigated one by one, they can be said to be very happy!

They made a lot of money in the chaos, and now these people have absorbed Boss Wu's industry, just like picking up a big bargain.

"Don't worry, Brother Ji, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Tang Jingbin immediately sent someone to the Magic Capital Hotel, took Ji Feng to the airport first, and then approved a flight route.

This time, the underground organization can be said to have suffered heavy losses. They originally stationed under the magic capital with a lot of dark lines.

These dark lines provide a lot of money for their underground organization.

But now, because of Ji Feng's actions, all the underground organizations have been destroyed!

And the leaders far away in the imperial capital were furious when they learned of this.

"What is the origin of this guy, he has such great ability, he was originally not powerful, he is just a small soldier! Now he can do such a thing!"

"This guy must not stay!"

"Boss Wu immediately silenced him and couldn't let him live!"

It's just that now Boss Wu is under the supervision of Ji Feng.

Although Boss Wu smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away quickly, but because he came to this country suddenly, he was also subject to a lot of limitations. After he came here, he immediately arranged a hotel, and then paid attention to the domestic situation. events have fermented.

Boss Wu couldn't help licking his dry lips, and his heart was trembling at this moment.

Boss Wu didn't expect that this matter would go this way, but now it seems that he can't help but beat the drums in his heart, and if he continues like this, I'm afraid he will only have a dead end.

Boss Wu took a deep breath. This underground line has always been very hidden. The police have been investigating for so long, but they couldn't find any clues, but I didn't expect Ji Feng to take the whole The underground dark line of the magic capital has been sniped!

It was only now that Boss Wu realized that something was wrong, they may have encountered a formidable opponent!

At this time, Ji Feng returned to Ji's house.

"Long time no see, son, you seem to have matured a lot!"

Ji Zhan and Xia Ling couldn't help laughing when they saw their son coming back. Their son seemed to be a lot more handsome!

Ji Feng saw a gentle smile on his parents' faces, "After all, I've been scrambling outside for so long, of course I need to be more mature, father and mother, I want to hold a meeting of the Senate tonight."

"There is a meeting at this juncture, I'm afraid those old guys are going to be scared to death?"

Ji Zhan said this with some schadenfreude.

"That group of guys deserved it. They thought it was easy for our Xiaofeng to handle it, but I didn't expect it!"

Xia Ling nodded proudly, but then she became a little worried, "But after this meeting tonight, you may face resistance from the entire Senate."

"What does it matter? For me, it doesn't make any sense whether they resist or not, because this will eventually become my world. They are just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam. Respect them before they are called elders, no Respect them, what are they worth?"

Ji Feng sneered, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

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