The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 914: Fight against Confucianism

After the members of the Senate received the notice, a few old people were particularly angry, "What is he who wants to convene an emergency meeting of the Senate?"

"And the other party has already said that if he doesn't go, he will deprive him of his status as a veteran!"

"Damn, is it because we gave him too much power, so they think that the Ji family is the only one who is the only one! There is no our Senate! They are nothing!"

The big guys started to talk about it, and some of them were stubborn and didn't plan to go to the meeting of the Senate at all.

However, some people also have eggs in their hearts, especially those who learned about the situation in the magic capital today.

At seven o'clock in the evening, in Ji's House of Elders, there were already people from the House of Elders. They were all senior-level figures. One or two of them looked at the empty podium with complicated eyes.

At this time, Ji Zhan came to power.

Although he has entered middle age, he does not look like a middle-aged person at all, and wearing a decent suit makes him even more incompatible with these old people.

After Ji Zhan came, he glanced at it a little, and then everyone present raised their hands and said to their secretary, "Go and count, everyone who didn't come to this meeting tonight will be renamed."

"Ji Zhan! Who gave you the right to change the name of the elder?!"

"Yeah, you're so bold!"

Ji Zhan sneered, "Shut your mouth, your senate is relying on who can get this result today, don't you still know?"

"You are too arrogant, the Senate and the Ji family are complementary to each other! Does the whole family only rely on your family for dominance!"

"I'm sorry, it's really according to our family's dominance."

Ji Feng came up slowly, he looked more gentle than Ji Zhan, but he was the one who was the most difficult to get along with.

Ji Feng glanced at the people who came, "If it wasn't for our family's dominance, why did you invite my dad back in the first place?"

"Xiaoer Huangkou doesn't choose to say anything. I really don't know what to do. We called Ji Zhan back to avoid the blood of Ji's family from falling out! Is it really your fault?"

"Look at you, there's no one who can turn their faces and don't recognize people. What happened to Ji's family when they were suppressed by their peers some time ago? Did you forget this one so quickly? If it wasn't for my father's return in time, you guys Is the Senate still here? I'm afraid the entire Ji family will be destroyed."

It's only been so long, but it's been forgotten so quickly. It seems that forgetfulness is also the ability of this group of people.

"Oh! Ji Feng, don't talk nonsense!"

"I always rely on evidence to speak, instead of speaking in the vernacular like you, look at the data behind this, which one was not created by my father, and what was the Ji family's downturn like? Don't you have any points in your heart?"

Ji Feng pointed to the big screen behind him, and a set of data popped up on it, and this set of data was analyzed authoritatively.

The people in the Senate were silent for a while.

"Even if you have this set of data, what if you don't rely on the foundation of your ancestors in the end? If you don't have a foundation, no matter how much effort you make, it will be futile!"

"That's right! That's it!"

"Sometimes I find that you guys are really good guys. You talk a lot on weekdays, and you really think you are a person."

Ji Feng looked at the people below coldly, "Since you are so capable, then our Donghai Ji family will withdraw from the Senate and withdraw all previous investments."

As soon as Ji Feng's words came out, the people below were panicked, and they started talking in a row.

"You are not eligible to withdraw funds!"

"Yes! Where do you have this qualification? If you hadn't relied on our nursing home, how could you have achieved such results now!"

"That's really embarrassing, we have such a result today, but we really didn't rely on you at all! Back then, you played a good hand of cards to pieces, and then you were worried that my father would have wolf ambitions, so you irritated people early. I ran away, but in your hands, the family is not as good as the day, and now it has been trampled under the feet by others, so I remembered Ji Zhan, a business genius! Now that I have invited people back, my body has improved a little. You just want to kill the donkey?"

Ji Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "It doesn't matter, of course we will clear up our assets, and we will not give you a word, and we will return all the funds generated by the family business, one child. Nor will it be greedy.”

Ji Feng squinted his eyes, then clicked on the big screen, and the big screen immediately switched to a piece of data, "It's too much for you to deny it, so I already made the data early, do you want to take a look?"

Everyone looked up, if the Donghai Ji family quit the Senate at this time, then they would usher in a disaster, and it was precisely because of Ji Zhan that they could get a lot of connections and a lot of opportunities.

The departure of Ji Zhan and theirs will take away a large number of resources, and these resources are simply impossible for them to keep, which means that they will suffer heavy losses and return to before liberation!

"What's the matter? Didn't you say you were very happy just now? Why aren't one or two of them silent now?"

Ji Feng asked with a smile.

"You are threatening our Senate at all!"

"Am I threatening you, don't you know that?"

Ji Feng smiled coldly, "If I really wanted to threaten you, then you would have no place to stand. It was my father's intention to leave the Senate. My father said that there are many people in the Senate. We are all people of my grandfather’s generation, and we are just thinking about the old love, if not for these illusory old love, do you think you can still stand here and talk to me?”

Ji Feng's usual performance can be said to have no sense of existence. After all, after Ji Zhan returned, the senate was wholeheartedly guarding against him, while trying to get the assets he created, and at the same time being wary of whether he would have wolf ambitions.

Ji Feng thinks it's ridiculous as long as he thinks of this, they are absolutely clueless!

It's just that the people in the Senate didn't expect Ji Feng to be so capable and fierce.

"Then you mean our existence is meaningless?!"

"Since you already know, why do you have to say it and smile generously? Isn't it good to take your dividends quietly?" Ji Feng shrugged.

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