Almost everyone is flattering Mr. Ji, as if Mr. Ji is the protagonist tonight.

What Ji Feng dislikes the most is getting along with them. Seeing the hypocritical faces of these people, he feels a lack of interest. Everyone seems to have forgotten that the Ji family can come back to life by relying on his father and his mother to turn the tide.

In fact, Ji Zhan's mind is not very powerful, the most powerful is Ji Feng's mother Xia Ling.

Xia Ling's head turned very fast since she was a child. The two of them may be attracted to each other of the same sex. They only stay together because they have the same points. The two of them also regard money as dung and never regard money as something. one thing.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Zhan left the family, and he must be with Xia Ling no matter what.

This time, if people in the family hadn't come to disturb their lives every now and then, they wouldn't have gone back. In addition, Nie Feng had his own flesh and blood, and the two of them felt that they should also think about their sons, so I plan to go back to inherit the family.

But Mr. Ji was a master who didn't remember to fight. He saw his son came back and Ji's family came back to life again, and he forgot how they looked like when they fell down and scattered. It's eccentric. .

They were all talking and laughing, as if Ji Feng and his family were excluded. Those people were originally Ji Feng and his wife who came to meet the big guy tonight, but now it is not his main battlefield. .

Everyone wants the old man to pay attention to themselves, and they also know that the will is only useful if the old man has made a will that is related to them.

After Ji Zhan came back, the dominance was still in the hands of Mr. Ji, and he did so much bookkeeping. In fact, he just went to work for the old man, but Ji Zhan didn't care so much about his father. It's easy to make money.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Zhan and Xia Ling did not do anything more with them, but these people regarded them as imaginary enemies and felt that their presence here would likely affect their inheritance of the family property.

The two of them know what these people are thinking, and they don't deal with them on weekdays, but when they think that they have broken their heads and want to compete for the family property, Ji Zhan finds it funny.

Even if the family property is given to them, so what? In the end, they will not make a mess of the family business. In the end, they will not want him to take over. No matter when the capable people can take the lead, the incompetent. People, even if they hold the power, are useless.

Just when everyone was having a good time, Su Yu suddenly picked up the chopsticks and picked up the dish on the table with chopsticks.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and there was silence in the venue, and everyone was looking at Su Yu.

Su Yu didn't react until she took a bite of the dish. She raised her head and saw those people looking at her with bright eyes, as if they were going to eat her. Su Yu couldn't help frowning.

Su Yu thought about whether he wanted to spit out the dish, but since he had already eaten it, he should eat it.

Ji Feng not only wanted to laugh when he saw Su Yu like this, because Su Yu was the one who broke the rules. In a family banquet like this on weekdays, no one would move a chopstick. The leek on the table was like a set board. , Besides, in this case, everyone is trying their best to please the old man, who would really care about eating?

Su Yu was very hungry because she was pregnant with a child. Su Yu didn't eat anything tonight, so she was even more hungry now.

"Brother, I didn't expect your daughter-in-law to look very thin, but she can still eat!"

Ji Zhan's eldest brother laughed.

Ji Zhanpi smiled and drank a sip of tea and replied, "It's a blessing to be able to eat."

"But Dad hasn't moved the chopsticks yet, so your daughter-in-law will move the chopsticks first. Isn't she a little uneducated?"

Ji Zhan's second sister-in-law always looks like a master, as if she is the mistress of Ji's family.

"The table full of dishes is placed here so that no one can eat it, so what are you doing here?"

Just when the big guy said that Su Yu had no tutoring, Ji Feng picked up chopsticks, took a few pieces of meat and put it in front of Su Yu. Ji Feng was not used to this group of people, so he also Regardless of this group of people, look at yourself with strange eyes.

If it wasn't for the appointment tonight to bring Su Yu to meet with the people at home, Ji Feng would not have come here, and he would be too tired to take one more step.

Su Yu was a little overwhelmed when he looked at the food in front of him, he glanced at Ji Feng, Ji Feng nodded slightly, "I know you are hungry, just eat it, anyway, we don't need to pay for this meal, Right, old man?"

Mr. Ji laughed loudly, "It's a family from now on, you don't need to be so restrained, Su girl can eat if she wants, eat more!"

Su Yu was also completely rude. Anyway, if Ji Feng served her dishes, she would be happy.

This family banquet has been going on for so long, and no one has eaten anything at the family banquet, even drinking very little water.

The main reason is that there are a lot of people who come here. They come back every time they are full. They also know that this family banquet is set up to please the old man Ji, but their family does not care about the old man at all. .

It's just that Ji Feng and Ji Zhan have never thought about sharing dinner together at such a table, so Su Yu made a special case.

"Everyone is happy, why don't you eat? Aren't you hungry?"

After Su Yu took a few bites, everyone didn't move their chopsticks, so when he said this, everyone present frowned slightly. Only Ji Feng was very happy, and it seemed that he brought Su Yu here. That's right, he already knew that Su Yu came from his own temperament.

Except for being forced by the Su family too much before.

Su Yu's remarks made everyone present very embarrassed. They only came after eating, and of course they were not hungry.

The old man actually likes this kind of play very much. He knows that these children and grandchildren like to be filial and fawn on themselves. What he likes is this kind of hypocritical family happiness.

This will make the old man feel that he is very dignified in front of everyone.

Mr. Ji's face was a little ugly, but he still said with a smile, "Move your chopsticks and eat quickly, otherwise these dishes will be cold!"

As soon as Mr. Ji said this, the other people couldn't come forward, so they had to go back to their seats.

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