Originally, they only came when they were full, so now they had to force these foods into their stomachs.

Ji Feng didn't eat at all, he brought some dishes to Su Yu.

There was a strange silence at the dinner table. After this silence lasted for a while, the big guy started to toast hypocritically. It seemed that they were having a good time. In fact, everyone was thinking about something.

"I'm stuffed."

Although the food here is delicious, Su Yu will put down her chopsticks when she is full, and she will not let herself eat.

"Since we're full, let's go back."

Ji Feng didn't plan to stay here for long, so he took Su Yu and prepared to leave.

"Ji Feng! Do you still have a grandfather in your eyes? Are there any elders like us? Today is a banquet for the two of you. It's not appropriate for the two of you to leave like this, right?"

At this moment, Wu Yiniang suddenly opened her mouth, and his face was very ugly.

In addition to the main room, the other six are concubines.

Although they have not received a marriage certificate with Mr. Ji, the benefits given to them are not much at all.

It is precisely because of this that the six concubines will still follow the old man with all their hearts.

After all, the children of these aunts are very likely to compete for the old man's industry.

"I think it doesn't matter if we're here or not. You see, you're having a good time chatting, don't you? And no one cares about the two of us, right?"

Ji Feng shrugged his shoulders, mercilessly piercing their flattery.

"Ji Zhan! What's the matter with your child? Why do you talk like this?"

Er Yiniang glanced at Ji Zhan unhappily.

Ji Zhan was drinking beside him, and he seemed very excited when he saw them, so he waved his hand and said, "I think my son is right, this is our family's banquet, but I don't know why, You have to be shy."

As soon as Ji Zhan's words came out, the faces of several aunts became very ugly.

And Ji Zhan's half-brothers were also very unhappy at the moment and said, "Brother, what you said is wrong, how can we say that we are a family, how can this banquet be divided between you and me? Everyone? Wouldn't it be nice to reunite with the gang?"

The second brother seems to be blaming Ji Zhan.

"That's right, your son is ignorant, and you are getting old, don't you know how to measure one or two?"

Just now everyone was complimenting Mr. Ji, but now it seems that all the blame is pointing at Ji Zhan.

They looked at the two father and son, Su Yu and Xia Ling, with condemning eyes.

Su Yu finally knew why Ji Feng told himself that he couldn't eat for this banquet, and the pressure was very high.

Mr. Ji watched this scene with great interest, he didn't plan to come forward, and thought it was very interesting.

"What kind of family is this?"

Ji Zhan couldn't help sneering, "Why do you preach to me? Well, I don't admit that I have any blood relationship with you at all, please don't come and bring your relatives, it is enough for you to be able to eat at the same table with you. You've lost face, what else do you want to do?"

"Ji Zhan! You're going too far!"

"That's right!"

"Although you have made a lot of contributions to the company, you are not qualified to say such things. You will make Dad sad!"

"That's right! It's not easy for your father to give birth to you and raise you. Why do you treat your father like this?"

Ji Feng only felt very noisy when he saw this scene.

"Can you shut your mouth?"

Ji Feng glanced at everyone present, "If you can't keep your mouth shut, then I'll leave now, there's nothing to stay here anyway."

"Xiao Feng, young people should not be so selfish, the elders also have their reasons for speaking, it's not bullying your family!"

Grandpa Ji only opened his mouth at this time.

Father and son Ji Feng and Ji Zhan looked at each other and laughed softly.

When Mr. Ji saw his son and grandson laughing, he couldn't help being a little angry, "Is this something funny? Why are you laughing?"

"Our family didn't receive any kindness from you before. After leaving Ji's house, you remembered my father's kindness. No matter what, you have to call my father back, just to keep you from falling. It's getting better now, don't you think? Have you forgotten the difficult days before?"

"Ji Feng! What you said is too much! You mean that your father turned the tide and saved the entire enterprise?!"

"That's not because this is everyone's credit. How dare you take all these credits, you are too shameless!"

They were a little anxious, because they were worried that Mr. Ji would give all the property to Ji Zhan, so they worked so hard, didn't they get nothing?

Mr. Ji is also very angry. After all, he is a person with good face, and his children's things are his, and he always feels that his son is like a puppet, so when Ji Zhan left their house , Mr. Ji didn't plan to save it at all. Anyway, he has so many sons, what does it matter if one is less, one is more, one is less?

However, no matter how big their family business is, they are slowly being wiped out. These people are idle, and none of them have management skills. It is precisely because of this that Mr. Ji makes people shamelessly bring back Ji Zhan.

Now the business has really improved a lot, so Mr. Ji and his family are floating again.

Ji Zhan hated his father in his heart, because when his father deceived his mother, he secretly gave birth to so many brothers.

Even if Ji Zhan didn't plan to inherit the family business at all, this kind of betrayal goes hand in hand.

"Since you all say that we are shameless, then let's do it. After I leave Ji's family, we will never have anything to do with you again. You can see for yourself?"

Everyone was silent as soon as Ji Zhan said this, but soon they spoke again, "Leave as soon as you leave, so what? It's not you who made the company better!"

"that is!"

"Ji Zhan, you have to think about it clearly, this time I will never come back to you again."

Mr. Ji's face was very ugly, and he stared straight at Ji Zhan.

In fact, Mr. Ji and others have plans. They have found the backstage now, so they are not afraid of Ji Zhan leaving.

"I won't go back this time. It doesn't matter how you ask me in the future."

Ji Zhan shrugged his shoulders.

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