The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 954: dog jumping off the wall

Xu Lan never thought that Su Wen would refute her in front of her.

In the past, Su Wen was always taciturn, and he couldn't make a fart. Because of this, Xu Lan always called Su Wen a useless person, and it was useless to scold Su Wen.

But today Su Wen actually said such words in front of Xu Lan, Xu Lan felt very uncomfortable, but looking at Su Wen's resolute appearance, all the words stuck in Xu Lan's throat. Unable to speak.

Su Wen withdrew his eyes, and then left the Su family with heavy steps.

Although he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, when he thought about it, he had finally left the family, and he would not have to come back in the future. Although he still thought about his father, what was the use of it?

His father was partial, and he always only liked Su Ankang and his children. No matter how their family lived, the old man would not give a single word of praise, he thought it was a matter of course.

But how can there be so much in this world?

On the other side, Su Yu didn't know what decision his parents made, or what happened to the family side.

But no matter what, Su Yu was relieved.

However, she was relieved here, but the Su family suffered a lot.

The Su family could only dissolve the company urgently and collect all the funds that could be collected in the company, but even in this situation, they could not repay the huge debt.

They still owe a lot of debt, and now the creditor comes to collect the debt every day, and the old man is overwhelmed, so he has to close the door all day long.

At that time, the company that Su Ankang and Su Chao took over, so the creditors also recognized the two of them, so they guarded their father and son and their family every day.

Su Ankang and Su Chao were tortured so badly that they had to stay at home every day, but they couldn't even stay at home, because the bank came and confiscated their fixed assets.

The family could only be reduced to renting a house, but they had not been renting for a long time, and another creditor came to the door.

"You have money to rent a house, but you don't have the money to pay us back?"

But it's only a few dollars to rent a house, so it's useless for Su Ankang and Su Chao to justify, because the other party doesn't listen to them at all.

Su Ankang and Su Chao's father and son were beaten, and it would be impossible for the two of them to continue like this together.

"Your two sisters can't catch a golden turtle son-in-law. Now everyone hears the situation in our family, and it's as if they heard something terrible."

Su Ankang exhaled slowly, not knowing what to do.

"Let's run, let's not be in Donghai City! As long as we're not here, the creditors won't be able to find us!"

"But we don't have any money, we don't have a cent. Even if we go to another city, how will we survive?"

Su Ankang frowned and asked, Su Chao had been forced to turn red, he clenched his fists and glanced at Su Ankang, "We don't have money, but others have money!"

"Other people's money is not ours, brother! You don't even think about how much we borrowed from others. Those people didn't lend us a penny, and now our reputation is ruined!"

Su Bingqing and Su Yujie both sighed, both of them were right.

"Those people won't lend us money, but aren't there still people who can lend us money? Think about it!"

The two sisters glanced at each other and shook their heads in confusion. They really didn't know who else would lend so generously to borrow money.

"Did you want to hit Su Yu's idea?" As the so-called know son Mo Ruofu, Su Ankang immediately guessed what Su Chao was thinking.

"Although Ji's family has collapsed, Ji Feng's industry has no impact at all. All of this is their family's fault. Their family is so rich, why can't they give us something to tide over?"

Su Ankang squinted, "I think you're right, you can do this, but..."

"Don't hesitate any more, we have to make a decision, and if we are so indecisive, then we won't get anything!"

Su Chao and Su Ankang glanced at each other, they thought about it in their hearts, then nodded, and the family discussed it.

The two sisters were still a little timid, and felt that doing such a thing was a bit unreasonable.

"What's the harm, don't you forget who did it for us to get to where we are now?"

"But to kidnap Su Yu... It sounds a bit scary, will we go to jail then?"

Both Su Bingqing and Su Yujie were a little worried.

"The two of you are simply the kindness of women. You have come to such a dead end for what you think about so much. Now the most important thing is to make money!"

Su Chao's eyes were red, "Have you forgotten how those creditors came to collect debts? They will intensify their efforts in the future. If we can't repay our debts, then they will most likely drag us to sell offal and call you to a nightclub. Go, do you want to live like this?"

Su Bingqing and Su Yujie were taken aback. When they thought of going to a nightclub to accompany guests, they suddenly became anxious.

"Since it's been confirmed, let's think about what we can do to get Su Yu to take the bait!"

After all, it was an acquaintance who committed the crime, so it was still very easy.

One day, Su Yu received a call from Su Yujie.

"Su Yu, I'm really desperate. Those people forced me into a small alley. Now I can't run away. I'm so scared. Can you come and pick me up?"

Su Yu didn't intend to take care of this, but Su Yujie on the other side was crying so hard that it sounded too miserable.

Su Yu's heart softened when she thought that they were all family after all. Although she had severed ties with the family that day, but...

"Where are you?"

"I sent a location to your mobile phone, follow the location to find me, I'm so scared, please hurry up!"

Su Yu had no choice but to sigh, went downstairs to get the car, and drove to the location that Su Yujie sent was a somewhat remote alley.

Su Yu never thought that Su Ankang and Su Chao would come up with such a crazy plan.

As soon as Su Yu arrived at the alley, he got out of the car and looked for Su Yujie's whereabouts.

At this moment, someone appeared silently from behind, and before Su Yu could even react, he had already passed out by covering his mouth and nose.

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