When she woke up again, she found herself in a dark basement, where is this place? Su Yu didn't know at all.

She frowned drowsily when a man walked in. The man had a mask on his face, was wearing inappropriate clothes, and spoke in a strange voice.

"Su Yu, how do you feel?"

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me?"

"Of course it's your creditor. Your family owes me so much money, and you haven't paid a cent. What? It seems that you don't want to pay it back?"

Su Yu shook his head, "I don't owe you money. The one who owes you money is the Su family. What does it have to do with me?"

"You don't have to deny it, aren't you part of the Su family? They owe me the money they can't repay, so they can only use you for surgery. You still look rich, don't you?"

The other party laughed, Su Yu bit his lip, "What the **** do you want to do?"

"What I want is very simple. Your family owes me 50 million! Return the money to me, then I will let you go. If you don't have the money, I will never let you leave! You can decide for yourself. Bar!"

After the other party said this, he turned around and left, no matter what Su Yu said, he did not stop.

He went upstairs and closed the door tightly, and after making sure that no sound could be seen, he took off the mask and voice changer on his face.

Su Bingqing immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it? Does she recognize you?"

Su Chao shook his head, "She didn't recognize me. I said I was the creditor of the Su family, and she seemed to believe it."

Only then did Su Yujie let out a sigh of relief, "That's the best way, when will she give the money?"

"I don't know, I'll ask later. It's important that she is a child in a pregnant woman's belly. She can't be hungry. After a while, she will definitely be unable to bear it."

Su Chao licked his dry lips. They rented such a house in the suburbs. There is a basement here. It's all planned.

Although Su Yujie and Su Bingqing were a little uneasy in their hearts, poverty had overcome their reason, and what they wanted more was money.

Su Yu didn't know how long she had been there. After having a child, her stomach was really easy to get hungry. She was a little dizzy now, and was tied tightly to the chair, unable to move.

At this time, the masked Su Chao appeared in front of Su Yu again, "I think you are pregnant, do you want your child to starve with you?"

"I don't have that much money..."

"You don't have that much money, how is that possible? Don't think I haven't investigated that you have a company on hand! I advise you to return the money to us immediately, otherwise I won't be able to let you go!"

Su Yu really didn't have that many liquid assets on hand, but she had to get out. Su Yu licked her dry lips and said, "Although I don't have that much money, but my husband has it, why don't you let me and my husband? Get in touch and I'll ask my husband to prepare the money."

Ji Feng?

Su Chao rolled his eyes, "Stinky girls, are you trying to play tricks? Let me tell you, since your family owes me money, you have to repay the debt, which is only right and proper! Even if it is you If you want to play tricks, you can't!"

"I don't mean to play tricks, I just really don't have that much money. My husband does have it on hand, and if you don't let me contact others, how can I prepare money for you in advance?"

Su Yu said it very seriously, it didn't seem like he was lying at all, Su Chao weighed it at this time, and then said gruffly: "Okay! I'll give you this chance! But don't play anything. Fantasia, the lives of you and your child are in my hands, if you dare not come, I will let you have an abortion!"

Su Yu was taken aback. She didn't expect that the masked man had such a vicious heart, and even threatened her unborn child!

Su Yu couldn't bet, so he nodded.

Su Chao took Su Yu's mobile phone and dialed Ji Feng's number.

At this time, Ji Feng had already arrived at the airport and was about to board the plane. He was about to turn off his mobile phone, but he didn't expect Su Yu to call. He answered the phone and asked, "Su Yu? What's the matter? "

Su Yu slowly exhaled, and then said, "Can you help me prepare fifty million? I have a project to discuss."

Ji Feng had no doubts, but this was the first time Su Yu asked himself for money, which was indeed a bit new.

"Am I directly crediting your bank card? Or do I go through the company's flow?"

Su Chao was a little excited, he immediately patted Su Yu's hand and motioned Su Yu to transfer the money to her private account.

Su Yu said: "Directly transfer to my private account."

"I will have someone prepare it in a while, and it will be done within today."

After finishing speaking, Ji Feng was about to hang up. After all, the way two people get along has always been like this, but Ji Feng didn't expect to hear Su Yu say something very abnormal, "Thank you, husband. I love you."

After finishing speaking, the other party hung up the phone. Ji Feng felt a little strange when he saw the hung up call, because Su Yu would never tell him the words "husband and I love you". The reason why two people got married, All because of a paper contract.

Moreover, with Su Yu's character, he wouldn't say these words at all, especially her husband.

A cold and arrogant woman like Su Yu would not admit that she was her husband at all.

It was a fantasy to hear her say these words, but this time she actually expressed her gratitude and said such disgusting love words again.

"Mr. Ji can already start boarding."

At this time, the assistant mentioned this from the side.

Ji Feng shook his head, "Cancel this flight, I still have things to do."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he immediately rushed to the company to look for Su Yu.

But Su Yu was not in the company, and he asked around to find out that Su Yu was out today.

Su Yu's car is equipped by himself, so it has a locator.

Ji Feng directly looked for the location of the car and found that the car was in the suburbs. How could Su Yu go to the suburbs alone?

She is already pregnant with a child, and it is even more impossible for her to go out alone.

It was very strange that Su Yu asked him for 50 million just now, but he still smuggled into a personal account.

In addition, what Su Yu said at the end was very strange.

Ji Feng narrowed his eyes, then called Lu Guangjun, "Brother Jun, I want you to do me a favor."

"Brother Ji, let's not say whether we can help or not, just say it!"

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