The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 972: Go to Wuya Mountain

The fabric feels very comfortable to the touch, and they must have spent a lot of money.

Although Ji Feng felt very moved, he didn't like spending money on girls, so he still waited for him to find an opportunity to return the money to them later.

Murong Xiaoxiao said a little shyly, "Ji Feng, put on your clothes first. Let's go back and put our things away. After you're dressed, let's go down to eat together."

Ji Feng turned around and quickly changed his clothes. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was not alone at all in peacetime.

I have to say that the girl's eyes are pretty good.

Then Ji Feng put on his clothes and hurriedly went down to eat with the two of them. During the meal, Ji Feng told them his current thoughts.

Murong Xiaoxiao asked worriedly, "Since you have already inquired, let's set off tomorrow. After all, we have to go to Chaohai City as soon as possible. If the delay is too long, if we want to find Ma Yuanzhong again, we will harder."

"Of course I know this, don't worry, I won't waste too much time, and I have also asked, Wuya Mountain is next to Chaohai City, and we will drive there when the time comes."

Ji Feng felt that he had to do what he promised others, but it was just two more days of delay, but he was not in a hurry.

On the other hand, Ma Yuanzhong's psychology may have felt that he had escaped to a foreign country and thought he was safe.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, we can just listen to Ji Feng, the others are not important." Sun Jie felt that the atmosphere at the scene began to become subtle, and said quickly.

"Why don't you go with me? The Wuya Mountain I'm going to is very dangerous. You should stay here and wait for me to come back. I will be back in three days at most." Ji Feng thought about it and felt a little worried. talking.

"Ji Feng, let us go with you. We all came out together, so how could we leave you alone?" Murong Xiaoxiao was not happy.

Ji Feng shook his head, "Since you are not afraid of hard work, let's go together. The place we are going this time is a place that is good at Qimen Dunjia. Please pack up, and don't go out in a skirt tomorrow."

The two nodded one after another. In the remaining day, Ji Feng studied the mental method. He can't read many pages in the back of this book.

I don't know if there is something like an organ in this exercise.

However, at this time, Murong Xiaoxiao's phone rang, and after she picked it up and said a few words, her face suddenly became ugly.

"What's wrong?" Ji Feng asked curiously.

Murong Xiaoxiao showed a disheveled face, "Ji Feng, I might be able to accompany you. Now the company suddenly has a problem, and my father can't solve it at all. Now I may have to go back."

Hearing this, Ji Feng became anxious, "If you really can't solve it, go to Tang Jingbin and Mao Song, and tell them that you are my woman, and the two of them will know what to do."

"Okay." Murong Xiaoxiao nodded.

Hearing the names of these two characters and saying them from Ji Feng's mouth makes people feel very normal.

Ji Feng knew that the last time they attended the Chamber of Commerce together, because of Fang Wenyu's appearance, Murong Xiaoxiao never saw those two people at all.

Immediately, she didn't have time to think about it, and after a little tidy up, she was ready to leave.

Ji Feng grabbed Murong Xiaoxiao's hand, "Pay attention to safety on the road. When you return to the magic capital, remember to send me a message as soon as possible, don't make me worry too much."

"Okay, don't worry." After speaking, Murong Xiaoxiao left in a hurry.

She didn't know what the matter was, and even her father couldn't solve it, which made Murong Xiaoxiao worried.

On the other hand, Sun Jie became fortunate after watching Murong Xiaoxiao leave.

Now that Murong Xiaoxiao's light bulb goes away, anything that happens between her and Ji Feng will become a lot more logical.

However, when Ji Feng directly said that Murong Xiaoxiao was his woman, Sun Jie felt bitter.

When Ji Feng turned his head, he saw Sun Jie's displeasure, "Are you still jealous?"

"Of course not! Don't be bored in the house all day long. Come out with me for a walk." Sun Jie said pretending to be arrogant.

Ji Feng naturally didn't want to waste time, "Since you are so leisurely, why don't we pack up now and go to Wuya Mountain."

Hearing this, Sun Jie pouted and seemed very aggrieved.

Why can Murong Xiaoxiao take a day off when he is here, and he has to leave immediately when Murong Xiaoxiao is away?

However, although Sun Jie thought so, she still chose to be obedient.

After the two packed up, after a long journey, they finally arrived at the foot of Wuya Mountain.

"Ji Feng is only the two of us now, why don't we open a room." Sun Jie took the initiative to speak, with a shy look on her face.

Of course Ji Feng understood what she meant, since Sun Jie had said so, he was also welcome.

After entering the room, Sun Jie leaned on Ji Feng as soon as she put down her luggage.

Sun Jie bit her lip lightly, blushing slightly, with a pure and lustful feeling.

Seeing this scene, Ji Feng's mouth was dry, and he bowed his head and kissed Sun Jie.

Tianlei stirred the fire, and the two instantly rolled onto a bed.

Early the next morning, Ji Feng got up early and looked at Sun Jie, who was sleeping soundly. She worked too hard last night.

Then Ji Feng wrote a note, intending to let Sun Jie have a good rest. He planned to leave here and go to Wuya Mountain alone.

After all, the road is dangerous, and Ji Feng does not know what dangers he will encounter, so it is better to go alone.

"Sun Jie, I'll go to Wuya Mountain first. Take a good rest and wait for me to come back. I'll be back tomorrow at the latest."

After Ji Feng wrote the note she left, she felt that there was no problem and placed it on the head of the bed, and then she turned and left.

Ji Feng soon came to the foot of the mountain, looking at the towering mountains here, there was an endless forest in front of him.

Ji Feng now feels that there will be unknowns ahead, but he is not afraid at all.

Now his physical strength is not bad, and now he has built a foundation and repaired it. Ji Feng feels that Sister Ping's ingenuity can still break through.

Thinking that Ji Feng here lifted his foot and walked in, nothing happened for the first part of the journey, but suddenly Ji Feng stepped on a branch.

There was a sudden gust of wind around, and the wind suddenly made Ji Feng unable to open his eyes,

It is impossible for Ji Feng to continue to move forward in this situation. He originally wanted to wait in place until the wind stopped before continuing to move forward.

But after waiting for a long time, the gust of wind did not weaken at all, instead it became more and more violent.

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