The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 973: Qimen Dunjia Technique

Ji Feng noticed something was wrong, and quickly took out the Eye of Bole.

After identifying Bole's words with Gu Feng, he came up with the words.

"Wuhou Qimen's wind attribute formation."

"Cracking method: You need to leave the array area."

Ji Feng, who saw these words, counted them in his heart, and quickly put the Eye of Bole back.

He quickly mobilized the true qi in his dantian and started to operate, trying his best to turn this true qi into a small shield around himself.

Otherwise, in this increasingly strong wind, it would be difficult for Ji Feng to move even if he wanted to move one meter, not to mention that the range of the wind was more than ten meters.

Soon Ji Feng's wish came true, and he could strongly feel that there was a circle of infuriating energy around him.

The wind all slapped on Ji Feng's shield, and the resistance caused by the wind to him was reduced a lot. Ji Feng easily walked out of this area.

When he walked out of this area, the gust of wind behind him stopped instantly, and the branch he stepped on before returned to its original position.

Presumably that branch is the key to opening the formation.

But Ji Feng felt that as long as he came here, the rest was not important.

Ji Feng cautiously walked forward, seeing the mountains.

Suddenly, a bunch of moving vines appeared on the trees around Ji Feng.

In front of him, at a speed visible to the naked eye, a small hill was raised, and Ji Feng's path was completely blocked.

In the next moment, the vines seemed to have self-consciousness, and attacked towards Jifeng in a frenzied manner.

Ji Feng could only dodge crazily, but he was inevitably drawn to his arm by two of the vines. There were two bloodstains on his arm, and the injured area became hot.

Even though Ji Feng's body is so strong that he seldom feels pain, this is the first time Ji Feng has really felt heart-wrenching pain.

He had no choice but to dodge crazily, but at this time Ji Feng seized a gap and went straight to the blind spot of his slow vision.

All of a sudden, these vicious vines instantly became helpless, frantically searching for Ji Feng's trace.

Ji Feng, who saw this scene, couldn't help but feel relieved. Sure enough, he guessed right, their vision has blind spots just like humans.

After finally finding an opportunity, Ji Feng took out the Eye of Bole without hesitation.

"Wuhou Qimen's wood attribute - the shackles of wood!"

"Crack method: encounter soil."

Seeing this strange solution, Ji Feng felt unbelievable.

Shouldn't fire be used against vines?

However, it may be that after the Eye of Bole has been measured, he feels that Ji Feng currently does not have the ability to use fire, and he wants to talk about a compromise method.

Then Ji Feng led the vines to the small earthbag. After those vines found Ji Feng again, the attack speed seemed to be much faster than before.

When Ji Feng's mission to run vegetables was finally not caught by the vines, he came to Xiao Tubao.

The next moment, Ji Feng turned back, and those vines couldn't dodge in time, and hit the small soil bag directly.

And when the plant is attached to the soil, it becomes quiet in an instant.

Ji Feng, who saw this scene, breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Ji Feng walked up the mountain, and the rest of the journey became much easier. He went straight to the front of the mountain.

The momentum here is majestic, and Ji Feng looked down only to find that the towering sky just now was just an illusion. In fact, this is just a small hill that is not very high.

When Ji Feng was about to knock on the door, the door was suddenly opened from the inside, and an old man with gray hair came out.

However, the old man was immortal, with an amiable smile on his face, which was not at all guarded.

The old man spoke, "You are Ji Feng, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Do you know that I'm coming?" Ji Feng was shocked.

The old man explained, "That's natural. What our sect has mainly learned is the Qimen Dunjia technique, which must include calculating the future with hexagrams."

Hearing this, Ji Feng suddenly realized, "Since you know I'm coming, why don't you come to pick me up from the mountain? That way I don't have to face those formations."

The old man said, "This is naturally also a test. After all, you are the person chosen by my nephew. I will naturally test you more to see if you can come up."

"If you can go up the mountain smoothly, it proves that my dereliction of duty is not bad. If you can't even go up the mountain, you are destined to miss our sect. Even if this book can't be delivered to me, it will be fine. "

Ji Feng only felt that his head was big, and these theories were too old-fashioned.

"This is the book that the uncle in black asked me to send. I have delivered it now, and I am ready to go back." Ji Feng took the book out and said later.

The old man stopped Ji Feng, "Wait a minute, since you can come to our sect is also a kind of fate, I have a scrap page here, it should be the scrap page of the exercise in your hand."

Then the old man took out a scrap of paper from his arms, and after Ji Feng took out the practice method and compared it, he was surprised to find that it was really a scrap page of the practice method.

Since the incomplete pages of this exercise are in this world, Ji Feng will collect them all one day, and he will definitely become the first person in cultivation.

Thinking about that majestic feeling makes Ji Feng feel very cool.

Ji Feng was ecstatic, "Since that's the case, then I'm welcome, thank you old gentleman."

The old man explained, "This remnant page has been with me for many years, and I feel that the aura on your body is very similar to that of this remnant page, but I didn't expect it to be really a remnant page of your practice technique, like this If so, I will be able to repay your kindness for this trip."

"That's natural, and I actually didn't need anything in return."

After all, Ji Feng still has the space ring of the uncle in black. After all, it is two hundred square meters of space, which is enough for him.

There will be no such unexpected joy, and Ji Feng is naturally very happy.

Then Ji Feng and the old man said a few words at will, and he turned around and went down the mountain back to the place where he lived.

This is because this journey has also made Ji Feng curious about this Qimen Dunjia technique, and thinks it is very mysterious.

If Ji Feng didn't have Bole's Eye, he would definitely not be able to see the old man.

Just a few simple formations are enough to prevent some cultivators from coming forward, which makes Ji Feng very envious.

It's a pity that Ji Feng is not strong enough now, otherwise he would definitely appreciate the true charm of this Qimen Dunjia technique.

When Ji Feng returned to the room, Sun Jie was already up at this time. After seeing Ji Feng back, she jumped into his arms with excitement.

"You're finally back, don't you know? I'm worried to death!"

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