Ye Fan and Gao Yuanyuan looked at each other.

Immediately rushed outside! Leaving the camera range, Ye Fan and Gao Yuanyuan stopped their hands, but did not release their hands! Gaoyuan stared at Ye Fan, her body was slowly turning red! Ye Fan looked With Gao Yuanyuan's face very red, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"No, it's just this feeling, so exciting!"

Highland said.

"Is that so when you get married, I'll find an extra to come with you."

Ye Fan stared at the plateau and said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, don't you want to come over to grab the wedding in person when I get married and still want to find extras?"

Gao Gao looked at Ye Fan with exasperation.

"What do you think? Of course you marry me. I've already become a groom, so how can you grab it?"

Evan said.

Hearing this, Gao Yuan was stunned for a moment! Then her delicate and pretty face became even more red! Did he just say that he wanted to marry me? Is it true? He also likes me, but why didn't he tell me? Just when Gao Yuanyuan was still thinking about this, the performance was over! Interrupted Gao Yuanyuan's thoughts, and immediately finished shooting the last segment. The whole movie is over! After watching the film, Ye Fan nodded with satisfaction , The filming of the movie is not bad, although it does not feel the same as the original movie.

But changing the actors gives a different feeling.

Overall, the filming was pretty good.

So, Ye Feng said to everyone, "I announce that "You at the Same Table" has been successfully completed today!"

After the talk, the staff are all excited! The end of a movie means that they have money and time, they want to ask their girlfriends, they want to go out to play, go out to play! Reminder: three things to read favorite, recommend, share

Chapter [-] This is what you sang? (please subscribe)

After the filming is completed, the next step is to do the post-processing of the film! In this film, many of the episodes are very good, just like the song "Love", which is a memory after 80, and "You at the Same Table" This song is the music that many people like! But in this world, there are neither of these two songs. If there were, Ye Fan would not be able to shoot. All campus youth idol dramas have been tried one by one! I handed over the film to Zhang Ze and arranged for him to edit the film according to his own wishes, and he chose to start writing the two songs "Love" and "You at the Same Table" Ye Fan remembers the lyrics of the song, but he doesn't know how to write the staff, he only talks about the guitar, he has read a lot of staff, and he can understand it, but it's too difficult to memorize all those bits and pieces at once! After the lyrics were written, Ye Fan began to think, who should sing these songs! While Ye Fan was thinking, Gao Yuanyuan and Huang Bo came over! Seeing Ye Fan touching his chin, he thought Huang Bo interrupted, "Fanzi, what do you think?"

His thoughts were interrupted, and Ye Fan said to Huang Bo, "Why are you here?"

"You haven't worked in the last few days, let's come and see what you're doing!"

Huang Bo asked.

"What are you doing, see for yourself!"

Saying that, Ye Fan handed the lyrics to the two of them! Huang Bo got "You at the Same Table", and Gao Yuanyuan got "Love"! Ye Fan's writing was very messy. No new line! Gao Yuanyuan stared at the lyrics, he thought it was very well written, but she didn't know what it was used for! Curious, Gao Yuanyuan asked, "Ye Fan, what makes it sound good!"

"It's not for you to read, it's for you to sing, this is the interlude for "You at the Same Table"!"

Evan said.

"here's the lyrics"

Gao Yuanyuan looked at Ye Fan in surprise.


Evan said.

"You, when will you be able to write songs? Didn't you study directing? How about the work of screenwriting? You can even write episodes now!"

Gao Yuan couldn't believe that Ye Fan did these things, but she had to believe it! Because Ye Fan's words were known to her, and the words on the paper were written by Ye Fan himself! But, what is Ye Fan? A person with such a personality, she also knows that even when he was in college, he suddenly had a strong interest in the job of directing! But in just four years, he could not have learned so many things so thoroughly. This song ,Although Kogenhara still doesn't know how to sing, but from the lyrics, she can feel that this song is absolutely beautiful! Because the lyrics are so good, the collocation of various words is perfect! "You can't write a directing department. Can I sing? I know my own movie script the most thoroughly, so I also know very well what kind of lyrics should be matched, and about singing, don’t you forget that I have liked guitar since I was a child. It's easy for me!"

Ye Fan found a relatively reasonable reason and explained to the plateau.

"But, but!"

Just when Gao Yuanyuan didn't know how to comment on Ye Fan, Huang Bo on the side said, "Yuanyuan, don't be too bad, and look at the lyrics of this song again!"


Chapter [-] What is the big man crying (please subscribe)

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with the song you took?"

Kogenhara asked curiously.

"It's not that there is anything wrong, I can't explain it to you, you can see for yourself!"

Having said that, Huang Bo handed the lyrics in his hand to Gao Yuanyuan.

Taking the lyrics from Huang Bo's hand, Gao Yuanyuan looked at it! She was stunned when she saw the first few lyrics! Many of the contents were written almost exactly with Gaoyuan Yuan, she had a feeling, It's as if this song was written by me! After reading it, Gao Yuanyuan exhaled a long breath, then looked at Ye Fan seriously, and said, "Sing me these two songs now, I want to listen!"

"Don't worry, you can listen to it when I record it. I'm still trying to find someone to sing these two songs!"

Ye Fan said without seeing the unusual expression on Gao Yuanyuan's face.

"No, I have to listen now!"

Gao Yuanyuan stared at Ye Fan and said with an expression that could not be rejected.

Seeing the serious look of Gao Yuanyuan, Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and also figured out why Gaoyuanyuan was so determined.

So he promised, "Okay, I'll get the guitar!"

After speaking, Ye Fan went upstairs to get his guitar.

After a few minutes, he came down with the guitar! Sitting on the sofa, Ye Fan asked, "Which one do you want to listen to first?"

""You at the same table"!"

Gao Yuan didn't even think about it, and said directly.

Ye Fan nodded, then adjusted the sound effect of the guitar and started singing! "Will you remember tomorrow, will you remember the diary you wrote yesterday, will you still remember tomorrow, you used to cry the most, teachers can't remember, You who can't guess the problem, I also flipped through photos by chance, and then I remembered you at the same table, who married the sentimental you, who read your diary, who put your long hair up, who made you a wedding dress "

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