Huang Bo said in surprise.

"You want to see everything, do I have to report anything to you?"

Ye Fan looked at Huang Bo angrily and said.

"Hey, I'm really cheap, okay, what should I say to you?"

Huang Bo glared at Ye Fan from the rearview mirror angrily, and then started to drive seriously! Ye Fan wanted to say that his acting skills are not only so monotonous. , There are countless, this kind of youth idol drama is the movie that does not test the acting skills! Because of his age, he is in this position, every performance is very real, and there is no performance component at all.

Chapter [-] The Embarrassed Goddess (Subscribe)

After five days of filming, it finally came to the part in the hotel. This part was the scene that Gao Yuanyuan looked forward to the most and was a little scared at the same time! She has been following Ye Fan and Huang Bo since she was a child. She is very fond of Ye Fan. Familiar! But to talk about such intimate things, I have never done it before! And after Ye Fan made a movie, her feeling for Ye Fan changed from being a buddy to a kind of... Be careful, everything goes along His feeling, because she found out that she had fallen in love with her for so long, and she thought that the two of them could only be friends! Today's scene is a bed scene between Lin Yi and Zhou Xiaozhi at the hotel! He jumped with a thud, and Ye Fan had a hard time! He was not nervous, but a little uncomfortable. He had never been in such close contact with a girl before, and at the same time he had to pretend to do that kind of thing! Just thinking about it was exciting, no , I feel a little uncomfortable just thinking about it! The film crew only left Zhang Zhang with a few people, and all the rest were driven out by Ye Fan. Although it was fake, it was not good to be looked at by others like this! Huang Bo said a lot of good things, and repeatedly stated that he would not make trouble, just wanted to stay and see how the movie was made, but he was pushed out by Ye Fan in the end! "Are you all ready?"

Tension asked.

"no problem!"

Ye Fan said very easily.

"Okay, okay, I'm ready too! Said a little nervously.

"Okay, let's get started!"

After speaking, Zhang Li took a shot with the slate, and said, "The eighty-second scene, the first scene, start!"

Because of Gao Yuanyuan's shyness, Ye Fan pushed all the people who could be pushed out. The position of the field record was not important, so he was also kicked out!

And the job of making the decision can only be done by Zhang Li! Ye Fan and Gao Yuanyuan began to perform. This part is a very simple one. There is not a minute of time in the movie in total, but when the two face each other, Gao Gao Yuan Yuan's delicate and pretty face instantly blushed, and then hurriedly lowered his head! Ye Fan stretched out his hand to take off Gao Yuan's clothes, but just when his hand touched her, Gao Yuan couldn't help shaking! "Card!"

Zhang Li directly stopped and said, "It's definitely not possible to shoot like this, why are you so nervous about Gao Yuanyuan? Although you are both college students in the play, it is not appropriate to do these things, but you are already boyfriend and girlfriend, and you made your choice after careful consideration. Don't be so nervous!"

"I don't want to be nervous, but I can't control it!"

Gao Yuanyuan was very helpless, she originally had a feeling of admiration for Ye Fan.

She doesn't care about being touched by Ye Fan, but this is the first time the two of them have physical contact, and they are touched by Ye Fan in front of so many people! How can she not be nervous? Ye Fan is really looking at it. , The current state of Gaoyuanyuan does not look like a formally trained actor at all! There is only one possibility to cause such a situation, something has caused her to panic and lose the ability to respond independently! "Yuanyuan, you Why are you nervous, are you in a bad mood today?"

Evan asked.

Gao Yuanyuan stared at Ye Fan, she wanted to say, it's not because I'm a little embarrassed to see your face! Now you still ask me, and in front of so many people, how do you want me to answer you

Chapter [-] The face is red again (please subscribe)

Chapter [-] Start recording (for subscription)

The filming continued for a month. In the middle, Ye Fan went to the United States for a turn. In order to make the framing more realistic, there was no way to do it! Finally, there was only the last scene of the movie left to grab the marriage! Ye Fan rented a church, Came here with everyone! The two film crews started laying the track, and the actors were all in place! This scene needs to be shot twice, of course, there is a very easy one! Lin Yi's roommates in the play are all Ye Fan The students who just graduated from the film school, Guo Jingfei played the role of Li Xiao in the play, Luo Jin played the role of Wang Xiaokun, and Gong Bing had been looking for a long time and could not find a suitable candidate.

After all, this role is a standard fat house. In the end, Ye Fan can only find such a person from the Ye Group programmers, called Linger! When everyone put on suits, Gao Yuanyuan also put on a white wedding dress The moment she came out, everyone was amazed! Gao Gao was very tall and slender, wearing a white wedding dress on her body, her temperament immediately came up! Ye Fan couldn't help but take a second look! Gao Gao Seeing everyone staring at her, Yuan bowed her head a little embarrassedly.

At this time, she felt the most secure when she was with Ye Fan. When she came to Ye Fan, Gao Yuanyuan asked in a low voice, "Brother Fan, is there anything wrong with me?"

Ye Fan stared at the plateau standing next to him, and said with a smile, "Yes, it's a bit beautiful, I really want to grab a kiss!"

Hearing this, Gao Yuanyuan's delicate and pretty face instantly blushes! How can Ye Fan say that, I won't marry someone else, this generation is yours! It seems a little too active, how can a girl think like this? Forcibly press the idea in her heart and say, "Okay, don't tease me, let's start shooting!"


Ye Fan nodded, then said to the camera crew, "Check your equipment and start shooting immediately!"

Everyone agreed, and immediately adjusted their equipment. After the equipment was adjusted to the best state, everyone raised a gesture! When seeing that all types of work were ready, Ye Fan put all the extras in their places, and Gao Yuanyuan also Ready! The scene recorder walked to the camera and clapped, "The [-]st scene, the first scene, start!"

The recorder left the scene, and the sound engineer turned on the music in the church! Gao Yuan followed the actor into the church from the door, walking all the way, watching Ye Fan all the way.

When the priest on the stage looked at Gao Yuanyuan and asked, "Are you willing to marry the man in front of you and love him forever?"

After the priest finished speaking, Ye Fan held the tape recorder in his hand and turned on the switch! However, there was no sound in this section, because there was no such song in this space! After a few seconds, Ye Fan stood up and said, "I disagree!"

"Who are you, you, are you making trouble?"

Someone blocked the way.

Pushing away a few people, Ye Fan came to the front of the stage, Gao Yuanyuan reached out and slapped Ye Fan in the face, shouting, "Lin Yi, you bastard, we can't go back!"

Ye Fan was stunned, and the extras stepped forward and dragged Ye Fan out! At this moment, Ye Fan suddenly came back to his senses, with a look of unwillingness on his face, and rushed to the plateau and said, "Go back, you said love All my life!"


Chapter [-]: Going out to play? (please subscribe)

Speaking, the extras said, "Boy, don't make trouble!"

"Throw him out for me right now!"

At this time, the second film crew filmed the man who played the married husband of Gao Yuanyu, and saw him stretch out his hand and pull off his tie, throw it on the ground and say aggressively, "No one wants to go out today!"

As soon as the scene changed, the first film crew continued to shoot Ye Fan, and when he saw that he was trying so hard to get on the stage, his face turned red.

"Brothers, help me!"

Ye Fan turned around and said to several of his roommates.

The camera blurred Ye Fan and shot directly at his roommate. A few people looked at each other, and then a man who played the role of an international student said, "Brothers, come on!"

After finishing speaking, a few people stepped forward together and pushed the few people who were holding Ye Fan away, and Ye Fan also came to the plateau smoothly.

Ye Fan tidied up his clothes, then reached out to Gaoyuanyuan with a smile on his face and said, "Come with me!"

Gao Yuanyuan had tears in his eyes, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Fan and the two of them and walked out! At this time, all the extras stood up, and in order to match the atmosphere, they all looked at the two of them! And Ye Fan took Gao Gaoyuan out, This section is in slow motion, as long as they can show running movements! The people in front pushed all the people who came to the side according to the script, Ye Fan took Gao Yuanyuan in the middle, and behind him was Zhou Xiaozhi's house in the play Friends! After coming to the door, the roommates of the two in the play locked the door, Ye Fan and Gaoyuan Yuan also stood one meter away from the door, watching the group of roommates! At this time, the man who played the role of international students He turned his head to the two and said, "Let's go!"

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