"What if you were fired!"

Gong Yu said.

Yang Kai was stunned. He never thought that Gong Yu would be so heartless. In fact, the matter had nothing to do with him. All he could do was take the words and make the final decision! But now Gong Yu said that he would be fired. He, this belongs to the arrogant "Boss, it's not fair to me because of such a little thing!"

Yang Kai defended.

"Fairness is fairness. I never knew what fairness was. I said you were fired. Pack up and leave!"

Gong Yu said.

"Boss, I've been with you for so many years, there is no credit or hard work, so just walk around me once!"

Yang Kai is in his forties this year, and he was suddenly started. At his age, he really can't find any good jobs.

It's even harder to find a job like the director of iQiyi's domestic films, and he doesn't want to lose this job now! "Don't say it, I said that if you were fired, there is no room for recovery, even a contract is negotiated. If you don’t come down, let’s give young people a chance as soon as possible!”

Gong Yu waved his hand impatiently and said.

If Yang Kai was ten years younger, he would definitely pat his butt and leave. If he was twenty years younger, he would definitely have a fight with Gong Yu, or even make a move! But now he can't, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will Stay! "Boss, I'm so old, once I go out, I can't find a decent job at all, you don't remember the villain, let me go, next time if there is a contract to negotiate, I will definitely give it to you Negotiate steadily, even if I don't want the commission, the contract will be negotiated for you!"

Yang Kai said again.

"Tell me about it. Is this your attitude at work? Are you working for me? You'd better leave early!"

Gong Yu doesn't want to talk to Yang Kai anymore. He did this because many young people have come to apply for jobs recently, and their wages and salaries will be much lower than Yang Kai's! In addition, some young people are very interested in giving gifts. It is his favorite to be sophisticated, and he was worried about how to kick people, but now, Yang Kai made a mistake, and this reason is enough to kick him away!!

Chapter [-] The person in charge of iQIYI (please subscribe)

Yang Kai was angry, and now he knows that no matter how he apologizes, the other party will fire him! Since everyone has to leave, what face is left for him, so Yang Kai pointed at Gong Yu and said, " You are really a profiteer, everything depends on me, it's really only me who can't do it Now, since you don't need me, then I won't do it, sir, and it's a big deal to go to the construction site to move bricks!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Kai didn't wait for Gong Yu to speak, and turned around and left! Gong Yu was stunned in place, he never imagined that Yang Kai would dare to contradict him! As a boss, of course he knew that his subordinates were all What kind of character, someone of Yang Kai's age, who dare not say anything, he thought that even if he was fired, there would be no problem! Because Yang Kai is too old after all, he left this company, It would be too difficult to find a good job like this! But he didn't expect that when Yang Kai was about to leave, he actually scolded himself! Gong Yu stared at the locked up man with a bad expression on his face. At the office door, he muttered, "Hmph, even if you can speak ruthlessly, what can you do? If you can find a good job, I'll commute upside down every day from now on!"

Yang Kai returned to his office, packed his personal belongings, and went downstairs! At the downstairs gate, Yang Kai was stopped by the door and had to search his luggage. Of course, this was arranged by Gong Yu! , which further deepened Gong Yu's anger! Discard personal belongings in front of everyone's eyes! Yang Kai turned to look at the place where he had worked for more than ten years! "Gong Yu, since you are not benevolent, it is not injustice!"

Yang Kai already has a destination to apply for! That is the TV series of Tencent Video Network, even if it is a variety show, he will compete with the other party! Yang Kai left, he did not go home, a man of this age, the children in the family are adults When it’s time to spend money, if the family knows that he has been expelled, I really don’t know what kind of uproar it will bring to the family! Therefore, Yang Kai directly took his personal belongings and came to Tencent! The big boss he Of course he couldn't find it, but he could find Du Shiqiang! After all, they were doing the same job before, and Du Shiqiang was not a big leader! When he came to Du Shiqiang's office, Yang Kai asked directly, "Your company still needs people. "

"You are"

Du Shiqiang asked with some doubts.

"I'm Yang Kai, the director of domestic films on the iQiyi video site, and I'm here to apply!"

Yang Kai said.

Du Shiqiang was stunned for a moment. The person in charge of iQiyi, such a big company, has come to apply for the job.

Du Shiqiang said.

"I'm here to apply, and iQiyi fired me for no reason. So, I want to make trouble for them. It just so happens that your company is suitable!"

Yang Kai's choice brought huge income to Tencent, and also brought great help to Ye Fan, but Gong Yu didn't know it!

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-nine laughed! (please subscribe)

Ye Fan's crew has been prepared. Except for the more than [-] people he recruited, the rest are borrowed from other film companies! Because this movie is a scene from elementary school to high school and even university, Ye Fan It took a long time to arrange for Huang Bo to rent a space! I asked many schools, but they were rejected too many times. You must know that today's children are the hearts of parents! Having a good grade is something every parent wants to see! And filming a movie, if it is placed in the parents' purview, will affect their children's learning and lead to An excuse for bad grades! In the end, Ye Fan put the filming time on the [-]th long holiday. Anyway, actors only need one class of people. As for scenes that require a large number of people,

Ye Fan directly arranged for Zhang Li to take his film crew to the school to shoot the scene! On January 1st, when everyone was resting, Ye Fan's filming ceremony began! And because their first shooting scene was the school, they were not allowed to The opening ceremony was held! So, Ye Fan took the entire crew and held the opening ceremony in a newly built community of Ye's Group near the school! After the ceremony, everyone came to the school by car! It is necessary to find children, and Ye Fan is standing in front of nearly 1 people! All these people are the parents of the little actors he has recruited. Ye Fan is also very helpless.

He has said in advance that it will not cause any harm to the children, but these parents don't believe it at all! Their parents are taking advantage of the holiday time, and they are all gone! The props teacher replaced all the equipment in the class, and sometimes filming Be more rigorous! Today's school desks are too new and have more functions! It is absolutely suitable for that era. Some desks and chairs have been moved out, and old wooden desks bought from the second-hand market are closed, and the walls are also posted. Some retro wallpapers! The multimedia is intentionally hidden! After all the steps are completed, the movie is about to shoot!

All the primary school students were arranged to sit on the chairs, and five 55 actors came over! Zhou Xiaozhi was played by Zhang Zifeng in the original movie, but now Ye Fan can't find this person at all, this little guy may really be there now Go to elementary school! But Ye Fan was surprised and found Yang Zi, a child star,

Her current age is exactly 15 years old. At this age, you can say that she is a primary school student, or you can say that she is a middle school student. It is suitable to play this role! The actor Ye Fan found Zhang Yishan, and the two of them live in parallel time and space. The classic "Family with Children" is very beautiful and memorable at the same time! As for the little fat man who often bullied Zhou Xiaozhi, Ye Fan found Cao Jun. This person may not know his name just by name, but he The Nezha who played the role is as memorable as the agarwood in the lotus lantern! The actors were all in place, and Ye Fan sat outside the door and said, "It's time to start!"

The venue nodded, then came to the camera from the back door, and said, "The first scene of the fifth scene, start!"

After shooting the board, I left! The classmates who were sitting in their seats started to laugh!!

Chapter [-] is so cool (please subscribe)

The role of the teacher was played by Huang Bo. When he saw the camera started to turn, he said, "Okay, stop laughing, stop laughing!"

The scenographer outside the door didn't put down his left hand. This is the secret code. As long as the scenographer doesn't let go, the students keep laughing! When the scenographer put down his hand, everyone stopped laughing! The filming of the movie was very smooth. Next, the students don't have much role in the scene. Zhang Yishan and Cao Jun put on all kinds of makeup and come back again and again! When Zhang Yishan pretended to play the harmonica, there was a close-up of the camera, and the male and female protagonists were all changed. Someone! Originally Ye Fan found the male lead, but in the end no one came! Of course, all this was done by Gao Yuanyuan, and he persuaded the male lead back! In front of director Xu Zheng! "I want to switch to liberal arts!"

Ye Fan is serious, with a hint of cynicism! "You are just about the same in science, can you add up to [-]% of liberal arts?"

Xu Zheng asked.


That's all for this one, as long as it expresses the meaning of the next movie! Tension nodded, and then Ye Fan and Xu Zheng came to the corridor.

When everyone was ready, Zhang Li took his film crew to the corridor! Ye Fan dragged the table and came to the door of the class! On the screen, Ye Fan dragged the table and walked to the class! Huang Bo who played the teacher , knocked on the table, "Classmate, are you from this class?"

Just as Ye Fan was dragging the table into the class, Xu Zheng came to look for it.

Said, "Lin Yi, you kid give me time to go back!"

Ye Fan glanced at Xu Zheng, then continued to pull the table.

Xu Zheng stepped forward to pull the table, and Ye Fan followed! After some pulling, Zhang Li called out instead of Ye Fan! In one day, the recordings of several episodes in junior high school and high school were completed! Because of Ye Fan's acting skills in this episode, the Everyone has a new understanding of Ye Fan! After packing everything, Ye Fan took Huang Bo and Gao Yuan Yuan home! On the way, Huang Bo was driving, Gao Yuan Yuan looked at Ye Fan curiously, and said: "I didn't expect your acting skills to be so amazing!"

"It's still amazing. You haven't seen me make that kind of... movies that test your acting skills, those are even more amazing!"

Ye Fan boasted.

Gao Yuanyuan really admired Ye Fan, but now that she heard Ye Fan's self-promotion, she felt unhappy for a while! "Che, I just praised you and went to heaven, can you still have a good chat?"

Gao Yuanyuan stared at Ye Fan angrily and said.

"But I'm not saying, Fanzi, your acting skills are really good. Over the years, you have never performed this in front of me!"

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