"What's the matter with director Ye Fan's self-created film genre just finished, why did he switch to variety shows again?"

"The current format of variety shows in China is very bad. It has almost been screwed up by those directors. It is indeed not the best time to enter now."

"What do you think about entering a variety show? Just creating his own movie genre is enough for him to explode, and he has to go to the variety show to get a foot in it."

"Even if you want to expand the business for the company, you have to find a good direction, such as animation. In recent years, the development trend of animation is very good."

"I don't understand why Director Ye Fan chose an industry with no prospects for development. Is it possible that Director Ye Fan thinks he can save this industry"

"Don't make trouble, it's impossible, it's like a mountain."


Industry insiders expressed that they did not understand Ye Fan's entry into variety shows and did not know what medicine Ye Fan sold in the gourd.

But this has little to do with them, after all, they are film directors, they only know that the development of variety shows in the past two years is not ideal.

Although directors in the film industry don't care when Ye Fan gets involved in the variety show industry, the reaction of directors in the variety show industry is just the opposite.

In the variety show circle, everyone heard that Ye Fan was going to open a variety show department in his company, and it was immediately frowned upon.

"Director Ye Fan in the film industry is about to enter the entertainment industry"

"Who gave him so much determination because he has now completed the type of film he has created, he feels fearless"

"Although variety shows are a bit different from movies in terms of quality, they don't communicate with each other. What is this director Ye Fan trying to do?"

"Forcibly inserted into the variety show industry? Now this industry is already in a recession, and if such a director who doesn't understand variety shows comes to meddle, it will only make the recession worse."

"He really thought he was so big in the film industry that he could even act as a variety show director."


The directors of the variety show industry are very disgusted with Ye Fan's behavior of starting a variety show.

Because they have no choice but to go on like this.

And now a layman who doesn't understand variety shows at all wants to set foot in this industry, they are naturally very resistant from the heart.

But Ye Fan was unaware of their reaction.

At this time, he was looking through the private chat messages of his Weibo.

Because he accidentally clicked in just now, and found that the content of his Weibo private chat message was no longer related to "Walking With Weight", and its content was related to the variety show he was going to start.

"Director Ye, we agreed to shoot the second zombie apocalypse movie for us."

"Promise us that we are going to do variety shows before the movie is shot. This is not your character, Director Ye."

"You still owe us a zombie apocalypse movie, how can you say that if you go to a variety show, you will go to a variety show?"

"The variety show is really boring, you better make a good movie, Director Ye, we know that you do it so that we don't get bored during the waiting period, but we would rather wait to see your movie than watch it. To you to shoot a variety show!"

"Variety shows are boring. They always promote various TV dramas and movies. Director Ye, you should stay in the film industry."


After simply flipping through some of the comments, Ye Fan felt a little amused.

It may be that the official Weibo I asked Wang Huahua to send was not clear enough, which made the audience think that I was going to switch to variety shows now.

With this thought in mind, Ye Fan exited the private chat interface and entered the sending Weibo interface.

"The establishment of the variety show department by Yufan Company is the unanimous decision of the company's top management, and the variety show is under preparation. The specific release time is to be determined, and the things promised to everyone will definitely be done, and the next movie will still meet with you. ."

After editing, click Send.

Ye Fan's Weibo was posted using a private account.

After the release, some viewers continued to comment below.

"So that's the case. I thought you didn't make a movie anymore, which surprised me."

"Director Ye, when your company publishes its official WeChat account, can you be more specific?"

"But it's okay, it's good to know that the next movie will meet us."

"Looking forward to Director Ye's next movie, don't let us down!"

"Upstairs, what are you talking about, with Ye Dao's talent, how can you let us down?"


The comments of the audience are still there: Ye Fan's Weibo is constantly increasing, but Ye Fan did not check the comments of the audience in detail, just simply watched a few, then exited the Weibo interface and began to think about the next movie to choose. Which one.

Since we have promised the audience, we need to change the way of presentation.

Then you can't use this more peaceful way of expression.

With this in mind, Ye Fan already had a general direction in his mind.

Then look for some movie information about this world on the computer.

In Ye Fan's memory, there are very few serial films in this world, because this kind of film is not favored by the audience. When I woke up early, there were several serial films, but the results were not good. Over time, they were abandoned by directors in the director circle. Get rid of this movie style.

Seeing this, the name of the movie confirmed in Ye Fan's heart is ready to come out!

Chapter 1 "Resident Evil"? (5/[-] for subscription)

After thinking about the name of the movie, Ye Fan recalled the scenes of the movie in his mind.

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