After a while, Ye Fan began to write the script for the film.

The name of this film is "Resident Evil". When this film was played in Ye Fan's previous life, it has been well received by audiences at home and abroad, and with its continuous film approach.

At the end of each movie, the easter eggs of the next movie are left, so that the audience can look forward to this type of movie.

Since doomsday zombie movies are Ye Fan's self-created genre, Ye Fan intends to use several consecutive movies from "Resident Evil" to consolidate this genre.

With this in mind, Ye Fan began to write the script.

While Ye Fan was writing the script, the broadcast of "Walking Forward with Loads" continued.

After a month of broadcasting, the film "Bearing Forward" has finally come to an end and will be released at the end of the month.

At the same time, audience attention to the film has also declined.

""Walking Forward" is released today."

"The movie "Walking With Weight" has been released, will Director Ye's next movie continue to be released?"

"Walking Forward with Loads is the most profound movie I have ever seen. This kind of movie is worthy of people's pondering and aftertaste. It's really great. I hope Director Ye Fan can make more such movies with depth."

"Looking forward to Director Ye's next movie, and looking forward to another way of presentation that Director Ye said."

"Another way of presentation means that it is completely different from this movie. Can Director Ye really make this kind of movie? It feels like a zombie apocalypse type movie. In my mind, there is only the performance of "Walking Forward" Way."

"Upstairs, Ye Dao naturally has Ye Dao's way, we just need to wait and see."


At this time, the audience was looking forward to Ye Fan's next film, and they were very much looking forward to how his next film would be shown, because Ye Fan promised them that he would show it in another way.

In the minds of the audience, the film "Bearing Forward" has become the mode of doomsday zombie movies, and is deeply imprinted in the minds of the audience.

Therefore, the audience is looking forward to the way of performance that Ye Fan said, hoping that Ye Fan can bring them a new experience, after all, Ye Fan has never let them down.

At the same time, the news media's reports on Ye Fan's film were reflected in their own headlines one after another.

"After a month of screening, director Ye Fan's film finally exceeded [-] million at the box office, crushing all the films of the same period with an absolute advantage!"

"Shocked, director Ye Fan's box office exceeded [-] million, and he created his own film type, which was also successfully completed by director Ye Fan. Does this mean that in the film industry, director circle, there is a storm of self-created film types?"

"Director Ye Fan won the success of his own creation with his own strength. This is the birth of a new record."


The news media are the same to Ye Fan's electricity price, touting it vigorously, trying to win the attention of more audiences.

Inadvertently, the news media paid a very high degree of attention to Ye Fan, as was the case with every news media, and there seemed to be a silent tacit understanding between them.

With the news media reporting on the results of Ye Fan's film, the film officially came to an end.

And seeing these news headlines, the directors of the film circle also initially gave their comments on the film and Ye Fan.

"young and promising!"

"The success of this film also represents the creation of a new type of film. It seems that the film type of Huaxia Kingdom has once again reached a new level."

"The type of self-created film, completed by such a young director, is it too cautious for our old bones?"

"This may be the so-called newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers."

"The success of director Ye Fan's own film genre has made my thoughts alive again."


In the film circle, while directors are envious of Ye Fan's ability to successfully create a film type, their innermost thoughts are also sprouting, and they are also eager to successfully create a film type with their own name.

Many directors have such thoughts, but some directors just dug out their innermost thoughts, looked at them, and then buried them back.

They knew that they didn't have such strength, so they didn't take risks, and finally they set their sights on the type of film that Ye Fanxin created.

Doomsday zombie movies are a new type of movie created by Ye Fan. So far, there is only one movie, and even Ye Fan is stepping up the production of the second movie.

It is because there are fewer types of this type of film, so there is more room for development.

With this in mind, these directors began to select scripts for this type and prepare to shoot this type of film.

At the same time, there are directors with another idea, who not only dig things out from the depths of their own hearts, but also prepare to make their own film-style attempts.

"Since Ye Fan can be successful at such a young age, I have been in the film industry for so many years, maybe I will try it and be successful."

"To be fair, I've been in the film industry much longer than Ye Fan. Since he can succeed, I'm not too far behind."

"Create your own movie genre, I can do it too!"

"Creating a movie genre is very refreshing and exciting just thinking about it!"


These directors are very confident in their own strength, and think that what Ye Fan can do, he can do too.

In their eyes, the road of creating their own movie genre suddenly became much easier.

The reason is because Ye Fan can do it at his age, and they think they can do it too. Such blind arrogance makes them pay a painful price for what they do next.

Immediately, the directors of the film industry are divided into two groups. One group of people embarked on the road of creating their own film types with their dreams and blind confidence in their hearts. The other group of people, with the idea of ​​​​taking a share of the new film type, went. on the road to shoot apocalyptic zombie movies.

The movement of the entire movie circle revolves around Ye Fan unconsciously, as if everyone tacitly agrees that as long as they follow Ye Fan's filming style, even if they don't explode, they can still get a piece of the box office.

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