The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1031: apologize

Lin Tian's words were extremely solemn, staring directly at Long Ditian with cold eyes, with a vaguely murderous intent in his eyes.

His behavior, words and deeds, did not seem to be joking. Many people could feel the murderous intent rippling through Lin Tian.

There was a burst of air-conditioning sound from below.

Many people are a little confused, they don't know where Lin Tian has such a strong confidence and reliance, and they dare to challenge Long Ditian.

This, but Lao Tzu's super power, one of the overlords of the East China Sea Cultivation Realm, the youngest of Longyu City!


Some people who understood Lin Tian's true strength, such as Xiao Changkong, Si Kouzhen, Nie Xingchen, Long Xinghe, Shu Zihui, Zhong Xinci, etc., were silent and indifferent.

"This kid is clearly going to fight Long Shao! Bu Sheng was beaten, and Patriarch Ye didn't even see him. How dare he stand up for his disciple?"

"Under the full view of everyone, asking Jia Fucheng and Yan Shi to apologize and slap themselves can be understood as having courage. But let Long Ditian apologize for self-defeating, this is an idiot or death!"


Many people laughed.


Yun Qingwan Qiao also showed anxious expression on her face, pulled Lin Tian’s sleeves, and said anxiously: “Second Master, I’m fine, let’s forget about it! That person is from Longcry City. We can't afford it! Longcry City is very strong and powerful! Compared with Sword Saint Mountain, it is not bad at all. And Sword Saint Mountain, but it is composed of three major families and ten major sects, it dares to be equal to Longcry City!"

Ye Lan below could not sit still.

She was afraid that Lin Tian would not know the stakes here and would offend Long Ditian to death, but she had no fruit to eat.

She walked over quickly, took Lin Tian's hand, and persuaded: "Long Ditian, we can't afford it! Fellow Lin Dao, I know you are doing it for Qingwan, but Qingwan was only slightly injured, so there is no need to pursue it. Come on! Let's give up on this matter!"

Standing on the edge of the ring, Huang Jiansheng had already calmed his face. He snorted and frowned at Lin Tiandao: "Boy, are you ignorant of the heights of the sky or are you in a hurry to find death? The old man hasn't pursued the beating you before! Don’t think that you are Yun Qingwan’s master and you can do whatever you want! What we Sword Saint Mountain needs are people who know the severity of the situation!"

However, Lin Tian ignored Huang Jiansheng, turned to Ye Lan, and said, "What about Long Cry City? Even if they are real dragons, they have to lie down like worms when they come to me!"

The arrogant and domineering words made De Yelan and Yun Qingwan both stagnate.

They felt that Lin Tian's temper was too stubborn, and he was completely concerned about his temper.

It's just that Lin Tian didn't care about anger, but he had his own principles.

"Jia Fucheng, draw your own face until I am satisfied!"

Lin Tian looked at Jia Fucheng with a cold voice, then turned his head, his eyes fell on the top ten genius Yan Shi, "Come here and apologize to her!"

With that, Lin Tian pointed to Mu Xiaoxiao under the ring.

prior to.

Because the Wuhui was about to start, he didn't turn his face on the spot in order not to affect Yun Qingwan and the Wuhui.

Jia Fucheng and Yan Shi's faces were already gloomy.

At this time, Lin Tian turned his mouth again, and his face suddenly showed a sullen expression, and he was so angry that he laughed.

However, at this time, one person jumped out first.

"Boy, I think you are tired of your life! What's wrong with him, before you attacked Ben Shao's palm, not counting, now you dare to scream!"

Gao Chengpeng's face was gloomy, and he pointed to Lin Tian and shouted: "Are you relying on her martial arts to win the first place, with extraordinary talent, relying on her to step into the Sword Saint Mountain and do whatever you want?"

But Lin Tian ignored him, but stared at Jia Fucheng and Yan Shi for a while, then shook his head.

next moment.

Lin Tian stepped forward and suddenly reached Gao Chengpeng's.


There was a clear, loud and crisp sound, and Gao Chengpeng's whole body was like a torn sack, flew out in the air, rolling around in embarrassment for several times.

The sudden scene dazzled everyone.

They didn't want to take it, Lin Tian dared to shoot directly in front of the high-level members of Sword Saint Mountain.

Huang Jiansheng, the closest person to Lin Tian, ​​was also shocked on the spot.

It's just that Lin Tian ignored him and shot Gao Chengpeng, like a fly. He didn't bother to take a look, and then he strode to Jia Fucheng.

"Let me go, what is this kid's cultivation base? Gao Chengpeng was instantly beaten!"

"Is Gao Chengpeng careless?"

"Paralysis, he still wants to take action against Jia Fucheng? That's a disciple of Tianping Mountain. Tianping Mountain is many times stronger than Tianlanzong!"

Many people were puzzled and stared at Lin Tian unscrupulously.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Lin Tianchao rushing by himself, Jia Fucheng was furious, stepped on his feet and burst out in real energy, he was about to pounce on Lin Tian.

However, Lin Tian seemed to move slowly, but in reality he was as fast as electricity.

Just as Jia Fucheng was about to make a move, Lin Tian had already picked up his whole person, and then slammed it, smashing into the ring.


The terrifying loud noise made the entire ring tremble slightly.

However, Jia Fucheng smashed into the ring sturdily, and his whole person was smashed, and his face was still a little confused.

"Grass, boy, you are dead..."

Jia Fucheng finally recovered and shouted angrily.


In the next moment, Lin Tian slapped it again.

"Do it yourself now, otherwise I'll have to wait until you are honest!"

In the ear, Lin Tian's extremely cold voice came.

But his figure has already rushed to Yan Shi's front.

Such a posture and such a speed shocked everyone present.

Especially those high-level sect forces, their expressions are solemn.

"What kind of body is this?"

Ye Qinghou stared at Lin Tian's figure, shocked.


On the main stand, the top ten geniuses on the rookie list are sternly shouted.

It's just that he still ended up with Jia Fu. Before he could react, he was already like a sandbag and flew into the ring.

Seeing this, many people felt cold all over.

Domineering, rude, direct!

The most important thing is that the strong on the dignified rookie list, in front of Lin Tian, ​​is like a baby, there is no way to fight back!

Who is he? This strength is too terrifying!

Even Ye Qianli did not have the strength to crush in such an instant!

At this time Lin Tian returned to the ring again.

"Slap yourself a few times, then apologize!"

Lin Tian looked at Jia Fucheng and Yan Shi coldly, and shouted in a cold voice.

However, both of them are still getting lost.

"Where did this person run out? It's too arrogant! I simply don't put my Sword Saint Mountain in my eyes!"

On the main stand, Pang Jinglong, the great elder of Wenxingu, gave a cold cry and stood up.

But Xiao Changkong on the side quickly grabbed Pang Jinglong and said anxiously: "Master...this person is called Lin Tian, ​​also called Lin Bei!"

There was a tremor in Xiao Changkong's voice.

His mind couldn't help but see the scene of Lin Tian beheading the saint master Hong Qi in Liuyuan City at Broken Bridge Ridge, and he couldn't help feeling cold.

"Lin Bei? Is it a big source? Humph, this is the site of Sword Saint Mountain!"

Pang Jinglong frowned and said in a deep voice, but soon he reacted, and he took a pause, looked back at Xiao Changkong, stared at him, and said in amazement: "You said he is called Lin Bei? Nanzhou Junior Supreme Lin Bei? "

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