"Master, he is the Lin Bei!"

Xiao Changkong turned his head and glanced at Lin Tian, ​​his face was full of lingering fears, and he said with some trepidation: "He is too strong! And, younger than me, he beat me with one hand without resistance. Later, he was even more violent. Saint Gu Cult Saint Lord Hong Qi fights and kills the opponent!"

Lin Bei!

Pang Jinglong's expression became extremely dignified, he looked up at Lin Tian on the ring, and gasped deeply in secret.

Juvenile Supreme, Lin Bei!

This name has been spread from Nanzhou to Dongzhou during this time.

In the realm of cultivation, many people have high-level sect strength, and they all know the name of Lin Bei Zhizun.

Unexpectedly, it was the boy in front of me!


Pang Jinglong wanted to stand up and reprimand this young man who didn't know how high and how high he was, but knowing the identity of the young man in front of him, he quickly calmed down, only a deep shock in his heart.

Such a character should not be offended easily.

Even if Sword Saint Mountain had to come forward, he couldn't be the first bird now.

People like Pang Jinglong are old foxes.

If you want to come forward, you have to let Ye Qinghou come forward.

"We will not interfere in this matter!"

Pang Jinglong nodded to Xiao Changkong and sat down again.

And Xiao Changkong was also relieved.

For Lin Tian, ​​it can be said that he is already terrified.

He doesn't want to be guilty of income.

Even the saint master of the saint gu sect kills him, what is he?

On the ring.

Yan Shi and Jia Fucheng are still in the middle of the story.

They were hurt and embarrassed.

"who are you?"

Yan Shi raised his head, stared at Lin Tian, ​​and asked.


Lin Tian narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice again.

"Boy, I am a disciple of Tianping Mountain!"

Jia Fucheng also raised his head at this time and said, "You are very strong and your background should not be weak, but you really want to fight against Tianping Mountain?"


However, in the next moment, Lin Tian lifted his foot and stepped on it, breaking Jia Fucheng's leg abruptly.

The screams came from Jia Fucheng's mouth, extremely stern.


Lin Tianbing's eyes were as cold as a knife, Jia Fucheng and Yan Shi once again said indifferently: "The last time. Talk nonsense again, don't blame me for taking your lives!"

The words full of indifference, as if from the land of Jiuyou, made De Yan Shi and Jia Fucheng's souls tremble at this moment.

The gaze that fell on them, at this moment, they felt as if they were being stared at by a peerless beast.

At this moment, Yan Shi and Jia Fucheng have no doubt that if they talk nonsense, they will definitely be dead!

"We... we apologize..."

The two responded quickly.

Yan Shi honestly apologized several times to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao was panicked, waved his hand to Yan Shi, and was grateful to Lin Tian.


Jia Fucheng was even more scared. He repeatedly apologized to Lin Tian, ​​and kept slapping himself.

He endured even the heart-wrenching pain from a broken leg.

The people in the stands all fell silent for a while, staring blankly.

One of the top ten talents on the rookie list, apologize honestly when you say apologize.

There is also Jia Fucheng of Tianping Mountain, who is also the most amazing genius of the younger generation, but now he slaps himself like a dog.

Such a genius is so miserable that if the elders of the two follow this time, they will definitely go violently.

However, Ye Qinghou in the main stand was really furious after a long daze.

"Bold junior, you are so mad! Where do you think my Sword Saint Mountain is where you hurt people in public?"

Ye Qinghou stood up, walked to the ring, and yelled at Lin Tian.

At the same time, there was a vaguely violent innocence rolling over him.

If it weren't for the status, it would be bad for a younger generation like Lin Tian to take a shot, he would have already shot directly, either suppressing the lesson or killing on the spot in order to impersonate you.

"Father, kill this person directly!"

Ye Qianli then followed forward and said, "I was injured by this person when I went to Qianshanyuan before! Now I am making trouble at the Wuhui, and I have offended Long Ditian. This is for us Sword Saint Mountain and Dragon. The cooperation between Crying City has a bad influence! · This person cannot stay!"

After speaking, Ye Qianli looked at Lin Tian as if he was looking at a dead person.

"So it's him!"

Ye Qinghou squinted her eyes, her expression even more gloomy.


Lin Tian on the ring ignored Ye Qinghou's anger.

He turned around, his gaze fell on Long Ditian on the side.

"Long Ditian, apologize to my disciple and give up!"

Lin Tian stared at Long Ditian with a cold voice, "Don't let me remind you again!"



Long Ditian had already narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the two apologizing Yan Shi and Jia Fucheng on the ring, then looked at Lin Tian, ​​his face was a little heavy.

Before Lin Tian made a move, that body technique and speed, even with his full strength, was nothing more than that.

But Lin Tian was very calm from beginning to end, as if everything he did was done casually.

He couldn't see through to Lin Tian!


This does not mean he is afraid.

Just because he is the Dragon Ditian of Longwai City!

"Hey, Ben Shao Ke hasn't moved for a long time!"

Long Ditian sneered and stood up, then he turned his head to look at Ye Qinghou, and smiled and said: "Yejiazuo, since this friend named Dao surname, I will not say anything, it shouldn’t be. Well. How about this, Shao Ben will clean up Dongzhou for you, and be quiet?"

"Well, since Young Master Long is going to make a move, I don't bother to make a move on this junior! I don't want people to watch jokes!"

After hearing Ye Qianli's words, Ye Qinghou decided to take Lin Tian, ​​and now that Long Ditian stood up, he was naturally happy to watch.


The muffled sound suddenly erupted from Long Ditian's body.

Long Ditian's own cultivation base has reached the initial stage of foundation building. He is now only in his twenties and less than 30. With such cultivation base, he is already a genius among geniuses.

Moreover, he has stepped into the base-building period for several years, still relying on his own natural breakthroughs, not using drugs to forcibly improve.

At this moment, his cultivation base exploded, and his aura, even many monks in the late foundation stage, would be slightly inferior.

"Ant, kneel down!"

Long Ditian rushed to the ring, pressing his palm against Lin Tiangai.

The palm of his hand was instantly engulfed by the infuriating energy like the waves, and it was like Mount Tai falling across the sky, sweeping the ring.

Yan Shi and Jia Fucheng, who were originally in the ring, were directly swept out by the aura of terror.

But the moment Ye Lan saw Long Ditian's move, he had already stepped back with Yun Qingwan and retreated.

"Long Ditian, the ninth youngest member of Longcry City, it is rumored that he is among the arrogances of the East China Sea Cultivation Realm, and that is one of the top 50!"

"This kid is very powerful, Yan Shi and Jia Fucheng have no power to fight back! It's just against Long Ditian, his fate is absolutely touching!"

"He is dead!"

Everyone in the stands, watching the awe-inspiring aura of Long Ditian's move, they all gasped in air-conditioning.

Many of the younger generations are shocked and terrified.


Lin Tian on the ring held his back with one hand, letting his clothes go hunting, he remained motionless.

"Kneel? I gave you a chance, but you didn't know how to live or die!"

Lin Tian looked at Long Ditian graciously and shook his head: "Moreover, just your little means is like making me kneel? Humph, you only deserve the power of my finger!"

When the words were over, Lin Tian made a stride, and he snapped his fingers out, banging in the air for a muffled sound, and immediately bursting out like a crazy dragon.


Infuriating burst, Long Ditian's whole body was like a cannonball, and he was knocked out, sliding a deep mark in the aisle where there was no one in the stands.


All the people present were shocked, each of them stared wide, and their eyes seemed to fall out.

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