The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1064: Now it's you

Zuo Xianglong leaned on the sofa, tilted Erlang's legs leisurely, and looked at Fang Yongzheng with sneer on his face.

When Fang Yongzheng mentioned Zhong Zhaobei, he was frightened at that moment.

In Jinling City, Zhong Zhaobei is a tiger and a nightmare for the left-facing dragon!

This existence kept pressing him on one end, breathless.

On weekdays, you can avoid it, and if necessary, the one who should fawn on it.

But the only thing that cannot be done is not to offend!

If it hadn't been for the phone call with Zhong Zhaobei before coming to Le Bar, Zuo Xianglong felt that he might also be bluffed by Fang Yongzheng's words.

"For dead things, kneel down!"

Left Xianglong leaned on the sofa, and the other party Yongzheng shouted coldly: "Now admit your mistakes, if Ben Shao is happy, I will interrupt your doglegs at most! Otherwise, let alone Ben Shao playing with you, you are pulling Zhong Shao's name. Let this pretentious news go out, it won't be enough for you to die a hundred times!"

The others in the box, because of the words left Xianglong, gradually recovered.

The horror on their faces was gradually replaced by various anger.

"Cao Nima is next door, the dog stuff from the East China Sea, come to our Jinling City to go wild and see if I will kill you!"

Ye Jun, who still had a lingering fear, jumped up from the sofa, volleyed from a long distance and kicked out to Fang Yongzheng.


With a muffled sound, Fang Yongzheng was kicked out by Ye Jun.

Fang Yongzheng was originally a scholar, and he couldn't stop Ye Jun and other fierce guys. He wailed again and flew out of the box.

Vaguely, the sound of bone fracture could be heard.

However, Ye Jun had long since become irritated and didn't want to let it go. He ran out of the box and wanted Fang Yongzheng to be dragged in to fix it.

But Fang Yongzheng was also tenacious enough. After being kicked, he knew that when it wasn't nonsense, it was important to escape.

Therefore, enduring the severe pain, he just got up and ran staggeringly.

"Cao Nima is next are dead! Wait for this young master..."

Fang Yongzheng, who staggered to escape, was still talking cruelly. At this moment, he was in flames. He wanted to beat everyone in the box to death, so his words were murderous and cruel.

Originally, Jun Ye was about to catch up. He heard Fang Yongzheng's threats, but stopped, and sneered: "Dog stuff, you'd better bring your people quickly! Shao Zuo is waiting for you! Give you five minutes if You dare not come back, you can't get out of Jinling City tonight!"

After speaking, Ye Jun turned and returned to the box.

What he said was not a lie.

In five minutes, it was impossible for Fang Yongzheng to leave the area of ​​Jinling City.

And if the leftward dragon moves true, and with his energy, it will not take much time to find Fang Yongzheng.

At least he believed that Fang Yongzheng would be caught before he escaped from Jinling City.

Therefore, he was relieved to let Fang Yongzheng run away.

Returning to the box, the left Xianglong sitting there sneered: "Make a call, don't let people run away! Otherwise, if people run away, let Zhong Shao know what happened here, we all have to bear his anger!"

"Zuo Shao, don't worry, this dog can't run away! I will ask people to look forward to the Gucheng District now!"

Ye Jun hurriedly nodded and replied, with a mouthful of assurance, at the same time he took out the phone and made a call.

Soon, Ye Jun hung up the phone, and immediately said to Zuo Xianglong: "Left young man, it's okay. Five minutes, if that guy can't come, just catch someone! Tonight, Shi Chen Qinhuai, bones to feed the fish!"

Ye Jun's words were ruthless.

No girl classmates in the box, they all sounded pale, showing horror.

But some people are also used to it.

Existing like Ye Jun, killing one or two people is not surprising.

Rich and powerful, you can really do whatever you want, no one can do it!

Lin Tian sat aside, watching the excitement coldly.

This snipe and clam are fighting, he has nothing to gain, and he has the right to watch the show!

What's more, for Fang Yongzheng, Ye Jun, Zuo Xianglong and others in front of him, he has no good feelings, and it has nothing to do with him who beat you to death.

If someone is dead, he turns around and leaves. Ordinary mortals have nothing to do with him. If they die, they will die!

At a glance, it was a waste of time for Lin Tian!

five minutes.

Approaching soon.

Outside the box, footsteps came in due course.

Everyone couldn't help but raised their heads and looked at the door of the box.

"Hey, Young Master Zuo, here comes!"

Ye Jun sneered, and said to Left Xianglong: "I'll just say, where is the courage to escape from this waste!"

Left Xianglong nodded and looked at the door of the box with a sneer.


Stepping into the door of the box, it was not Fang Yongzheng who appeared in the sight of everyone, but another young man.

Amazingly, it is the Zhong Zhaobei in the previous box.

And seeing the Zhong Zhaobei that appeared, everyone was dumbfounded and sat there blankly.

Left Xianglong glared at him, and then suddenly stood up, walked up with respectful sprint, and cautiously said: "Young Master Zhong, why are you here? I called you before, aren't you going to do important things? Was it resolved? You came here? Shao Zhong, come in! If you knew this, I will pick you up myself..."

"Young Master Zhong!"

The rest of Ye Jun, Chen Yiqing and others also stood up one after another and stepped forward to say hello respectfully.

"pick me up?"

Zhong Zhaobei said with a sullen face, "I'm in the box next door, and I shouldn't be here, I need you to pick it up? I'm here now to see, when my Zhong Zhaobei's words won't work anymore! "

"Ah...Zhong Shao, what do you mean by this!"

Left Xianglong was startled, a little confused, but he didn't know why.

Others heard it in the mist for a while.

But at this time, another person walked in outside the box, and it was Fang Yongzheng.

Seeing Fang Yongzheng who reappeared, he glared at Long to the left, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.


Zhong Zhaobei slapped Zuo Xianglong's face with a big slap, as a response.

And this slap actually slapped the left-facing dragon on the ground, and the blood flew out with a few teeth mixed.

Left Xianglong just let out a low howl, then lay on the ground, not daring to move, not daring to make a sound, and knelt down honestly.

The other Ye Jun and others stiffened with fright, swallowing secretly, bowed their heads and dared not make any changes.

"Yongzheng, who beat you just now, now you beat him until you are out of breath! If someone dies, cousin will support you!"

Zhong Zhaobei sat in the position of the dragon on the left, his eyes swept across the crowd with cold eyes, and then the other side Yongzheng shouted: "If you are still upset, you can think about them! Cousin is here, no one dares to say Not a word! Otherwise, this matter will not be handled properly, the whole Jinling City will laugh at me Zhong Zhaobei, and my cousin will be beaten like this when he runs all the way, and I will be ashamed!"

After hearing these words, both Zuo Xianglong and Ye Jun's complexion changed greatly and they cried out badly.

Unexpectedly, what Fang Yongzheng said before was true!


Zuo Xianglong and Ye Jun both wanted to die.

Zuo Xianglong raised his head at this moment, crawled towards Zhong Zhaobei, and said: "Zhong Shao...Zhong Shao...It was our fault before. We don't know that Fang Shao is your cousin..."


As soon as the words left to the dragon fell, Fang Yongzheng had already rushed over. He picked up a wine bottle from the table and slammed it on the former's head.

"Cao Nima is next door, and Ben will kill you tonight..."

Fang Yongzheng was so angry at this moment that he beat Zuo Xianglong to death.

The wine bottles on the table were almost broken, until the left Xianglong hummed and curled to the ground.

One scene made the others frightened.

Zuo Xianglong endured the severe pain and hardly dared to scream.

It was just that Fang Yongzheng didn't lose his anger, and instead rushed over to beat Ye Jun, who had acted on him before.

At this point, Fang Yongzheng finally took a breath.

"Dog stuff, my cousin is here, why don't you dare to be rampant?"

Fang Yongzheng spit out sputum at Zuo Xianglong and Ye Jun, then he turned around, looked around, finally fixed his eyes on Lin Tian, ​​grinned at the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "Boy, it's time for you now! "

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