The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1065: Really dead

Zuo Xianglong and Ye Jun both had their heads broken and their faces broken, and they couldn't afford to moan on the ground.

They looked miserable, curled on the ground, their bodies trembling.

Obviously, this time Fang Yongzheng's attack was harsh, and he was greeted to death.

The two were lying on the ground like dead dogs, and he finally let out most of his breath.

However, his gaze fell on Lin Tian, ​​and the anger in his heart rose again.

His face was sullen, somewhat contrary to his original polite posture.

"Boy, it's you, roll over and kneel!"

Fang Yongzheng picked up a wine bottle from the table again, pointed at Lin Tian and shouted.

Since childhood, Fang Yongzheng has never encountered such humiliation and brutality before him.

In his heart, countless murderous intent and anger were rising and burning.

Not to mention it, even when I returned from studying abroad, I was extremely aggrieved by Lin Tian's repeated confrontations on the bus back to Donghai City.


He was like a wild beast, and it broke out completely.

Had it not been for some reason to calm him down, Zuo Xianglong and Ye Jun might have been two corpses.

But now I have met Lin Tian again, and all the aggrieved aggrieves on the high-speed train at the beginning made him find the place back at the moment.

"Who is he? I hit you just now?"

Zhong Zhaobei turned his head, glanced at Lin Tian in surprise, and the other side Yongzheng asked.

"Cousin, this trash kicked me just now!"

Fang Yongzheng gritted his teeth, with murderous and aura in his eyes, Sen Leng said, "But, this is not the most important thing! Because I met him before, when he had the Su family backing him, I had to endure it. Up!"

"So you know, over there in Donghai City?"

Zhong Zhaobei was slightly surprised, and said again: "And the Su family you mentioned, it should be the Su family in Gusu City! It's really not easy to provoke... But who is he, and the Su family supports him?"

"But so what! Now, here, at this moment, it's the boundary of Jinling City! The Su family is here, it's the dragon, and give me Zhong Zhaocup a good cup!"

Zhong Zhaobei said this very overbearingly.

There was a sense of coldness on his face.

The others in the box secretly breathed in air-conditioning.

Regarding Zhong Zhaobei's words, they couldn't help feeling cold all over.

Among the many top youngsters in Jinling City, Zhong Zhaobei is a relatively low-key existence.

Compared to other arrogant arrogance, Zhong Zhaobei does not seem to have much sense of existence.

But no one dared to ignore him.

Low-key, for outsiders.

But for example, Zuo Xianglong and Ye Jun knew that if Zhong Zhaobei became angry, the entire Jinling City would be plunged into a **** rain.

Whether it is Zhong Zhaobei or Zhong's family, they have this kind of energy!

The Su family belongs to the Gusu City clan, but if you get to Jinling City, you have to be honest!

Everyone in the box sighed secretly, silently.

Zhong Zhaobei, for them, is too powerful!

No matter what, Zuo Xianglong and others are lucky to be able to save their lives!

"Hey, cousin, he is just a barefoot waste doctor who knows a little bit of medical skills! He is only helping the Su Lei woman of the Su family to treat the illness. At that time, the Su family was covering him, so I didn't dare to do it! Now there is no Su family, I want him to have a taste of how life is better than death!"

Fang Yongzheng smiled sullenly on his face and spoke coldly. After speaking, he looked at Lin Tian again and shouted: "Get here and kneel!"


Everyone in the box couldn't help but fall on Lin Tian.

Except for Lu Wang, Ling Xiaowu and others, the others couldn't help but show sympathy to Lin Tian.

Looking at Fang Yongzheng's posture, he definitely wanted to fight to death.

If you can save a little life down, you will be lucky!

"In this world, no one is qualified to make me kneel!"

Lin Tian raised his head, raised his brows, and the other party Yongzheng said coldly: "If you are smarter, don't mess with me again! Otherwise, no one can save you!"

Uh uh~

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was taken aback and their expressions were gloomy.

Under such circumstances, Lin Tian still said such arrogant words, is this deliberate death?

Many people looked dumbfounded.

"Boy, my cousin is here, do you dare to threaten me?"

Fang Yongzheng glared at him and shouted.

Sitting on Zhong Zhaocui in the middle of the sofa, turning his head, his eyes fell on Lin Tian, ​​and he said coldly: "What is your name? You are the first to dare to be so arrogant in front of my Zhong Zhaocui! Otherwise, if you die, Ben Shao doesn't know what your name is, isn't it a pity!"

"Lin Bei!"

Lin Tian smiled indifferently, and said to Zhong Zhaobei: "It's just that what you said is dead...We'd better not touch it lightly. Also, you'd better persuade your cousin to stop, and things will end! Otherwise, He can really kill me if he shoots me!"



Everyone in the box gasped slightly

And Zhong Zhaobei, who was sitting there, stared at Lin Tian calmly for a long while, silent.

The breath here seemed to be solidified.

"Hahahaha... you are very good! I hope you can still be so stiff in a while!"

After a long time, Zhong Zhaobei suddenly turned back into a anger. After a while, he turned his head to look at Fang Yongzheng, and shouted: "Break his legs, and then have fun to die! If you resist, his cousin will let him taste the best of life. The taste of death!"

"it is good!"

Fang Yongzheng's eyes lit up, his face was overjoyed, and then he walked towards Lin Tian with a sullen look, and shouted coldly: "Trash, Ben let you pretend! Tell you, this time not only you died, but also when you were on the train. The girl who was with you, the end is not much better... I have captured him and gave it to my cousin! The young master will break your leg first, and then pull you to see how she was played by us ..."

Zhu Ting'er was caught by him? !

Lin Tian's expression turned cold, his eyes bursting with coldness.

But when the words fell, Fang Yongzheng had already rushed forward, and the wine bottle in his hand greeted Lin Tian's head fiercely.


A muffled sound came in an instant.

The bottle did not break, but was grabbed by Lin Tian with one hand.


Fang Yongzheng was taken aback. He didn't expect Lin Tian to react so quickly. He immediately shouted, "Grass, you dare to resist!"

After scolding, Fang Yong was about to kick it out.

But at this time, a crisp sound came.

But seeing Lin Tian's hand grasping the wine bottle hard, the wine bottle broke directly, turned into glass shards, and scattered on the ground.


Fang Yongzheng's hand was dripping with blood.

The palm of his hand was injured by the broken wine bottle fragments, and the wound was deeply visible and shocking.

For an instant.

Fang Yongzheng was still there, staring at the broken wine bottle, and then at his broken palm, his whole person was a little confused.


After a long time, Fang Yongzheng finally felt the piercing pain. He covered his hands and rolled on the spot, making a screaming cry.

The sudden scene made everyone's eyes widened.

Crushed a wine bottle with one hand?

What a terrifying power this requires!

Many people couldn't help but stare at Lin Tian, ​​like looking at a monster.

The face of Zhong Zhaocui who was sitting on the side changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly.


At this time, Lin Tian also stood up, his face was extremely gloomy and murderous. After hearing that Fang Yongzheng had caught Zhu Ting'er, Lin Tian had already regarded him as four people.

next moment.

He shot Fang Yongzheng up and threw it out.

This loss was terrifying, and with a thud, Fang Yongzheng hit the box wall like a torn sack.

at the same time.

At this moment, Lin Tian stepped on his feet, and the table beside his feet was torn apart.

Immediately, an iron rod flew from the table, and was beaten out by Lin Tian.


The iron rod violently swept across the air, and instantly penetrated Fang Yongzheng's throat, who had not fallen on the wall, and nailed it to the wall.

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