The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1197: Mystery prescription

Seeing Bingzhi's actions, Zhu Youyou looked startled.

On weekdays, she gets along with Bingzhi, except that the other person is proud of her talent, she rarely sees the latter showing such an angry.

However, Bingzhi's talent in Chinese medicine is amazing, and he indeed has the capital of pride!

Zhu Youyou is convinced at this point!

"Senior Bing, is there anything wrong with that prescription?"

After regaining consciousness, Zhu Youyou glanced at the trash can and asked Bingzhi in surprise.

Looking at the prescription just now, Zhu Youyou is also full of doubts.

In many places, she was puzzled.

After all, it was the first time she saw these important steps in preparation and preparation, and it looked weird.

"Just now you said that the prescription was written temporarily? Who wrote it?"

Bingzhi did not respond to Zhu Youyou, and frowned instead.

"The person who delivered the medicine just now is a teenager. It looks like it may be a student of our college, or a friend of a classmate. He passed Ma Wenjie's prescription at that time, and then he wrote this one by himself!"

Zhu Youyou hesitated a little, and immediately explained to Bingzhi: "At that time, he finished writing and told me that if the medicine made by Ma Wenjie's prescription has an accident, I will use its pair. Senior Bing, what's wrong with the prescription? ?"

"Huh! What's wrong? Huh, just crap!"

Bingzhi coldly drank and said loudly: "If you follow his prescription, you will probably die! I was at the front desk just now, and I had to grab this kid! To be so nonsense, it can be said that it treats the lives of other people like horrible things!"

"Ah... this... this bastard, it's damnable!"

Zhu Youyou's mouth opened wide, and she let out an exclamation, her pretty face was gradually replaced by anger: "Didn't Ma Wenjie just say that it was delivered? Just ask him, you will know who it is!"

"Not necessarily! Don't ask Ma Wenjie to avoid offending people accidentally!"

Bingzhi frowned and shook his head, and said, "Since it is the person Ma Wenjie called, he must be trusted! After all, it is a matter of life and death. However, Ma Wenjie just came here, and the person who called may not be familiar with it. I casually asked a student to help deliver it. Then this student may deliberately do a prank!"

Now, it was Bingzhi who made his personal inferences and guesses about the immediate matter.

Only this situation would be more reasonable.

Regarding this inference, Zhu Youyou also felt reasonable, and immediately angrily said: "This student must be found afterwards, and it is actually making a joke of human life!"

"After this, just let the school check it up. Now I will help them make the medicine first!"

Bingzhi put away his anger, took a deep breath, and said, "I will go over in person and have a chat with Ma Wenjie. Although he has studied abroad since the beginning, he has not studied Chinese medicine deeply. But he has to admit that he has a talent for medicine. ,very scary!"

"Well, I will learn more from Senior Bing in the future, and ask others for advice more humbly!"

Zhu Youyou looked admired and nodded vigorously.

Geniuses such as Bingzhi have always shown disdain and dissatisfaction with Ma Wenjie.

However, she is still humbly asking for advice, which makes her admire even more.

After that, Bingzhi began to make medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine has always been warming and tonifying slow therapy, combining internal and external, so Bingzhi first boiled medicine for internal use, and secondly boiled medicine for external application.

The process is more complicated, but for Bingzhi and others who are already proficient in Hungary, they don't find it difficult.

On one side, Zhu Youyou is helping out.

Normally, the pharmacy of the college is usually not visited by anyone, so there is no need to pay attention to the front counter.

Not long after the two were busy making medicine, an old man with a head full of cranes and hair in a black Tang suit in the back door yard, holding an ancient book in thread suit, walking in with a cane, walked in. .

"Girl, how can I help you Senior Bin?"

The old man walked in and saw the two of them immersed in the preparation of the medicine. He was surprised and said: "Bingzhi, how are you doing with the prescription I gave you before?"

"Grandpa, we are making another prescription!"

Seeing the old man coming in, Zhu Youyou quickly raised his head, stepped forward to help, and sat down on the sofa.

"Teacher, just now in the emergency room, the prescription sent by Ma Wenjie, someone has an emergency!"

Bingzhi was in the process of cooking, and couldn't get up and give a salute, so he could only turn around and explain: "There is an urgent need over there, so I can only put aside the previous bone rejuvenation prescription, and make it for them first!"

The old man in front of him is naturally the old man Ma Wenjie mentioned before.

That's Zhu Youyou's grandpa!

The old man's real name is Zhu Chenshan. He is an old Chinese medicine doctor on the campus of Chinese medicine. He retired many years ago and entered the pharmacy to become the pharmacy administrator of the clinical college.

However, Zhu Chenshan can be said to be the group with the highest level of Chinese medicine in the college, and he was extremely respected and respected.

Nowadays, no one dares to disrespect even if he retreats to such a place to help the college grasp medicine and boil medicine.

In addition, although the speed of traditional Chinese medicine brewed with modern medical equipment is fast, there is always less.

Moreover, Zhu Chenshan is determined to let the clinical college use less modern equipment, so he can help boil medicine.

For this reason, in the face of Zhu Chenshan, both students and teachers in the college, and even Gao Xinhan, who is in the position of principal, all respectfully praise him for his old age.

Later, Bingzhi also privately worshipped Zhu Chenshan as his teacher, hoping to improve his level of Chinese medicine.

In the face of such an astonishingly talented junior, Zhu Chenshan was naturally extremely pleasantly surprised, willing to teach what he had learned throughout his life.

"You did a good job, as it should be!"

Zhu Chenshan nodded in satisfaction, showing his appreciation.

Before long, Bingzhi finally boiled the medicine out, and finally Zhu Chenshan urged to go quickly.

After Bingzhi left, Zhu Youyou bit her lip, hesitated and struggled for a while, then she lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong, and whispered to Zhu Chenshan: "Grandpa, fortunately Senior Bing, otherwise I might just It's going to cause trouble!"

Zhu Chenshan heard the words of his precious granddaughter, frowned lightly, and asked in surprise, "What happened?"

"Is such that……"

Zhu Youyou recounted the things before and after, including Bingzhi throwing the prescription into the trash can in anger.

After hearing what happened, Zhu Chenshan couldn't help but sink his face.

"Show Grandpa Ma Wenjie's prescription!"

Zhu Chenshan pointed to the paper on the table and said.

Zhu Youyou quickly handed the prescription to Grandpa.

"Tianpanmai? Senior Yaosheng mentioned it! But the little guy now is really ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth, chaos! Fortunately!"

After reading the prescription, Zhu Chenshan shook his head and muttered, and then nodded again: "This Ma Wenjie is really good! Even me, I dare not say that the prescription can be cured and prescribed the right medicine! The effect of protecting the heart and transforming blood, yes That's right! Girl, show Grandpa another prescription..."

Zhu Youyou finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his grandpa didn't criticize him, and at the same time said, "Grandpa, it's just a student who wrote indiscriminately. Do you want to read it?"

"Grandpa look at what the little guy wrote, making De Bingzhi angry like that!"

Zhu Chenshan smiled and shook his head, pointing to the trash can, and said: "Show it to Grandpa, it's not dirty!"

Helpless, Zhu Youyou could only do as she did, and at the same time she became even more disgusted with Lin Tian.

Zhu Chenshan unfolded the crumpled paper, looked in front of him, and he kept shaking his head: "It's a nonsense, it's a nonsense!"

"Grandpa, let me just say it! That student is too bastard!"

Zhu Youyou continued to be angry.

But at this time, Zhu Chenshan's complexion suddenly changed, and a shocked expression appeared on his face: "This...isn't this...isn't it the method of preparation, isn't it that Senior Medicine Sage mentioned it?"

In an instant, Zhu Chenshan was stunned.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

Zhu Youyou didn't hear clearly, and hurriedly said as he watched his grandpa's demon standing there.

"Where is the teenager who wrote this prescription temporarily?"

Zhu Chenshan suddenly raised his head and asked Zhu Youyou anxiously.

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