The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1198: Elective Courses

"Grandpa, it was too late for me to chase out before. I couldn't find anyone, and I don't know which class it was in!"

Seeing his grandpa looking anxious, Zhu Youyou hurried forward and comforted Zhu Chenshan: "Grandpa, let the academy handle this matter. When someone is found, the little guy must come here to apologize! I was almost caught. He made a mistake!"

Don't know which class is the student?

When he heard that he didn't know him, Zhu Chenshan frowned and his expression became even more anxious.

"If Ma Wenjie personally called, it should be okay. With his rigorous attitude towards medicine, how can he make the person who sent the prescription so messy!"

Zhu Chenshan murmured softly, wondering in his heart, finally shook his head, and said: "Youyou, did you personally watch the young man write this prescription?"

"Yes, grandpa, he used our pharmacy paper and pen and watched him write with his own eyes!"

Zhu Youyou nodded firmly, and said, "Grandpa, I will pay attention to this in the future, and he almost fooled him!"

"It's not... Youyou, you are not wrong! The main reason is this preparation step..."

At this moment, Zhu Chenshan's hand holding the prescription was trembling, and his face was full of excitement. He shook his head and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Genius, genius! Senior Medicine Sage prescribed similar prescriptions and used similar herbs. But. ...... This one is more clever!"

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? Don't be angry, don't be angry!"

Seeing Zhu Chenshan's reaction, Zhu Youyou thought it was Zhu Chenshan who was angry, so he hurried to comfort him.

She didn't hear Zhu Chenshan's demon-like muttering.

Zhu Chenshan waved his hand to Zhu Youyou, and then asked: "Girl, that little guy, before leaving, is this a medicine that you are asked to use this prescription in an emergency?"

"Grandpa, he said so, I almost believed it at the time!"

Zhu Youyou nodded gently in response, still with a moment of fear on his face.

After hearing this, Zhu Chenshan frowned, picked up the prescription written by Ma Wenjie, and checked it over and over again. The prescription seemed to be all right.

"Girl, come and help Grandpa!"

Zhu Chenshan stood up at this time, and at the same time passed the prescription written by Lin Tian, ​​and said: "According to the above, go to the drug store and fetch all the herbs! The storehouse has stock!"

"Ah...Grandpa, do you really want to refine this nonsense prescription?"

Zhu Youyou's face is covered with surprise.

"Listen to Grandpa, go! When you find that boy, Grandpa will explain to you later!"

Zhu Chenshan waved his hand and hurriedly urged.

Zhu Youyou's face was full of doubts, but Grandpa said so, she stopped asking, and ran to the drug store.

Soon, Zhu Youyou returned.

At this time, Zhu Chenshan had all the utensils ready, and his grandfather and grandson began to make medicine.

During the process, Zhu Chenshan couldn't help shaking his head every time he took a step, with shock and admiration on his face.

ten minutes later.

The medicine is finished.

At the same time, the rapid telephone ringing followed.

Zhu Youyou ran to pick it up. After a few seconds of answering, her complexion changed drastically, and she shouted to Zhu Chenshan Jiao: "Grandpa... something has happened! The student who was originally stable, after drinking the previous potion, It's getting serious! Ma Wenjie said there was a blood collapse!"

It really is so!

Ma Wenjie’s prescription is okay, but he didn’t really prescribe the right medicine?

That student was really saved by Ma Wenjie?

At this moment, Zhu Chenshan was surprised and surprised. Soon after the medicine was installed, he quickly urged Zhu Youyou: "Girl, don't say anything, listen to grandpa! Now, immediately send this Chinese medicine, including the external application, to Zhu Youyou. Go to the emergency room! And if Ma Wenjie and the others ask, they say that this medicine is made by a prescription made by Grandpa himself!"


Zhu Youyou hung up the phone, looking dazed.

"Don't, send it off quickly. Just do what Grandpa told you!"

Zhu Chenshan urged again in a hurry, and said, "After waiting, Grandpa will explain to you!"

Zhu Youyou has been absent from her parents since she was a child, and has been following her grandfather Zhu Chenshan. She was very obedient to the latter. At this time, even if there were more doubts, she hurriedly suppressed and took Chinese medicine to the emergency room.


Emergency room.

Fang Shilei, Ma Wenjie, Tan Zhiren, and Hong Hui were all anxious and their faces were full of anxiety.

On the hospital bed, Yan Song, who had been relieved, had chapped skin all over his body, bleeding out a lot of blood, but within a few minutes, most of his clothes were infected.

If this goes on, sooner or later, he will bleed to death.

"Ma Wenjie, could it be the medicine that got it wrong?"

Fang Shilei frowned and asked.

"I can recognize the prescriptions and refining medicines I made, and there is nothing wrong with them!"

Ma Wenjie surely shook his head, and said, "You have to find a way to stop the bleeding!"


Several people tried their best to prevent Yan Song from collapsing. At this time, it was too late to call an ambulance.

There is no blood bank in the college!

But at this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, I saw Zhu Youyou trot in and said anxiously: "Grandpa Tan, Grandpa Hong, Teacher Ma...hurry up and let this classmate take this medicine, which was written by my grandpa himself. The prescription, just made! He prepared it in advance for fear of accidents, and now it is ready to use!"

"Is it made by Zhu Lao's prescription?"

Ma Wenjie's face shook, he hurriedly stepped forward to get results, and then forcibly instilled and externally applied to Yan Song.

What's amazing is that within ten seconds, Yan Song stopped the blood collapse and everything calmed down.

Everyone was shocked instantly.

"Oh my God, this prescription for the old wish..."

Ma Wenjie finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

at the same time.

Lin Tian had already returned to class. He hadn't thought about the uselessness of the prescriptions he wrote by himself, and he didn't even care about it. He did everything that should be done, and he didn't care whether people could be saved.

And as he returned to the classroom, the students in the class naturally looked all together.

Called by Mao Yongyi, they all felt that Lin Tian might be expelled.

Unexpectedly, I will be back.

"It seems that Teacher Fang's plea is effective!"

Someone said.

Originally, many people here sneered at Lin Tian, ​​even if most of them were from outside, and most of them were at home, but Lin Tian, ​​who was a big family, was still qualified to look down.

As arrogant as them, they value the way forward and the results of their own struggle in the future.


After Lin Tian came forward for them, his impression of Lin Tian can be said to be completely changed.

Therefore, I am very concerned about Lin Tian.

"Lin Tian, ​​has the matter been resolved? Did Teacher Fang and Mao Yongyi intercede?"

After Lin Tian sat down, Xiao Feiyuan asked.

"It's okay!"

Lin Tian smiled and nodded, then paused and said, "Well, Teacher Fang helped!"

"That's great! Then Mao Yongyi is still a bit conscientious, and probably there was a problem with his previous speech, so please go and wipe it up..."

Xiao Feiyuan let out a breath.


Fang Shilei followed back.

She walked into the classroom, glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and immediately said: "Lin Tian's matter has been resolved! From now on, if you have something to do, remember to tell the teacher first, don't be reckless, so as not to miss your studies and future in the end!"

"Now that Teacher Gao is not here, let me tell you about the curriculum!"

Fang Shilei looked straight, and said solemnly: "Our major is pharmacy, and pharmacy is the major subject of specialization. But there are other compulsory courses, including-TCM meridian, advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry, botany, biology Science, anatomy, physiology, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, clinical pharmacology, acupuncture and so on! After these, Teacher Gao will discuss with you in detail, and other course professors will give you lessons in person! Next I will take elective courses... …That means you have to choose courses other than compulsory courses that you like!"

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