The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 4289: Snake Island Shock

"Half-dragon body? Is it... a real dragon?"

Zhang Zhiqiang and Zhou Hua both knew Wanshe Island, but they had never been there, and they had never heard of such legends. They were so curious that they couldn't help but speak.


So Li Mo couldn't help but look at Lin Tian.

To be precise, he was looking at Lin Tian's pocket.

This girl Mo Xiaomo is in her pocket, this is the real dragon!

After entering Dongyang Villa, Mo Xiaomo did not appear.

It's not easy to appear in front of you. If Qin Zhanfeng and others see it, it will cause trouble.

This was also reminded by Lin Tian, ​​making Mo Xiaomo stay in his pocket.


Lin Tian planned to come to this Wanshe Island, naturally he did not come here with Qin Zhanfeng and others to destroy Heiya Mountain.

But he wanted to see what kind of treasure Wuzhu was that day.

It can become the treasure of the East Saint Gate, and it was lost a long time ago.

There must be something special about this thing.

Otherwise, it would not be possible for Dongshengmen to start a war with Heiya Mountain and **** the treasures back.

Of course.

This way, I happened to come to the vicinity of the sea area of ​​the Black Sea Canyon, so I thought it was a drop in!

"Cut, return the body of a half-dragon! I'm afraid it's the Flood Dragon clan, right? It's just the Flood Dragon clan that has mutated with the inheritance of our dragon clan's half-blood!"

In Lin Tian's mind, Mo Xiaomo's disdainful voice sounded.

Lin Tian smiled and ignored the little girl, but he was a little curious about the legend of the myriad snakes that Li Mo said: "Is this legend true?"

"Senior, this... the villain can't tell! Because this legend has been circulated in Nanyang for thousands of years! Many ancient books say it rightly!"

Li Mo shook his head and said, "Moreover, there is a Myriad Snake Pit on the Ten Thousand Snake Island, where there happens to be a lot of skeletons of snake monsters. Many people say that the legend is true! But it is also possible that this was originally just a snake monster. The habitat, being passed from person to person, has become mysterious..."

at this time.

The cruise ship has docked.

No port of call has been opened here.

Or Qin Zhanfeng asked people to find a more suitable place to stop.

Walking on Wanshe Island, it is dark everywhere, without any vegetation, only bare stones and peaks.

"The legend of Ten Thousand Snake Island is just a legend that those snake demons were killed here by unknown powerhouses!"

On the Myriad Snake Island, Qin Zhanfeng walked in front, Dan Dan said.

Obviously, he heard the chat between Lin Tian and Li Mo just now.

And Lin Tian didn't care what this guy heard.

There is no secret in itself.

"Let's just wait here!"

When he came to the mountain above Wanshe Island, Qin Zhanfeng stopped.

There is a relatively open platform here, and you can look around the entire Myriad Snake Island.

from here.

You can also see a huge deep pit not far ahead.

There, it is the snake pit of Myriad Snake Island!

Lin Tian had already noticed there.

There are piles of snake demon bones, piled up there.

It was shocking to look at, extremely shabby.

At the beginning, I didn't know who killed these snake monsters, and they piled up here.

Or is the legend true, the snake king with the body of a half-dragon appeared here, and then let countless snake demons sacrifice?

Lin Tian couldn't help but guess.

It's just that the consciousness kept swept through the deep pit, but found nothing.

Those skeletons are ordinary snake demon skeletons.

"Young Sect Master, do you really want to go to war with Hei Ya Mountain?"

At this time, Xiao Ting was not in the mood to pay attention to the legend of the Myriad Snake Island, but asked Qin Zhanfeng nervously.

The East Saint Gate wants to unite with Hailin Island to deal with Hei Ya Mountain, which is completely a fight between gods.

Xiao Ting and the others followed at this time.

"Look at what's going on on Hailin Island!"

Qin Zhanfeng frowned, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes: "This time is a great opportunity, if I can destroy Heiya Mountain and get the Tianwu Pearl, it is my great opportunity! In a few decades, I will I will be able to step into the realm of Jindan! At most a hundred years, I can successfully condense Nascent Soul! At that time, Dongshengmen will dominate the eastern seas of Nanyang, not far!"


Xiao Ting felt his blood boil for a while.

If Dongshengmen can really dominate the eastern seas of Nanyang, then his Dongyang Villa will also rise.

At that time.

Maybe Dongyang Villa will compete for hegemony in the martial arts world in the eastern part of Nanyang.

Even, Dongyang Villa directly became the sect of Xiuxian?

Thinking so.

Xiao Ting was even more excited.

Although he is afraid of death.

But there might be a great opportunity ahead.

It is an opportunity for Dongyang Villa to rise further, and it is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him!

But Xiao Ting wondered: "Young Sect Master, then... Is that treasure important to you? Your father is now the contemporary Sect Master, he..."

Speaking of which.

Xiao Ting was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth.

Because he saw that Qin Zhanfeng's face had become extremely ugly.

This made Xiao Ting tremble.

I thought it annoyed the ancestor!

"Hmph, he...hehe..."

Qin Zhanfeng sneered, with a trace of murderous intent on his face, and said: "The Tianwuzhu is useless to him, he can't use it to train his body, and he can't cultivate the power of Tianwu! And I, born with bitter roots, Tianwu. The beads were made just for me!"

Bitter root?

Isn't this the same as Wu Yan's?

They are all rooted in bitterness!

Lin Tian was quite surprised at this time, and glanced at Qin Zhanfeng.

He could not have imagined that Qin Zhanfeng was carrying the root of bitterness.

This kind of spiritual root, basic cultivation, is very difficult.

It takes a hundred times or more effort than normal monks!

But once it rises, the potential brought by the bitter spirit root is stronger than many spirit roots and spirit bones!

"What is the root of bitterness?"

Xiao Ting didn't know Linggen and asked curiously.

Everyone else pricked up their ears.

"You don't need to know! Just know that the Tianwuzhu is very important to me! This time, I must get the Tianwuzhu!"

Qin Zhanfeng said with a sneer, "That old man definitely doesn't agree with us going to war with Hei Ya Mountain. That would be a serious loss! But for the Tianwu Pearl, everything is worth it!"

Xiao Ting heard it in a fog.

The contemporary suzerain of Dongshengmen is Qin Zhanfeng's father Qin Yang. If the latter does not agree, how will he go down to fight Heiyashan?

Confused, Xiao Ting didn't dare to ask any more questions.

clack clack...

While everyone was waiting.

not far away.

Suddenly there were bursts of dense sounds.

Like the sound of a broken bone, people can't help but feel horrified.

"what sound!"

Xiao Ting and several other Wu Zun experts from Dongyang Villa were all startled and looked in the direction of the sound.

It was found that it was the deep pit of Snake Island.

"Young Sect Master, what is that... Those skeletons have all come alive, come alive..."

Xiao Ting's eyes widened and he shouted in shock.

He could clearly see that in the deep pit, the originally silent skeletons of the snake monsters all moved, making a clicking sound!

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