In the deep pit of Wanshe Island, the sound of clack clack came densely, which made the scalp numb.

Xiao Ting and several other Wu Zun strongmen in Dongyang Villa were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

They thought of the legend of Wanshe Island, and they couldn't help but feel very uneasy.

If the legendary half-dragon snake king really exists, then they are afraid to die!

That snake king is at least an old monster comparable to the Nascent Soul period!

even more powerful.

These people, I'm afraid they can't resist!

Think of this.

Xiao Ting was even more terrified and said in a panic, "Young Sect Master, what should we do now?"

"Shut up first!"

Qin Zhanfeng glared at Xiao Ting angrily and shouted in a deep voice.

At this time, Qin Zhanfeng also became nervous.

On the other side of the deep pit, the originally silent skeletons of the snake demon began to move, making the scalp numb.

He doesn't know what happened now.

Now that the fifth elder is not here, he is somewhat isolated and helpless.

As for Xiao Ting and others, a few Wu Zuns are useless at all.

In the face of the existence comparable to the foundation-building stage powerhouse, it is all to die!

"It's over, it's over..."

Zhang Zhiqiang was the most frightened, and kept whispering softly, his teeth chattering.

Zhou Hua stood beside him. Although he didn't make a sound, the two hands kept shaking, which showed the fear in his heart.

Even though they are all old fishermen in this sea area, they have never seen anything.

But Zhang Zhiqiang and Zhou Hua couldn't help but be afraid of what they saw when they entered the Black Sea Canyon.

These are not the existences that ordinary people like them can handle.

If you don't get it right, you will really lose your life!

No one wants to die, no one is not afraid to die!

The saying that death is like home is also in a few specific cases, and other times it is nonsense to say that you are not afraid of death!

On the contrary, Lin Tian and Wuma Tieyu were very calm, and looked over there curiously.

"The legend of the ten thousand snakes, is it true?"

Wuma Tieyu said in surprise.

Lin Tian shook his head slightly: "I can't tell, maybe it's true!"

"Lin Shao, what should we do now?"

He Zilian looked at Lin Tian and asked, "These skeletons of snakes and demons have existed for more than hundreds of years. It's weird that they suddenly move now!"

Her consciousness also swept through the piles of bones in the deep pit.

Nothing was found.

These moving skeletons of snakes and demons did not have the slightest breath, only a trace of death entanglement.

Others, found nothing.

So weird!

Li Mo next to him said in a deep voice, "What do we need to do now? Those snake demons are all out!"

"No need, just look at it!"

Lin Tiandan smiled.

At the same time, his consciousness enveloped the entire Myriad Snake Island.

Although no other anomalies were found.

But below this Ten Thousand Snake Island, there are waves of weak auras that are constantly surging.

It seems to have an impact on the snake demon skeleton above.


The snake demon bones moved.

Although it still looks like a skeleton, with a white skeleton, without any flesh and blood, it is alive like that.

They were moving, heading over the deep pit, making rustling noises that made people terrified.

"These skeletons of snake monsters are not strong, so be prepared!"

Seeing that the skeletons of these snake monsters came out of the deep pit and came towards the group, Qin Zhanfeng looked solemn and shouted to Xiao Ting and others.

Now Qin Zhanfeng doesn't know what's going on.

There must be something strange about these snake demon bones suddenly coming to life.

But now is not the time to explore where the weirdness is, but to deal with these snake demon bones first.

There are at least thousands of skeletons of snake monsters.

There are at least thousands of skeletons rushing towards them!

To really deal with it, Qin Zhanfeng has no confidence at all!

"The five elders haven't come yet..."

Qin Zhanfeng said in a deep voice.

In his hand, he was already holding a magic sword that shone with colorful rays of light, and at the same time, in the other hand, there was a spirit talisman that was surging.

The robe on his body also lit up with golden light.

As expected of the young sect master of the East Saint Sect, with all the equipment, it is not something that ordinary cultivators can match.

Whether it is attacking or defending, he is the top existence among the monks in the Foundation Establishment period.

Facing the thousands of snake and demon bones, although he was a little nervous, he was not panicking.

Even if he is besieged, he can break through with all the equipment.

"This Ten Thousand Snake Island, what's the problem with timing..."

Qin Zhanfeng looked solemn and said coldly.

He is now waiting for the fifth elder to bring people to come, kill all the bones of the snake demon, and then see what happened to the island of ten thousand snakes.

"Crack clap..."

Soon, the skeleton of the snake demon was getting closer and closer, and the skeleton that stepped forward made a crisp sound with its mouth swallowing.

It's not the kind of rubbing sound that snake letters spit out.

It was the sound of the jaw bones colliding.

The sound made it even more terrifying.


Seeing that thousands of snake and demon skeletons rushed up to the mountain where everyone was, Qin Zhanfeng immediately shouted angrily.

The long sword surging with golden light in his hand slashed, and the bones of several snake demons in front of him were torn apart.

Qin Zhanfeng's attack, with the blessing of a powerful magical weapon, is naturally extremely terrifying.

The skeletons of the snake monsters that rushed up to the mountain where everyone was located almost all showed fear towards him.

But Xiao Ting and others couldn't bear it any longer. Facing the skeletons of these snakes and demons, they all responded in a daze.

Lin Tian and the others stood in the middle, unmoved.

"Lin Shao, we won't take action?"

He Zilian was puzzled.

"somebody is coming!"

Lin Tian shook his head.

He just finished speaking.


One after another sword light descended from the sky and landed on the bones of these snake monsters.

Even the skeletons of other snake demons still in the deep pit were hurriedly destroyed by this hurricane that fell from the sky.

In a blink of an eye.

Thousands of snake and demon bones in the deep pit turned into a pile of broken bones.

Then, hundreds of figures broke through the air from outside Wanshe Island.

Soon he came to the top of the mountain in front of him.

The leader was a man and a woman, all of whom seemed to be in their forties.

But sensing their cultivation, I found that they had the realm of false infancy!

Their actual age is at least five or six hundred years old!

Of the hundreds of people that followed, a small number reached the early stage of Jindan, and most of them were in the middle and late stages of Foundation Establishment. ,

Judging from the clothes they wore, it was obvious that they were monks from the two major sects.

The ones headed by the female fake infancy Xiu are all women, but there are only a dozen of them, but their overall strength is very strong.

The weakest cultivation base is the existence of the fake pill period!

On the contrary, there are hundreds of male monks, most of whom are not strong in cultivation.

They all wore robes with the same logo as Qin Zhanfeng, but they were not as golden as Qin Zhanfeng's.

"The senior of the East Saint Sect is here!"

Xiao Ting's face was full of joy, and he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like the rest of his life.


Seeing the crowd approaching, Qin Zhanfeng hurried forward and greeted the middle-aged man at the head with respect.

It's just that there was no joy on his face, and his eyes were full of coldness.

And this man is the Sect Master Qin Yang of the East Saint Sect!

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