The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 829: Holy Mountain (first!)

The six-winged golden-tailed cicada is still in the larval stage, and it is almost difficult to break free from Lin Tian's several seals.

In the current situation, he didn't have time to accept this thing temporarily, and put it in the storage bag first.

It is a foolish act for the Saint Gu Cult to cultivate the six-winged golden tail cicada as a gu worm.

If the six-winged golden-tailed cicada completely swallowed Cang Liufeng, and then grew up, the Saint Gu Cult would not need to be dealt with by others, perhaps it would have fallen on its own.

Because the entire Saint Gu sect may not be enough for the six-winged golden tail cicada!

However, Lin Tian is not Cang Liufeng, he has his own secret method to conquer the six-winged golden tail cicada.


Cang Liufeng's soul was floating in the air, his eyes were dull, his whole body hovering indefinitely.

The land of ancient medicine gate is already in a mess.

Yun Ying's body was smoothly cut in half, shockingly shocking.

The sect master Xue Xing and the young master Xue Chengchun died, and the elder Peng Haokong's legs were severed by Lin Tian, ​​still grunting painfully on the ground.

The strong men who had been ordered by Xue Xing to besiege Lin Tian stood still in horror.

They watched with their own eyes the young man they were about to besiege just now, cutting the cloud shadow, destroying the sect master, and killing the young saint master. The strength is shocking, and the means is unstoppable!

At this time, as Lin Tian stood up, plus the spirit of Cang Liufeng floating in the air on the side, everyone in front of the ancient medicine gate hall was shocked, and then the place was instantly dead.


It seemed that a cold wind from the ground swept across, and everyone suddenly felt cold all over and their scalp numb.

Lin Tianyin's cold eyes swept over the people present, and finally froze on Qi Tianzhu and Ling Qingshan, and said coldly: "The ancient medicine door has been destroyed, and the young master of Saint Gu Sect was sacked and killed by me, will you take it?"

The faces of Qi Tianzhu, Ling Qingshan and others changed drastically, and they hurriedly bowed and surrendered, and said respectfully: "I'll wait! The predecessors are invincible, so I won't dare to refuse!"

Even Duan Boxin and others bowed tremblingly and bowed their fists.

"The ancient medicine gate has been passed down from generation to generation. Now this situation requires someone to come out and continue to take charge!"

Lin Tian pondered for a moment, and finally his gaze fell on Duan Boxin and others, and finally coldly shouted: "If the Duan family is in charge of the ancient medicine gate, and its inheritance and purpose continue, can you take it?"

At this remark, everyone was taken aback.

Duan Boxin and other members of the Duan family were all there in shock.

They couldn't imagine that Lin Tian would make such a decision.

For generations of the Duan family, they are proud of being able to enter the ancient medicine gate.

At the beginning, the ancestor of the ancient medicine family passed on the most important refining method of ancient medicine to the ancestors of the Duan family. It is said that the ancestor of the Duan family was the most proud and beloved disciple of the ancient medicine ancestors. .

It's just that the ancestors of the Duan family are not in power, and they have been immersed in cultivating all their lives, and they have never thought about taking control of the ancient medicine.

Later, the ancestors of the Duan family went. Apart from secretly passing on that secret technique, the Duan family was unable to carry it forward and gradually declined.

This incident was also drowned in the long river of time.

It was only after the fact that the ancient medicine secret method was in the hands of the Duan family spread, and was subjected to various threats and was later framed.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Duan family is one of the traditions of ancient medicine.

But Duan Boxin and others, speaking of them, are also unintentional and powerful, only thinking about practicing medicine with peace of mind and strengthening the prosperous Duan family.

just now.

Lin Tian actually asked them to take charge of the ancient medicine gate. This was too sudden and naturally shocked!

And the other families that were originally attached to the ancient medicine gate couldn't help but look at each other, and were a little silent for a while.


But at this moment, Lin Tian suddenly flicked his finger, and a blade of true energy pierced through the air, hitting the former ancient medicine gate great elder Peng Haokong, who had broken his legs, and pierced through his eyebrows impartially.

Peng Haokong glared, and after all they died, everyone chilled again.

"I am waiting to obey the arrangements of seniors!"

Qi Tianzhu and Ling Qingshan were still the first to walk out this time, shouting repeatedly.

People from other families dared to hesitate, and they all agreed.

"Thank you seniors for your grace!"

This time, Duan Boxin also saw Lin Tian's decision, and did not hesitate, let alone hypocritical, and quickly led the tribe to thank you.

"Duan Shiyi, Duan Shiyue, come with me!"

Lin Tian glanced at the two sisters Duan Shiyi and Duan Shiyue, and said a little, then stepped on and entered the hall of the ancient medicine gate.

In the hall.

There are also many ancient medicine disciples and deacons, even elders.

However, Lin Tianlei Ting's attack was shockingly powerful, and they had long been fearful and kept hiding inside.

Even if Lin Tian announced that the Duan family should be in charge of the ancient medicine gate, they did not dare to jump forward to object.

Even the Young Saint Master of Saint Gu Sect is dead, they took their orders to oppose?

"Get out!"

Lin Tian looked around these people and shouted coldly.


The remaining cultivators from the ancient medicine gate suddenly ran out of the hall.

Sitting down in the hall, Lin Tian rummaged through the storage bag for four jade stones, and started making jade charms.

Sisters Duan Shiyue and Duan Shiyi walked in and saw Lin Tian's behavior, they couldn't help being surprised. After looking at each other, they stood quietly and looked at Lin Tian with extremely shocked eyes.

Just because Lin Tian is making jade symbols!

"Oh my God, he is a talisman? He used his own jade talisman in the previous battles?"

Both sisters were secretly surprised.

ten minutes later.

Lin Tian stood up and handed two jade charms to each of them, two for each.

"One is the defensive jade talisman, which can withstand the full blow of the false alchemy cultivator! One is the attack jade talisman, and the inside is the **** thunder sword talisman. There are three swords. One sword can cut the mid-foundation cultivator and hurt the false alchemy cultivator. exist!"

Lin Tian asked the jade symbol to the two sisters.

"Ah...senior... are you really a master talisman?"

Duan Shiyi's eyes widened and exclaimed.

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, did not answer, turned and walked out of the hall.

"If someone dared to commit a crime in the future, don't be stingy with the jade talisman in your hand, and you can also cut it for foundation building!"

Lin Tian walked out of the main hall, his voice was raised high and indifferent, and immediately he shouted to Cang Liufeng's spirit: "Lead the way and go to Saint Gu Sect!"

When the words were over, Lin Tian stepped on the flying sword to drive Cang Liufeng's soul to the northeast.

After seeing Lin Tian leaving, Qi Tianzhu and Ling Qingshan Huo Ran turned their heads, and their eyes fell on the two sisters Duan Shiyi and Duan Shiyue who had come out of the hall, with uneasy faces on their faces.

But Duan Boxin and others, with ecstasy on their faces, bowed and thanked Lin Tian in the direction where Lin Tian left. They understood that what Lin Tian said before leaving was meant to be heard by others present, which was tantamount to warning.


Holy Gu religion.

The mountain gate is located in the Shiwanda Mountain at the junction of the southwest and Nanzhou.

Since the creation of Shengjiao, the gate of the mountain has been named the holy mountain.

The sacred mountain is located in the vast vast mountains, majestic and huge, surrounded by the mountains, like a giant.

From the front of the mountain, from a distance, you can see two white stone steps winding up and up, just like hanging horses.

The sacred mountain, as if it had been flattened at the top, was extremely wide and densely forested. During this period, various halls, pavilions and pavilions were arranged in an orderly manner.

at this time.

In the depths of the Saint Gu Sect, at the very end of a cave, on a gloomy stone bed with skulls, an old man covered in black robe, holding the skull stick in his hand, looked sad and annoyed.

"It's a loss...for a girl who lost her ice spirit root, but my baby was destroyed...Where the **** came from?"

The black-robed old man stroked the staff in his hand, as if he was comforting his lover, his expression was a little distressed and annoyed, "This young man, is it the arrogance of Central Continent? Or even the evildoer from the land of chaos?"

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