The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 830: Sacred Gu Cult (second more!)

The depths of the Saint Gu Religion Mountain Gate.

At the bottom of the cave, the old man sitting cross-legged on the bed of skulls had heartache and annoyance on his face.

With his dry palm, he kept stroking the skull and staff in front of him, a pair of distressed heads.

The skull staff, the skull on the top, still surrounded by bursts of cold black aura.

It is intact.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this skull is extraordinary!

But the staff underneath, the whole body was densely cracked like a spider web.

If Lin Tian was here, he would be able to recognize at a glance, this black-robed old man was the one he had previously saved Duan Shiyue and defeated and escaped. Now he has appeared in Saint Gu Sect.

"Although the skeleton heart has not been damaged, there are cracks on the whole body of the staff. I want to repair it, unless there are materials above the level..."

The black-robed old man sighed repeatedly and shook his head. At the same time, he was afraid for a while: "How can such enchanting appear in the hundred thousand mountains in the southwest, in such a remote place? At such an age, it is really rare to have a golden core cultivation base! An old man who has fallen for eight lifetimes It's moldy! If it wasn't for that girl, why would I have been injured and ruined the staff? I really can't steal the rice!"

Just as the black-robed old man sighed and annoyed, there was a sound of footsteps outside.


At the entrance, there was a respectful voice: "Apologetic Patriarch, are you here?"

The black-robed old man frowned, put away his staff, stood up, and said hoarsely: "Something?"

Lin Tian defeated the old man, but he didn't know the identity of the old man, but when he changed to another person, he would definitely think of the identity of the old man.

With this kind of golden core strength, in addition to the saint master, it is the guardian ancestor of the young saint master and saint Gu sect.

That's right, the old man in the black robe is the ancestor of Saint Gu Cult, Ma Hanmo!

For many cultivators in the southwestern realm, the holy lord of Saint Gu sect means a god, and its power overwhelms all directions.

The Young Master is ruthless and domineering, powerful!

As for the legendary guardian ancestors, they rarely show up in front of everyone, but it is rumored that their strength is no less than that of the Holy Master, and they have always been mysterious.

"Old Ancestor, Guardian Zhu has returned, with a lot of girls, two of whom are still junior girls, and their physiques are very suitable for your old practice!"

People outside responded quickly and explained: "Would you like to go over and take a look?"

"Are you arresting people again?"

Wuma Hanmo was surprised and walked out of the cave immediately.

Outside, there was already a disciple of Saint Gu Sect, standing there respectfully.

Seeing Wuma Hanmo come out, his originally slightly bowed body suddenly bends lower.

"Ancestor, the body of Xuan Yin needed by Lord Lord is now only two people! If there are nine people who can provide Lord Lord for cultivation together, Lord Lord and his old man will have greater confidence in entering the middle stage of the flawless golden core. !"

The disciple lowered his head and patiently explained: "The guardian Zhu heard that you need a girl with the yin attribute to practice, so I found it for you by the way!"

"Oh, yes! This Zhu Hankong still hasn't forgotten me as an old man!"

Wuma Hanmo's eyes lit up slightly, and the original irritated mood was finally relieved, and he nodded in satisfaction: "Lead the way!"

The disciple of Saint Gu sect hurriedly walked forward.

Soon, the two walked to a magnificent palace.

At this time, the hall was full of people.

Sitting in the first place was a man in strange clothes. He wore gold and silver on his head, which was very characteristic of Miao.

On the right, there are a row of strong Saint Gu sects.

Sitting on the opposite side, they are also wearing weird costumes, but they are all wearing special costumes from southern Thailand and India, and they also look very regional.

These people were all cultivators such as the head masters and **** masters from the southern Thailand and India jealous kingdoms.

Their cultivation bases are almost equivalent to the initial stage of the foundation building period of the cultivator, and the highest reached the latter stage of the foundation building period.

As Wuma Hanmo stepped into the hall, these people couldn't help but stand up.

The middle-aged man headed over quickly came over: "I have seen the ancestor!"

"Meet the ancestor!"

"I have seen Senior Wuma!"

The other strong men of Saint Gu Sect and the many strong men of Nanyang all respectfully salute.

"Zhu Hankong, you got a good baby back for the old man?"

Wuma Hanmo took the first place and asked.

"Ancestor, why did you come here in person? I just thought about sending it to you!"

The middle-aged man murmured and laughed: "But I am afraid that you are not satisfied with the ancestors, so see if you will come over. I will ask someone to bring it now!"

Having said that, he quickly ordered someone to bring the "baby" to the hall.

The middle-aged man is called Zhu Hankong, one of the five great guardians of Saint Gu Sect!

Soon, a cultivator of Saint Gu sect pressed the two into the main hall.

Those are two girls, both of them are pretty and beautiful.

If Lin Tian was here, he would definitely recognize it, it was Leng Shuangning and An Miaolan.

One is an old man I met in Bencheng, and the other is a mysterious woman saved by meeting across the water.

"Who on earth are you? Let us go! Otherwise the police come and you will all run!"

Leng Shuangning was **** and taken into the hall, her face was covered with fear, she threw the people present to drink.

"Call the police? Hahahaha..."

Her words made many people in the hall burst into laughter.

It was An Miaolan, who knew who was in front of her. Her pretty face was a little pale. Standing in the hall, she closed her eyes slightly, as if life was dead.

"Hahahaha... not bad! The old man finally compensated a little!"

Wuma Hanmo laughed, he stood up, and he reached Leng Shuang Ning's two women in a single ups and downs, and with a copy of his hand, he took people out of the hall.

"It seems to have an appetite for Senior Wuma!"

Seeing Wuma Hanmo leaving, the respectful expressions on everyone's faces were slightly put away, and the pressure was relieved. Among those Nanyang cultivators, some nodded and said.

"Hey, if you are interested, you can go to the following to get some free and happy fun!"

Zhu Hankong laughed overcastly, and immediately said: "However, this time you come here, not for happiness, but also for the Yelang domain! There is no strong person in the Yelang domain, that is a bit tricky. , As long as we don’t step in and offend them, they will be helpless to us! Our Saint Gu Sect is cooperating with you, the most important thing is that we are afraid that there will be strong people from Zhongzhou, so we must guard against it!"

"China’s true Middle Continent is said to be far away and vast. They have strong people coming, and it will take a few months to arrive, right?"

Among the strong Nanyang, someone spoke.

"So, the more so, the more we have to take action and prepare in advance!"

Zhu Hankong nodded and said with a sneer: "When the time comes, our Lord Lord will be able to make further breakthroughs and become the supreme! I don't believe it, they will send out the powerful masters of the late Jindan stage to fail! At that time, everyone You can also share a piece of the sacred sect with our Saint Gu! There are no strong sects in the southern continent boundary, but it is also a piece of fat..."

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