The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 834: Break the formation and destroy (first!)

Lin Tian's tyrannical strength, Wuma Hanmo had already experienced before.

At first it was just a sword, and his staff was destroyed. Facing Shang Lin Tian, ​​he had no power to parry and could only flee.

Now that he meets again, Wumahanmo simply doesn't have the courage to fight.

After fled, Lin Tian's nose was swollen with two or three punches.


After being knocked to the ground by Lin Tian in a volley, he was already afraid, and quickly rolled to his feet, trying to flee outside the hall.

Shan Cheng, Zhu Hankong and others in the main hall were already dumbfounded.

"You can't escape!"

Seeing Wuma Hanmo fled in embarrassment and was about to flee to the gate of the hall again, Lin Tian shook his head and spoke indifferently.

At the same time, he stepped and flashed, and appeared at the door in an instant, once again blocking the way of Wuma Hanmo.

With such an amazing body technique, everyone's eyes were almost staring out.

"You...Who are you, why are you fighting against the old man, against my Saint Gu Sect?"

Wuma Hanmo looked shocked, backed away in a hurry, and shouted to Lin Tian.

"Fight against you? If it weren't for you to provoke me, I wouldn't bother to look at you directly!"

Lin Tian stood with his hand at the gate, and said coldly: "Hand over everyone, and then you will abolish the cultivation base by yourself, and the Saint Gu Sect will be dissolved on the spot!"

"You... are you trying to kill them all?"

Wuma Hanmo's face flushed with anger, and he shouted: "Are you trying to live with my Saint Gu Cult?"

"Don't die? You don't have that qualification yet!"

Lin Tian's eyes were cold, and with a wave of his hand, several infuriating light bursts out of the sky with the real fire of Samadhi, and killed several Nanyang cultivators who were standing not far away. He watched several people die. The expression was as usual, like a dog butcher, and he shouted: "Let's not say that your Saint Gu sect is colluding with foreign forces. It's better for you to arrest someone and catch my friend. Moreover, it looks like you are looking for me everywhere!"

"Boy, are trying to provoke a dispute between China and the Southeast Asian forces!"

Seeing that several Nanyang monks died in a blink of an eye, Zhu Hankong was shocked and frightened, and angered again and again.


But as soon as Zhu Hankong's words fell, the whistling madness reappeared, piercing the throat of a sacred Gu sect cultivator during the foundation construction period, and at the same time Lin Tian's indifferent voice sounded, "If you don't want to hand over people, I kill one every ten breaths!"

Wuma Hanmo, Zhu Hankong and the others immediately trembled with anger.

Even Saint Gu Cult cannot withstand such a loss.

Every monk in the foundation building period is almost the foundation of Saint Gu Sect.

"Open the big formation, it is bound to keep this person!"

Wuma Hanmo suddenly gritted his teeth when he saw that he could not escape.

Judging from the posture, he is desperate!


Zhu Hankong on the side slammed a skull-headed grandmaster's chair at the first place in the hall, and the whole hall suddenly rang.


An astonishingly powerful array descended from the sky, shrouded from the roof of the main hall, and unbiasedly shrouded Lin Tian in it.

"Kill me!"

Wuma Hanmo suddenly shouted, starting with a spell to blast towards the big formation.

The others quickly followed suit.

The sky tactics flooded the big formation in a blink of an eye.

After those attacks were in contact with the big formation, their power suddenly multiplied, and they all blasted towards Lin Tian.

"Huh? At this moment...Tianyan attacks the Great Array! To put it bluntly, it is the blessing attack, and the power is doubled..."

Lin Tian showed a look of surprise on his face, but he didn't panic at all.

When he stepped on his feet, the mighty infuriating energy rose up like a wave, and at the same time, with a hum of swords, the demon like Xiaotian turned into dozens of flying swords. Howling around.

The attacks of Wuma Hanmo and others that were blessed by the Great Array were all resolved and annihilated.

At the same time, a dozen flying swords turned into a demon like Xiaotian buzzed around him.

"Take a step!"

Lin Tian suddenly drank and stepped on the air, his aura suddenly increased, and he rolled away, and the terrifying pressure instantly filled the hall.

"Medium Golden Core?!"

Wuma Hanmo felt the coercion emanating from the big formation, and his whole body trembled with fear, and he exclaimed in shock.

The other Zhu Hankong, Shan Cheng and others were almost unsteady under the pressure.


At this moment, Lin Tian took a step in the air, he shook his voice and moved towards the void. The monster that was buzzing and flying like Xiaotian shuddered, flew back to the front, and immediately condensed a few meters of innocent light. , And then whizzed through the air and cut down.


There was a terrible loud noise, and the formation in the main hall trembled violently, then shattered with a crash and dissipated.

Among the many monks standing in the main hall, except Wuma Hanmo, most of the others flew out one after another in the remnants of the horror. Even Shancheng and Zhu Hankong were shocked and retreated far away.

"This...this...he...the flying sword in his hand!"

The town hall formation of the Saint Gu Sect Hall has been passed down for thousands of years and has been used as a defense and heritage of Saint Gu Sect. Now it has been cut to pieces by a sword, and only the legendary flying sword can do it.

Shan Cheng, Zhu Hankong and the others were completely terrified at this time, and they were almost lost in spirit.

Feijian means killing them, it is like slaughtering a dog, there is no escape!


But before they recovered, there was a burst of intensive sword groans in the air, followed by a series of babble babbles, one after another, huge heads rose into the sky, and then rolled down to the ground.

"Ancestor, help!"

Shan Cheng and Zhu Hankong were so frightened that they turned around and fled.


However, the demon Ru Xiaotian whistling from mid-air, Shan Cheng and Zhu Hankong's faces were shocked, and they couldn't help turning around to resist.


Feijian suddenly split into two, and slashed towards the two of them together, and the terrifying infuriating energy exploded and shattered, slashing the two to ashes, only a few traces of blood mist scattered.

at the same time.

With a wave of Lin Tian's hand, the dense qi and sharp blades turned into rain, and whizzed towards the Saint Gu cultivators outside the hall. With a scream, hundreds of Saint Gu cultivators died instantly.

They are only the eight or nine layers of the Qi Refining Period, and they have absolutely no resistance to parry.

In an instant, except for Wuma Hanmo, all the others died in the Saint Gu Sect Hall.

This was the first time Wuma Hanmo saw him, and even Master Shengzhu did not have such a mighty power.

Just because Lin Tian's use of true qi and the tactics he used were unprecedented!

There is also a flying sword that doesn't know what level it is, he is completely afraid.

"Ah... Fellow Daoist forgive me!"

Wuma Hanmo screamed and knelt on the ground quickly, begging for mercy.


But what responded to him was a demon like Xiaotian that broke through the sky like lightning, and instantly penetrated his abdomen, destroying all his dantian and golden pills.


Wuma Hanmo screamed, coughing wildly with blood, wilting to the ground.

The cultivation base was abolished, and he was worse than ordinary people at this time.

"I hope my friends are okay, otherwise the price you pay is not only the cultivation base, but the suffering of eternal life!"

Lin Tian stepped forward with a cold voice. He probed his hand, grabbed Wuma Hanmo, and swept out of the hall, then turned around and destroyed the entire Saint Gu Sect hall with a flame.

Holding Wuma Hanmo and standing in the air, Lin Tian closed his eyes slightly, his spiritual consciousness spread, and soon he discovered the existence of Leng Shuangning and An Miaolan.

In the deepest part of Wuma Hanmo's mansion.

But at the same time he found more than a dozen girls locked up in another pavilion not far away.

He flicked his finger in the air, smashing the door of the attic over there, and at the same time he shouted: "The Holy Gu Cult has been wiped out, you must run away!"

With that said, Lin Tian ignored these people, turned around and took Wuma Hanmo on a pilgrimage to the depths of Gu Sect.

"Where is your Holy Lord?"

At the entrance of the cave of De Mansion, Lin Tian suddenly thought of the real master of Saint Gu Sect, and couldn't help asking.

"Friends of Dao...Spare my life, I will say everything!"

Wuma Hanmo raised his head with difficulty, begging for mercy: "Master Wuma Holy Master has already taken the Great Elder and Second Envoy to the Yelang Cultivation Domain. It is said that he has found a treasure to make a breakthrough! As for other things, I will not I understand, because I have devoted myself to cultivating all year round, and never asked about the affairs of the Holy Church..."

"Yelang cultivation domain?"

Lin Tian couldn't help but condensed his brows and stopped, but immediately shook his head and stepped into the cave.

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