The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 835: Storm is coming (second more!)

Saint Gu Sect Lord has gone to Yelang Comprehension Domain!

Lin Tianqing frowned, dragged Wuma Hanmo into the cave, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

But then he shook his head again.

He decided to wait for Leng Shuangning and others to be rescued, so he hurried back to Liu Yuan City and went to the Yelang Mountains to see if he could find the Holy Gu Cult.

If he can, he doesn't want to leave any troubles!

"You mansion, is it really possible..."

Lin Tian dragged Wuma Hanmo away, and while looking around the cave that was cold and not luxurious, he sneered.

"Friends...Friends of Daoists are laughing!"

Wu Ma Hanmo endured the severe pain and embarrassment on his body, and smiled to Lin Tiandao with a smile: "If you like it, I can give it to you!"

"Ha ha……"

Lin Tian sneered without comment.

He just said casually that the mansions in front of him were not in his eyes.

Unless, there are spirit veins here.

Otherwise, such a flashy mansion would be useless for him!

Thinking of his previous life, in the realm of cultivation, he practiced countless mansions, a small radius of a few miles, and a large one that can span thousands of miles. The spiritual veins in it are vertical and horizontal, the spiritual grass is everywhere, and the spiritual energy is like rain and mist in the air. I don’t know how many people covet it.

In comparison, the mansion of Wuma Hanmo in front of him is simply the dwelling place of the mountain barbarians.


Lin Tian took Wuma Hanmo into it.

The disciple of the Saint Gu teaching who was guarding Leng Shuangning and An Miaolan heard the footsteps and even helped to get up. Before seeing anyone, he shouted, "Ancestor, is that person captured and killed?"


However, his response was a muffled noise.

He looked back at the sound and found the ancestor Wu Ma Hanmo in his mouth sitting slumped on the ground, looking embarrassed.

"Ancestor, you are..."

The disciple opened his mouth and looked surprised.


But as soon as this person's words fell, a sharp light penetrated his eyebrows instantly, and he knew nothing.

Leng Shuangning and An Miaolan in the corner also looked stunned.

With the sound of footsteps, a figure of a young man appeared at the entrance.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Tian glanced at the two of them, and finally his eyes fell on Leng Shuangning, "Your classmate Ren Zhi is fine, I have saved him in Fang City! But what about Liao Wenfei?"

The two women didn't seem to hear what he said, and they were still stunned.

" murdered?"

Leng Shuangning reacted, but said such a sentence.

On the other hand, An Miaolan hurriedly got up, bowed to Lin Tian, ​​and said gratefully: "Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace!"

Respectfully thanked, An Miaolan hurriedly said, "Senior, the little girl dares to ask, have you seen my master and the others in Fangcheng? Oh... my name is An Miaolan, a disciple of Xuanyuan Mountain, and my master teaches you. Nine days..."

"You turned out to be Ren Jiutian's disciple! I saved you on the way to Fang City!"

Lin Tian showed a look of surprise on his face, and said with a smile: "I saw your master and them in Tulong Valley before, and they are all fine!"

"Ah... It turns out that you were the senior who helped me detoxify before!"

An Miaolan exclaimed and thanked him again and again.

Leng Shuangning on the side was stunned.

Lin Tian nodded slightly to An Miaolan, and then asked Leng Shuangning again: "Where is your other classmate, Liao Wenfei?"

"He... he's dead!"

Leng Shuangning's face showed a gloomy look, her eyes flushed slightly, and she lowered her head in response. At the same time, she said gratefully to Lin Tian, ​​"However, thank you for saving Ren Zhi!"

"You are fine!"

Lin Tian didn't know how to comfort him, nodded, and said to An Miaolan: "Help me send her back to Dali City! Let's leave now..."

After the two girls left, Lin Tian looked at Wuma Hanmo.

"Senior forgive me..."

Wuma Hanmo suddenly felt bad, and quickly got up, repeatedly kowtow begging for mercy.

Lin Tian ignored him, glanced around, and finally froze in the cracked staff hand.

Taking a look in the air, Lin Tian took the staff into his hand.

There was a sudden rush of infuriating energy in his hand, and the staff shattered and turned into powder.

However, the skull on the top was intact.

"good stuff!"

Lin Tian exclaimed, put it away, turned and walked out of the cave mansion.


"Sister Ann, do you know who Shao Lin is?"

Leng Shuangning followed An Miaolan to the outside, glanced at the cave behind him, and couldn't help but ask curiously.


An Miaolan gave a wry smile, sighed and said, "If you look at it from the perspective of an ordinary person, you are a godlike character!"

A fairy-like character?

Condensing Frost blinked, still a little confused, she didn't dare to think that the so-called fairy-like characters would fly to the sky like those on TV, but thought that Lin Tian's origins were terrible.

As for the death of the Saint Gu teacher just now, he also thought that Lin Tian used some hidden weapon.

At this moment, Lin Tian just stepped out.


The sword roar roared into the sky, turned into the size of a tree trunk, and volleyed down towards the mansion.


There was a loud and deafening noise, and the entire mansion collapsed into a pile of gravel, and the life and death of Wuma Hanmo inside was unknown.

"You leave quickly, I'm rushing back to Liu Yuancheng!"

Lin Tian exhorted An Miaolan and Leng Shuangning, and stepped on the flying sword to fly away without seeing them in a blink of an eye.

Leng Shuangning is a warrior anyhow, there is no Saint Gu cultivator here, and Lin Tian feels that there is no danger between them.

But Leng Shuangning saw Lin Tian cut the mountain where the cave was with a single sword, and then disappeared after stepping on the flying sword, and she was completely stunned there, her expression unbelievable.


Liu Yuancheng.

On a mountain ridge near the river in Liujiang District, there is a villa with an area of ​​hundreds of acres.

At the gate of the villa, there is an antique plaque horizontally with two large characters engraved with dragons and phoenixes-Mengjia!

at this time.

In the hall of Meng's house, there were only four people sitting.

Among them, an old man sat on the sofa with a sad face and an unwilling look.

If Lin Tian were here, he would surely be able to do it, this person was Miao Feiyun, the deacon of Saint Gu sect who had been abolished by him!

Standing next to Miao Feiyun was a middle-aged man wearing weird Miaojiang costumes.

This person, called Miao Cha, is a disciple of Miao Feiyun!

After Miao Cha, an old man stood respectfully. If Lin Tian saw him, he would recognize him at a glance. He was indeed the famous ancient Liushui master in Bincheng!

Opposite these three, there is another middle-aged man sitting, his name is Meng Xiuyun, the contemporary Patriarch of Liu Yuancheng's top family Meng family, and also a prefecture-level warrior!

"Master, is a golden core monk really caught you?"

At this time, Miao Cha showed an incredible look on his face, astonished.

"Fine, my dantian was destroyed, and my cultivation base was abolished. I am already a useless person!"

Miao Feiyun waved his hand, his face full of dissatisfaction, but shook his head again, as if he had accepted his fate and would not mention this matter again.

"Senior Miao, don't be discouraged! Wait for the Murong family and the Xin family to come over! We have also been ventilated with Helanyang in Yundian Province before, and we are ready to do it today! It is said that the second black and white envoy of your noble religion Will come, maybe they have a way!"

The opposite Meng Xiujun said respectfully: "If we did a beautiful job this time, Lord Lord descended Grace, you should be able to heal this injury!"

"The old man also looked away, and the rest is up to you!"

Miao Feiyun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But as soon as his words fell, there was already a sound of footsteps outside.

Two groups of people stepped in.

"Patriarch Murong, Patriarch Xin!"

Meng Xiujun stood up and held his fist at the man headed by the people on both sides who appeared.

"Brother Meng is polite!"

The two men on the opposite side sat down with a sullen face, and everyone who followed stood behind them.

These two are Murong Tai and Xin Junmin, the contemporary heads of the Murong family and the Xin family.

Murong Tai, who was slightly fat, said with a cold face: "When Helanyang comes over, we will cooperate with him to help the two envoys of black and white remove obstacles! But the most important thing is the vengeance of murder! That person is said to be a young master and The young genius doctor, there should be some means! It’s just that he hasn’t been able to find his whereabouts recently... Humph, but even if the Changsun family, the Zheng family, the Daming family and even the Hengling Gang and the Qinglonghui related to him are all sacked, even if they are digging Three feet in the ground, we must find him!"

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