The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 844: Come to the door one by one to stop the killing (third!)

A dozen people fell on the floor without even having time to scream.

Shangguan Xin and the others, who had been terrified at first, saw this scene, their faces panicked again.

Changsun Yinghan and Situ Xiu were okay, but the remaining Leng Caiwei, Peng Quhui and his wife, the eldest grandson Hui and Changsun Shuzhen, and Shangguanxin ran into the corner screaming in fright.

After all, it was the first time they saw so many dead people.

At this time, they finally noticed Lin Tian who appeared, and the faces of several people showed joy.


Both Peng Quhui and his wife stared wide-eyed and looked incredible, because these people were all killed by Lin Tian just now.

In their eyes, Lin Tian is the genius doctor who can help the world save the wounded.

In front of him, he became a cold murderer!

But soon, the couple looked at each other again, vaguely understanding that the young man in front of them was not an ordinary person!

"Master, you can save Yadong! He was taken away by the Murong family, the Meng family, and the Xin family!"

At this time, Leng Caiwei rushed forward first, took Lin Tian's hand, and knelt directly on the ground, his face full of pleading.

"Don't worry, I will save him, don't worry!"

Lin Tian comforted and helped Leng Caiwei up.

"Lin Tian, ​​how many families have you offended the Murong family? President Changsun said that apart from suppressing the families that opposed them in the past, they deliberately arrested people related to you!"

Shangguanxin came forward with a worried expression: "Chang Ying was also arrested by them. She had taken care of my mother for a while, and we are also friends. You must save her!"

"Yes, Lin Tian, ​​you have to save Yingying!"

The eldest grandson Hui, who is best with Chang Ying, also stood up and said anxiously, "I don't know how she is now!"

"Mr. Lin, your friend was arrested and we were unable to help with anything. I'm so sorry!"

Peng Quhui walked forward with a wry smile and said apologetically: "I had been to the Yan's house before and begged them to take action, but was kicked out. In the end, I went to the Ning's house. It is said that you died of Miss Ning's life. But... a group of people wearing weird costumes came and drove us out, saying that your kindness is not worthy of their action... In the end we ran away with a lot of other forces, no one was willing to help speak, one by one was afraid to avoid It's too late!"

"Well, the Ning family...that group of people, is Yu Jinhe..."

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes, muttered to himself softly, his face gradually darkened, and then shook his head to Peng Quhui: "Thank you for your help this time. No matter what, I will remember what you have done! I will take care of the things that come down. !"

While speaking, Lin Tian looked at Changsun Yinghan and said, "What's the situation on Jiutoushan?"

"Both... are gone! Zihui and my parents are separated. There were too many people at that time, and we couldn't take care of them!"

Changsun Yinghan took a deep breath and shook his head.

On the side, the eldest grandson Zihui and Changsun Shu really heard this, and both bowed their heads sadly, tears falling silently.

"There is..."

Changsun Yinghan paused and continued: "Yanghehui, Qinglong Branch, Liu Rongtang, etc. were not spared. As for the Hengling Gang, there has been no news, and I don't know what the situation is now."

"Please give me a copy of the addresses of all the houses of the Murong family, the Xin family, the Meng family and so on!"

Lin Tian was silent for a while, and then said to the grandson Yinghan: "After tonight, these families, they will regret what they have done now!"

Hearing this, Changsun Yinghan's body trembled involuntarily and took a deep breath. She understood that Lin Tian was completely angry.

Then she asked Shangguanxin to find paper and pen to list several families.

"Senior Lin, do you want me to follow?"

Situ Xiu stepped forward and said respectfully.

He knew that Lin Tian was about to make a move, and he absolutely wanted to wash the blood of those families, he wanted to follow it, and take advantage of this.

The one in front of him is a golden core power, if you can give him some treasures for appreciation, it will benefit infinitely.

"No, you are watching them here!"

Lin Tian shook his head and glanced back, then sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a piece of ordinary jade, and started to play a magic trick.

After a while, a jade symbol was successfully made.

"You hold this, there are five spell attacks in it, each of which can be used to cut the foundation!"

Lin Tian threw the jade symbol to Situ Xiu, and said coldly: "Protect them, it is safe for the time being! But if they miss, I will ask you!"

"Senior don't worry, as long as I am not dead, they will be fine!"

With ecstasy on Situ Xiu's face, he quickly took the jade talisman, patted the mouth of Xiong and promised.

This is a jade talisman that can slay foundation-building cultivators!

Just protecting these people here may not be useful.

From now on, it will become your own trump card!

Situ Xiu was secretly delighted, full of joy.

Lin Tian turned around, waved his hand, his true energy turned into Li Mang and instantly cut off the heads of a dozen people.

After that, those people's heads were wrapped in Lin Tianzhen's qi, and they floated into the air, looking extremely embarrassing.

As for the remaining corpses, Lin Tian burned them all with a flame, and then took the dozen heads out of the community.

Lin Tian stepped into the air, and the human head wrapped in Zhen Qi behind him floated in the middle of the night. The surrounding area seemed to be infected and became severely killed.

His spiritual consciousness spread, almost covering the entire Liu Rong district.

Soon, he saw the original headquarters of Yanghehui.

There was already a mess there, blood stains could be vaguely seen, and the corpse should have been quietly removed.

"It's so ruthless! If I come back one step later, can you imagine what happened to Sister Xin and the others?"

Lin Tian took a deep breath, and there was a surge of killing intent on his body, "Since you kill yourself, I can only stop killing by killing!"

Muttering to himself, Lin Tian finally landed on an off-road vehicle parked not far from the community.

There were two people sitting over there, and they looked at the community where Shang Guan Xin was located from time to time.

One of them was wearing the costume of a Holy Gu monk.

At first glance, he knew that this was a member of the Murong family and other families.

Lin Tian quietly landed with a dozen heads and came to the side of the car.


There was a loud noise, and a dozen heads hit the car. Lin Tian looked at the two with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Go back and tell your master, I will go right away, and everyone will come to the door one by one! Including Saint Gu Teach! Don’t think about running away, you don’t have that chance!"

"Ah... human head!"

The heads falling from the sky scared the two people in the car, even the monk of the Saint Gu sect was terrified.

"It's him... it's him who appeared..."

The man who had not cultivated his body was frightened. After screaming, he quickly started the car and screamed, fleeing to Liu Yuancheng, and at the same time he cursed: "Grass...Is this person just a martial arts master? All fairy masters are killed!"

"Shut up! Drive the car!"

The disciple of the Saint Gu sect screamed, and said: "A truly powerful martial arts master who can kill the seventh or eighth refining Qi is not non-existent! This person is a monster!"

Speaking of this, the disciple of the Saint Gu teacher was afraid after a while, and quickly took out his mobile phone and called out.

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