The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 845: Arrived at Xin's house (fourth!)

The young master who is less than twenty years old, what is it that is not an evildoer?

The dozen or so people who went there just now included several Saint Gu cultivators who had the same cultivation level as him.

But now there are only a dozen heads left!

This disciple of Saint Gu Sect was already afraid.

He called and notified Lin Tian of what happened.

Liu Yuancheng.

The Murong family, the Meng family, and the Xin family, including many of the forces that clung to the three families, such as the Du family whose descendant Du Gao was beaten by Lin Tian violently. The high-level and powerful people of these families gathered In the hall of Meng's house.

In addition, beside them, there were seven or eight powerful Saint Gu sects, each with a deep aura, and the lowest cultivation base was at least nine levels in the Qi Refining Period.

The two headed by them actually had the initial cultivation base!

These people sat there quietly, ignoring the others present.

They were all ordered by Hei Xiaobai to stay. Their only purpose here is... to kill!

Clean up Liu Yuancheng for Helanyang and others!

In addition to them, there are several martial arts masters and prefecture-level warriors.

These are the people of several big families, and they are also the heritage of these families themselves!


In the hall.

The high-levels of the families were silent and silent, with a cold expression.

The Patriarch of the Meng family, Meng Xiujun, who was sitting in the first place, was listening on the phone.

After a while.

His face was so gloomy that it was dripping.

"So courageous!"

As soon as he hung up the phone, Meng Xiuyun suddenly patted the table beside him and said coldly, "No wonder even Mengzhao dared to kill, it turned out to be so rampant!"

"What's the matter, there is news?"

Murong Patriarch Murong Tai, who was sitting on the side, turned his head and asked with a frown.

Other people present also cast their eyes.

"Yes, there is news! That person has appeared! I thought I would have to wait a few more days!"

Meng Xiuyun sullenly nodded and said: "He appeared in Liurong District, but the dozen or so people we sent, including the priest monks, were killed by him! This person is really amazing!"

"What! The predecessors of Shengjiao are not opponents?"

In the hall, many people exclaimed.

The two cultivators at the foundation-building stage of the Saint Gu Sect who were sitting on the side could not help opening their eyes and frowning.

"Otherwise, why can I be called a young master? At such an age, his combat power is terrifying, there is no doubt!"

At this time, a voice sounded from outside, and He Lanyang walked in with a group of people from outside, and said as they walked: "Since you are the murderers and enemies of your big families, this seat can help you, and now you can send someone there. !"

When he walked to the hall and stood still, He Lanyang respectfully saluted the two foundation-building monks of the Saint Gu Sect and others, and then said: "There are senior Wu and Senior Yang of the Saint Cult here. No matter how powerful he is, he also has his wings. Can't escape!"

"Yes! The envoy let us stay, just listen to your arrangements! If necessary, we will leave now!"

The two foundation-building cultivators of the Saint Gu sect turned their heads at this time, and one of them nodded and said.

"Thank you two seniors for sitting here! But there is no need to go there!"

Miao Xiujun bowed to the two of them, and then said, "The man said he was going to kill us! Humph, he said he was going to come one by one!"

"What a big tone! To reach the martial arts master at a young age, the talent is amazing, but so rampant, it is doomed to die!"

Helanyang couldn't help being furious at this time.

"Since he is so arrogant, then we will let him come back and forth!"

Murongtai narrowed his eyes and shouted coldly: "Beier, Hengxing and Meng Zhao's two wise nephews were killed. He must pay the price, and he must not die easily!"

"Yes, the enemy of killing a child, the family chief pays his blood debts! Not only his friends, he must be **** when he finds out his family!"

Meng Xiujun was furious and shouted: "Since he is going to die, he will be done! I suggest sending someone to stare at him, who knows if he flees halfway through fraud. At the same time, he separates his two friends. Take it to your Murong family and Xin family. As for Huangfucheng, stay here, and then send a martial arts master from both sides. As long as he comes, he will spatter blood here!"

"Yes, someone is in hand, no matter how good he is, he still has to be a rat!"

Murongtai nodded and agreed.

"I have no objection, then arrange it!"

Xin Junmin, the head of the Xin family, nodded slightly, and followed.

At this moment, a cultivator of the foundation-building stage of the Saint Gu Cult looked up and said: "Just in case, let our people follow..."


Murongtai and Xin Junmin left with people and returned to their respective families, waiting for Lin Tian's arrival.

But as soon as they left, a beautiful shadow walked through the door of the Meng family.

The girl who appeared was angry and dissatisfied, and it was Ning Beihan who came.


And this time.

The deployment and movements of the Meng family and others have also been secretly observed by many forces and families.

And when they learned that the young master who killed Murong Bei and others was about to appear, they couldn't help getting excited.

"This time there is a good show!"

"Yes, I thought this person didn't dare to show up!"

"This person is a bit reluctant to live or die, and if he appears at this time, there is absolutely no return!"

"It's hard to say that this is a young grandmaster. To be able to step into the realm of a grandmaster at this age, let alone his talent, his background and combat power must not be underestimated!"

"Huh, no matter how talented it is? Do you think Murong's family is vegetarian? There is also a master!"

"This person is overbearing, but unfortunately it has affected many people and families. Fortunately, we didn't accept Peng Quhui's plea at the beginning, otherwise we would be unlucky!"


Many people and forces secretly talked about it.

Approaching the entrance of the Yelang Mountains, Ning Shicang took several senior Ning family members and Yu Jinhe and others, and walked forward with the great elder Luo Anteng on the Yelang Mountains.

But at this moment, a car whizzed in behind him, and quickly stopped beside everyone.

It's from the Ning family.

"Mr. Ning, there is news!"

The visitor respectfully stepped forward and spoke in a low voice.

"Hmph, he dared to show up! Doomed to a dead end!"

Ning Shicang frowned, shook his head and sighed.

Yu Jinhe on the side gritted his teeth and said: "The priest is here. He is going to die. Don't join in!"

"Come on, why pay attention to a dying person? Keep going!"

Luo Anteng in front turned his head and waved to everyone, and said in a deep voice.


Liu Yuancheng, Yan's family.

Yan Yanxin hurried back. She didn't meet Xiao Changkong, but she saw her parents preparing to take the strong family member out.

As for Lin Tian’s matter, Yan Yanxin had already learned about it from other friends on the road. She rushed into the house and said directly: "Dad, Mom, are you hiding this from me? Now you must take someone to stop it. Murong's family and others are deceiving too much!"

"Naughty! Do you know the truth of the matter? The guy who doesn't know what it is, killed Murong Bei and others!"

Yan Nanfei's face sank, and he sternly shouted: "Fortunately, your mother brought you back in time, otherwise you will have a great disaster! Now you think it's just the Murong family? There is Saint Gu Sect behind it! You still have to look at the face of Saint Gu Cult! And, your cousin Changkong is back, and you have also seen, what is that kid compared to Changkong? This time he dares to show up, he is destined to be a dead end!"

"Well, if you don't go, I will go by myself!"

Yan Yanxin saw his parents doing this, and he pouted and turned and ran out.

"Grab this girl for me and head to Broken Bridge Ridge together!"

Mu Danfeng's face was distressed and unbearable, but in the end she still gave orders to the people behind.


Lin Tian didn't know the situation in Liu Yuancheng, nor did he want to know. He walked along the edge of the highway from Liurong District to Liu Yuancheng, walking quickly through the heavy night.

But along the way, he also found that there were people watching around.

However, he didn't care at all.

After half an hour.

Lin Tian appeared in front of a villa in Liuyuan City.

"The Xin family! From here..."

Standing under the villa, Lin Tian raised his head and looked, his voice was extremely cold.


Lin Tian strode forward, seemingly to tear the void with a punch, and slammed it on the plaque at the door of Xin's house.

The very impressive Xin's gate was directly shattered and turned into ruined walls.

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