The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 856: A palm up (third more!)

On Broken Bridge Ridge, billowing black clouds were rolling.

The mighty breath, straight into the sky.

And after this roar, a terrifying coercion swept across.

Around Broken Bridge Ridge, there was a strong wind on the ground instantly.

The terrible pressure caused Zhou Zhenjun, Chen Haotian, Xiao Changkong and others who were standing below to change their complexions slightly, their bodies swayed slightly, and they almost couldn't stand firmly.

And many young juniors, many of them were frightened by the terrifying coercion, and staggered to the ground one by one.

"Is this the Holy Lord Hong Qi breaking through?"

"Such pressure is just unintentional release of cultivation breakthrough, and only the supreme powerhouse who has stepped into the middle stage of the golden core can do it!"

Many people present could not help but secretly marvel, their faces were both yearning and awe.


No one noticed Lin Tian sitting cross-legged in the corner. To this pressure, like a breeze, he sat cross-legged, motionless.

The depths of Broken Bridge Ridge.

Hei Xiaobai, Yungu and the others sitting on the edge of the cave, as the rolling coercion exuded from the cave, they all stood up suddenly, with shock and fear on their faces.

But, immediately, they showed ecstasy again.

"It's the Lord Holy Master who broke through! My God, the soul veins under this Broken Bridge Ridge are much stronger than those Profound Yin bodies!"

Hei Xiaobai looked at the large buzzing array and sweeping coercion on the mountain, his face was full of awe and joy, "Although the veins of the ghost are only half a meter in size, even if you have the mysterious girls, you don't need this ghost. How strong is the pulse!"

"Yes! Yin soul veins, but the Lord Lord has been searching for the heaven and earth Yin veins for a long time, and now he has been able to make the sacred gu secret technique practiced by his old man go further!"

Great Elder Yungu's dry palms stroked his long beard, nodded and said: "Now, Lord Sage has become supreme, unifying Southwest and South Continent, and there will be no one to stop! Of course, the body of Xuan Yin needs to continue to be collected. Lord Lord can be used to improve cultivation. If you are lucky, you may be able to step into the late stage of the Golden Core and become the Heavenly Venerable! Then, even if the strong from Central Continent comes, it will do nothing to my sage!"

"Hahahaha... not bad, not bad! Now this seat has gone a step further, transforming into a flawless golden core, and unifying Nanzhou, it will be effortless!"

As soon as the two of them spoke, a burst of wild laughter suddenly came from the cave, and then a tall man in a black robe stepped out.

The man's face with Chinese characters is tall and tall, with eyebrows like a silkworm, and eyes like stars and bright like rainbows, making it difficult for people to look straight.

He walked towards the five people including Hei Xiaobai and Yungu, and in every move, there seemed to be a surge of supreme coercion, which made several people fearful and surrendered.

This man is the Saint Lord of Saint Gu Cult-Hong Qi!

"Congratulations, Lord Lord, for cultivating the supreme secret method, transforming the flawless golden core, and stepping into the supreme position!"

Sacred Gu Sect elder Yungu, the black and white envoy Hei Xiaobai, and the three major protectors jointly gave salutes, bowed down, and congratulated in unison.

"Yes, this time I can step into the middle of the golden core, you are the biggest hero!"

Hong Qi nodded in satisfaction, but immediately his brow furrowed and his eyes fell on Gu Jianchen who was still twitching on the ground, "What's the matter with the ancient sage?"

"Holy Lord, the sword was thrown in from the outside. I don't know which powerhouse came here! The one who can defeat him is at least the existence of the false alchemy!"

Hei Xiaobai bowed and said respectfully: "It is very likely that the people from Zhou Zhenjun killed here. I just don't know what happened to Chen Haotian and Zhong Xiangdi outside, because you had reached the critical moment of breakthrough. , We dare not withdraw from the battle, we can only wait till now. Holy Lord, you have to be the master for him!"

Hong Qi's face sank slightly, and he stepped forward. The huge divine consciousness enveloped Gu Jianchen, and then stretched out his hand to breathe out a breath of true energy into Gu Jianchen's body.

For a long while.

His complexion gradually became serious.

"I don't know where the strong is coming! This technique is not what Zhou Zhenjun can do!"

Hong Qi calmly said, "What he is doing is... the soul attack technique!"

"What! Soul attack technique! Isn't this kind of secret technique very rare in the realm of comprehension? Could it be that another Golden Core cultivator came?"

The great elder Yungu and the others all changed a lot and exclaimed.

"It's hard to say! Maybe the other party is just the foundation building period. If there is such a soul attack tactic in hand, the ancient sage can't resist it, plus the surprise, it must be said!"

Hong Qi frowned, shook his head and said: "The ancient sage envoy was under the attack of the soul warfare, and the soul was damaged, so I can't solve it. Now, let's go out and see what's going on. Even if it's the Jindan monk here, Ben The seat is not afraid!"


Above Broken Bridge Ridge, there was a thunderous roar again, the formation was removed, and the billowing black mist slowly disappeared.

Hong Qi took Yungu and the others and stepped down.

"Have seen Lord Lord!"

Standing under Broken Bridge Ridge, the two great sect monks, the Ning Family, the Yan Family and the others all bowed and shouted.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

Because of Gu Jianchen's serious injury, Hong Qi's joy of breaking through the golden core was diminished a lot, and now he still has a gloomy face.

Everyone stood up straight and looked around, and found that Hong Qi's face was calm, and they couldn't help but chuckle in secret.

But thinking of the dignified Golden Core monk, naturally has its own majesty, and many people are instantly relieved.

"Is this the legendary Golden Core Ancestor?"

Many of the people present looked at Hong Qi with scorching eyes, awe, secretly fascinated and amazed.

"Yanxin, can you see it? This is the demeanor of a big man. Every move makes many people surrender!"

Mu Danfeng glanced at Hong Qi, and whispered to Yan Yanxin beside him: "Your cousin Changkong, you will be able to reach this level in the future. Don't be stubborn on that guy anymore!"


Hong Qi was so in awe of the people and was very satisfied, so he swept around and frowned.

He fixed his gaze on Lin Tian's body, then closed it back.

He was just an ordinary young man who had no cultivation skills. He had followed the family members present to watch the excitement and ignored him.

Finally, his gaze fell on Zhou Zhenjun, and he coldly shouted: "Zhou Zhenjun, now do you choose to surrender to this seat or die?"

"Hmph, Hong Qi, your Saint Gu sect dominates the Southwest. Now you are not satisfied, and you stretched your hand to the realm of Yelang cultivation!"

When Zhou Zhenjun saw Hong Qi appear, his face was already a little scared, but he still gritted his teeth and didn't step back. He shouted: "You are so ambitious, do you think the Law Enforcement Palace will let you act recklessly?"

"The Hall of Law Enforcement? A bunch of idiots! Just because there is a branch hall of the Hall of Law Enforcement in Nanzhou. For so many years, Yelang Valley has led the Southern Comprehension Realm. , Our southern cultivation world has always been at the bottom!"

Hong Qi sneered: "Don't use the Hall of Law Enforcement to bluff this seat. Even if the lord of the Nanzhou Branch Hall comes, there is no way to leave this seat now! Now, are you surrendering or dead?"

"Hong Qi, don't dream!"

Zhou Zhenjun could see that he was extremely tough, and he was unwilling to surrender and bow his head.


Hong Qi felt cold on his face, and immediately pressed his hand against the void, and slapped a palm at Zhou Zhenjun. With the roar, the wind and clouds in the air rolled around, and the opposite Zhou Zhenjun flew out in no time. A clear palm print appeared on his chest.


Zhou Zhenjun fell to the ground, coughing with blood in his mouth, and was seriously injured.

With a palm in the air, the situation is everywhere, and you can't afford to be seriously injured during the fake period.

"Is this the power of Golden Core Ancestor!"

The others present could not help being shocked, their faces became more awed, and the Ning Family and Yan Family's determination to follow the Saint Gu Sect were also more determined.

"There is only one thing that hinders this seat, and that is death!"

Hong Qi stood with his hands in his hands, hunting in clothes, and the pressure on his body was released invisibly. He looked straight at Jun Zhou and said coldly: "This seat gives you one last chance!"

And this time.

Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the corner, shook his head slightly, stood up, and stood up.

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