The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 857: Weng Xiyun is here (fourth!)

With a palm in the air, the Yelanggu Sect Master Zhou Zhenjun, who had a false alchemy cultivation base, was seriously injured.

Between the gestures, vague winds and clouds swept across, the pressure surged, and everyone present was extremely frightened.

The power of Jindan overhaul is evident!

Many people are in awe and fascinated.

"In the future, only Xiao Changkong can reach this level!"

Yu Yushi, standing behind Luo Anteng, the former elder of the Yelang Valley with a group of people from the Ning family, has beautiful eyes like rainbows, and his face is full of admiration for Hong Qi, whispering to himself: "In the future, my husband can reach this level. What a great thing! No, even half, even half of what Xiao Changkong can get! It's a pity that what I have encountered now is basically too reluctant! What's more, there are many arrogant and arrogant people..."

Speaking of this, Yu Yushi couldn't help but glanced at Lin Tian who had already stood up, his face was very disdainful, but also with some anger.

It was because that Lin Tian's face had always been a calm look, it seemed that everything was not in his eyes, which made Deyu Yushi extremely unhappy!

However, Lin Tian didn't care what others thought, he was going to step forward.

But at this moment, Xiao Changkong stepped out and held his fist at Hong Qi and said, "Xiao Changkong, I have seen Senior Hong!"

"Hey, you are the little boy of Liu Yuancheng! I had heard of you at the beginning, and when I was still in Fengmingshan, I was already a famous tianjiao! Now I am the proud disciple of the elder Pang Jinglong Pang Daoist of Wenxin Valley?"

Hong Qi withdrew his gaze from Zhou Zhenjun and looked at Xiao Changkong in surprise, only now he also noticed the latter.

"It's the sky!"

Xiao Changkong was very calm and held his fists to give salutes. Although Hong Qi is the Saint Master of the Sacred Gu Sect and the Great Golden Core monk, he is one of the ten geniuses of Sword Saint Mountain. Standing behind him is his master and also the Great Golden Core monk. There was even the whole Wenxingu as the backing, so he didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, he just made a formal understanding, and he continued to speak:

"Senior Hong, this time I came here, my master also brought the decree, and is willing to cooperate with the Saint Gu Sect to grow the southern cultivation world together!"

"Haha...Good good!"

Hong Qi laughed and nodded, "Your master has given me a secret letter before, and I want to grow together! If you ask Xingu to work together, great things can happen!"

"That's natural! The Yelang Cultivation Domain has been scattered for too long! If it weren't for the existence of Bugu Village, the Law Enforcement Palace insisted on Yelang Mountain to lead, it would not be the situation now!"

Xiao Changkong smiled and nodded slightly.

"Hmph, I will go to the village of buried bones sooner or later, to see where the sacred is there!"

Hong Qi replied with a cold snort.

"Buried bone village, I haven't stepped into it yet!"

Xiao Changkong answered again. Then he looked at Monarch Zhou Zhen, frowning, and persuaded: "Uncle Zhou...well, I called you that way back then. Now that the general trend, why are you stubborn? Now you choose to follow the Holy Gu Sect. , The benefits will be more in the future!"

"Hmph, you Fengming Mountain is so promising! But now that you come back, you are going to swallow our Yelang Domain. What a good method!"

Zhou Zhenjun shouted to Xiao Changkong with a sullen face: "Let me Zhou Zhenjun surrender to you thieves, don't think about it!"

"Zhou Zhenjun, since this is the case, this seat will fulfill you! You can let the remaining Yelanggu monks follow you in the funeral..."

Hong Qi seemed to have used his patience enough. He snorted coldly, and waved to the people behind Hei Xiaobai and others: "Including Lord Zhou Zhen, whoever comes, don't leave!"


Standing behind Hong Qi, Hei Xiaobai and the great elder Yungu and the others rushed towards the Yelanggu Zhou Zhenjun and others.

Saint Gu Sect Great Elder Yungu, fake alchemy cultivation base!

Hei Xiaobai, one of the two sage envoys of the Black and White Hades, has a false alchemy cultivation base!

The remaining three guardians also have their peak cultivation base during the foundation period!


Before a few people attacked Zhou Zhenjun and the others, a loud shout was heard from the other mountain.

When the words fell, a man in a white robe walked with two girls.

Hei Xiaobai frowned and couldn't help but stopped because they recognized the man who appeared.

At the same time, they looked back at Hong Qi, waiting for the latter to decide.

"Why is he here?"

When Hong Qi saw the man in the white robe appear, he couldn't help but raise his brow, slightly surprised.

"Elder Wu, you are finally here!"

At this time, Lord Zhou Zhen got up with difficulty and clasped his fists at the man who appeared.

Lin Tian, ​​who originally wanted to go out but was interrupted by Xiao Changkong and stopped, couldn't help but be surprised when he looked up.

The man who appeared was Wu Dongbin, the law enforcement elder of the Nanzhou law enforcement branch!

Of the two girls who followed, one of them was Mu Xirou.

As for another girl, Lin Tian had also seen Yu Ziyan, who had appeared in Orchid Valley at the beginning!

Elder of the Hall of Law Enforcement!

The others present, knowing Wu Dongbin's identity, could not help but change their color, secretly panicking.

If Saint Gu Cult and Xiao Changkong retreated at this time, those two sects and two families would both be in trouble.

This is a member of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Cultivation Alliance!

"Hong Qi, you are really brave, and you dare to start a war of the sect. If you want to swallow Yelang, do you know the consequences?"

Wu Dongbin nodded to Zhou Zhenjun, then looked at Hong Qi and shouted: "It's not too late for you to stop now!"

"Hahahaha...Are you being bluffed as this seat?"

Facing Wu Dongbin's scolding, Hong Qi laughed wildly, and said disdainfully: "Do you think you are qualified to have a dialogue with this seat? If your hall master comes, you will be able to speak. But he also stopped. No way! What's more, you still have to fight Sword Saint Mountain as an enemy? Huh, don't use the Central Continent powerhouse to scare me, they can't reach that far!"

Hearing this, Wu Dongbin's face changed drastically.

However, Wu Dongbin gritted his teeth in the end and took out the order of the Hall of Law Enforcement from his body: "Hong Qi, I now order you to stop and return to your Miao territory!"

Seeing this, Feiyunju, Fengmingshan, the Ning Family and the Yan Family were all shocked.

"Grandpa, Yushi, why are you confused? Follow the great elder and go along with cults like Saint Gu Sect?"

At the same time, Yu Ziyan, who was standing behind Wu Dongbin, looked in the direction of the Ning family, and scolded softly.

Yu Jinhe and Yu Yushi opened their mouths, not knowing how to respond.

Are Yu Ziyan and Yu Yushi sisters? No wonder it looks so alike!

Lin Tian, ​​who had been sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight, was surprised again.

"You order this seat?"

Seeing Wu Dongbin taking out the law enforcement order, Hong Qi's face sank, and his feet slammed. The terrifying real energy on the ground exploded, and the mud on the ground slammed onto Wu Dongbin's body like a wave.


Wu Dongbin flew out in the air, bleeding arrows from his mouth.

Fortunately, Yu Ziyan and Mu Xirou stood behind Wu Dongbin, otherwise they would have to be injured as well.


Hong Qi didn't kill Wu Dongbin with a single kick, and immediately swiped towards the void, and a green sharp light burst out of the void.

"Holy Gu Cult, you are so brave! First, you violated the Ancestral Dragon Law, and now you want to kill the people in the Hall of Law Enforcement, lawless!"

But at this time, the Li Mang drawn by Hong Qi hadn't reached De Wu Dongbin, and a soft drink suddenly sounded from the void.


At the same time, there was a muffled noise in the air, and a radiant sword of true energy slashed down with lightning, dissolving Hong Qi's attack.

The next moment, a woman wearing a white palace dress and a light cold skirt, stepped on the volley and walked slowly.

She has a tall black hair, a delicate face, and a sense of maturity all over her body, but at the same time she has a noble and inviolable temperament.

Ji Xiaoyao’s master, the elder Weng Xiyun of Wuyouling Xingchen Mountain, the second level cultivation domain, is here!

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