The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 873: Jimo Ruxue (second more)


Another muffled noise came from the underground world space.

Lin Tian smashed into the stone wall like a bag of sandbags. Just as he fell, his true Qi jade hand came over again.

His whole person, like a leather ball, was slapped and played by a woman.

"Gluck...Come on, kid, play with my sister!"

The woman seemed to be playful, she smiled and said: "If you have fun, maybe sister can give you some blood of Jiuchen!"

This woman has a strange temperament!

He looked murderous before, but now he turned to playful.

Lin Tian was puzzled, and said angrily: "Are you really not stopping?"

"Chuckchchch...don't stop! I see what you can do!"

The woman continued to smile and said: "Before, you robbed a totem pole's Jiuchen blood, and now you dare to run in, you must be a bit painful! But I'm very curious how you know to see the totem pole Blood?"

"Okay, don't regret it!"

Lin Tian gritted his teeth and estimated the time, and then he secretly used the Spirit Confinement Technique between his belly and his head.

Conferring spirit can only be performed once a day.

By now, exactly one day has passed, and it can be performed again.

The spiritual sealing technique ignores the opponent's strength and level, even if the woman's cultivation base is high, the spiritual sealing technique can be effective.


Therefore, Lin Tian may suffer a certain amount of backlash, and his spiritual consciousness must be weakened for a while.

But now there is no choice. To be played by this woman, even if you don't die, you have to hurt your bones.


A slight roar suddenly sounded in the underground space, and an invisible wave also appeared in the air.

next moment,

The woman's body became stiff, and the whole person was stunned for an instant. The jade hand was still waving, and the solidified smile on her face was beautiful and amazing.

The infuriating jade hand in the air disappeared, and Lin Tian fell from the air.

His face was a little pale, and his body was shaking.

After landing, Lin Tian wanted to get up, but found that he was weak.

Lin Tian could only lie on the spot and run the Nine Revolving Three Lives Secret Art, and it took a long time to finally relax.

The spiritual consciousness consumed by Spirit Sealing technique this time is terrible.

Falling from the air, he almost fainted.

Fortunately, I can stand up at this moment.

"What is this?"

Not far away, Qiu Wanqiu saw the woman sitting there motionless, and no longer moved. His eyes widened, and he was shocked.

And for Lin Tian's terrifying physique, he was also extremely shocked.

He knew how terrifying the force of the woman's slap in front of him was.

However, the boy in front of him was photographed for an unknown number of times, and he was safe.

On the other side, the woman also opened her beautiful eyes, staring at Lin Tian fiercely, and exclaimed, "What secret technique is this? What did you do to me?"

Finding that her body could not move, the true energy and spiritual consciousness in her body were also sealed and solidified, and the woman gradually showed a look of panic.

She has been trapped here for many years.

But even so, no one can do anything to get her. Those who wanted to kill her in the first place not only failed to kill her, they died here.

Here, even if someone with a higher cultivation base comes, she is not afraid.

Just because this is her place, no one can help her.

But now, she was restrained by a teenager.

"I told you to stop just now and you keep going, now it's too late to regret!"

Lin Tian calmly walked to the woman and said viciously, "Look at how I can treat you!"

When he got closer, Lin Tian could feel the icy breath from the cold bed.

The cold light on the iron chain that trapped the woman was strange.

And the woman, looking up close, feels even more beautiful!

But Lin Tian didn't have the slightest appreciation, he directly picked up the woman and put it on his legs.

"Ah... what are you going to do?"

The woman screamed and shouted.

She felt a little bad and wanted to struggle, but she was still out of control.


As soon as she finished her words, Lin Tian's thick palms had fallen on her quite plump Jiaotun, and the crisp and sweet sound resounded through the underground space.


The woman is blinded!

My skin drum was beaten!

This made her feel crazy, her beautiful eyes widened and she looked incredible.

Ever since she was young, let alone others dared to hit her ass, even if she touched her hands, it was never before.

Because no man dares to blaspheme her at all!

It's okay now, but a teenager beat him up on the spot!



She also felt a scorching hotness from her, as well as bursts of strange sensations, which spread all over her body like electricity.

" dare to beat me...beat me there! are dead! I Jimo Ruxue grew up, and no one has dared to profane this way! Let go of me, or I want you to look good !"

Jimo Ruxue's face gradually showed shame and anger, screaming and drinking.

"I told you to stop just now, did you stop?"

Lin Tian calmly waited for Jimo Ruxue and shouted: "The name is beautiful, but the shot is so violent! Moreover, you said you want to have fun with me, so play with you to the end!"

"you dare……"

Jimo Ruxue stared at her beautiful eyes, gritted her teeth, and screamed softly.


However, the crisp sound of coming down resounded like rain.

Lin Tian's thick slap continuously fell on the opponent's Jiaotun.

Jimo Ruxue is just wearing a thin satin skirt with only a pair of close-fitting pants.

Continuously slap down, swaying in the upright part, and soon it becomes water stained again.

The thin clothes showed the amazingly full curves in a blink of an eye.

"Do you still dare to make a move? Will you surrender? If you don't, I will fight until you beg for mercy!"

Lin Tian sternly asked Jimo Ruxue.

"Hmm...I...I don't dare to fight anymore..."

Jimo Ruxue Jiao snorted and begged for mercy in a low voice.

"It's almost the same!"

Lin Tian nodded in satisfaction, but he couldn't help but slap once more on the trembling Jiaotun in the end.

But she soon discovered something was wrong.

The moment when the last slap fell, he noticed that there was water splashing everywhere, and a strange smell was still faintly emitted, which made people confused.

Uh... I'll go, no!

By now, Lin Tian had understood what was going on, and was a little embarrassed, and quickly put the other party down.

When Jimo Ruxue sat down, Lin Tian found that the former's pretty face was blushing, and it seemed that water was dripping out.

"Ah...little bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Jimo Ruxue's shy face suddenly showed murderous intent and screamed softly.

At this time, Jimo Ruxue began to move.

"Stop it!"

Lin Tian's expression changed drastically, and he quickly yelled: "You dare to do it, believe it or not, I will make you unable to move, then strip you naked and hit you all over!"

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