The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 874: Lovesickness to the bone, lazy talk about Fengyue (third more)

The woman in front of her is powerful and unfathomable, and it is very likely that she is a real Jiuchen clan!

For such a strong player, Lin Tian is very afraid at this stage.

Now, he was a little scared.

The woman beat him violently before, not doing her best, otherwise he would die.

At this moment, the other party is murderous, he doesn't want to die here somehow!

So he pretended to be angry.

"If you dare to move a finger, I will definitely do what I say!"

Lin Tian paused when he saw Jimo Ruxue's jade hand originally raised, and quickly reminded again.


He was right!

Then there is the strong, Jimo Ruxue is still a woman, and her virginity and her own reputation are more important than fate, which can be regarded as a weakness!

"You... you bastard!"

Jimo Ruxue's face was ashamed and angry, and the jade hand was raised several times, but in the end he put his teeth down.

The secret technique that Lin Tian had never seen before was extremely strange.

If she is subdued again and stripped by the boy in front of her, then she would rather not live!


She didn't know that Lin Tian's spirit sealing technique could only be used once a day.

Otherwise, if she knew, she would definitely break Lin Tian into pieces!

"This is good!"

Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled secretly at the same time: "Well, sit down, let's have a fun chat! It's a pity, I just wanted to play with you slowly, who knows you don't want to play..."


Jimo Ruxue's beautiful eyes glared, and his silver teeth were crushed with hatred.

But she was helpless.

Now, she is afraid!

In the end she could only look depressed.

"Let your legs flat, sit up straight, I have something to talk to you!"

Lin Tian looked at Jimo Ruxue with an aggrieved look, but had no intention of pitying Xiangxiyu at all, and said coldly: "Since we are not playing anymore, let's talk about business!"

Jimo Ruxue listened to Lin Tian's scolding, her delicate body trembled, and her legs straightened together subconsciously.

Now she is subconsciously afraid of Lin Tian.

But under this situation, a sudden babble came from between her legs.

A small splash of water splashed from under her legs.


Seeing this, Lin Tian almost didn't vomit blood.

However, he sat down on a rock beside the cold bed in a serious manner, without seeing anything.

However, Jimo Ruxue was so embarrassed that he couldn't find a place to drill in.

I even wanted to get up and run away, not let Lin Tian see it.

It's just that her hands and feet are bound by long chains, she can only curl her legs up with her head down, feeling extremely ashamed and angry.

far away.

Qiu Wanqiu, who was leaning on the stone wall, looked at Lin Tianjiang Jimo Ruxue, who seemed to him to be a devil, and subdued like a well-behaved little wife, his eyes were about to fall.

"How did he do it?"

Qiu Wanqiu was extremely depressed.

"Ahem... Well, I'll talk to you a few questions!"

Lin Tian gave a light cough, looked at Jimo Ruxue, and said, "The first is, who are you on earth?"

For Jimo Ruxue, Lin Tian preliminarily judged that he was a member of the Jiuchen Clan, but the specifics are unknown.

"Why should I tell you!"

Jimo Ruxue gritted her teeth and drank: "I will send you away now and leave the bone buried village!"

For her, Lin Tian is her nemesis now, and she can't wait to stay away.

"That's not for you!"

Lin Tian's face was stern, and he shouted fiercely: "Do you want me to do it again?"


Jimo Ruxue's pretty face changed drastically, facing Lin Tian's gaze, her delicate body trembled, and quickly said: "I am...I am the branch of the Jiuchen Clan's Burial Sky and Blood Sea, and I am the saint there!"

Buried in the sea!

Lin Tian's eyes condensed suddenly, his expression on his face was shocked.

The Sea of ​​Burial Heaven, Lin Tian hadn't been there in his previous life, but it was thunderous.

Legend has it that it is the only way to the sanctuary.

At the beginning, he got the ancient map to go to the sanctuary, so Deming Daoyue and Gu Kuangge were murderous!

Sanctuary, that is the place where countless strongest people are fascinated!

It is said that there are many strong clans and masters in the funeral sea. The previous life Lin Tian was about to set foot on the funeral sea, and was besieged.

Unexpectedly, the woman I met on this earth came from Buried Heaven Sea!

And the opposite.

Seeing Lin Tian reacting like this, Jimo Ruxue's eyes widened and he was shocked: " know Buried Tianhai?"

Lin Tian took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

In an instant, Jimo Ruxue's beautiful eyes turned red, leaving behind emerald tears like amber.

Teardrops, crystal clear as emerald green jewels, streamed down her beautiful cheeks.

She stared at Lin Tian with beautiful eyes with green mist.

"You... are you from there too?"

Jimo Ruxue bit her lip, her voice trembling, and asked Lin Tian cautiously.

See here.

Lin Tian couldn't help being stunned.

From the face of the other party, he saw countless indescribable looks of longing, despair, expectation, etc.

"Forget it!"

Lin Tianqing sighed and nodded.

"Are you a real human race?"

Jimo Ruxue asked again.


Lin Tian nodded and replied, "I know the burial of the sea, and I know the Jiuchen clan, but how did your magnificent Jiuchen clan wander here? What is the iron chain on her body? Do you know in which starry sky this earth is located?"

"It's no wonder that the secret technique you have is so terrible, it turns out that it was also on this deserted planet! It's just that I don't know what realm it belongs to!"

Jimo Ruxue shook his head and said with a sad expression: "As for my presence here, it's a long story. To put it simply, the saint son of the ancient gods and gods came to see me and my physique. And the tribe was under pressure. , I can only agree to marriage. But I don’t like the saint son, and I don’t want to be separated from the clansmen and family by countless starry sky realms. In the end, my maid helped me and took me and a group of clansmen who accompanied me to the ancient gods. Fleeing on the way to the ground, but... was swallowed by the turbulent starry sky, and then appeared here!"

"But how could the saint son of the ancient gods give up easily? In order to prevent my breath from leaking, I asked my subordinates to tie me with the Jiuchen iron chain to prevent my breath from leaking, so as not to be found by the people of the ancient gods. But later on this earth, my cultivation base was suppressed, and the people under my staff were the same, very weird. Then there was war in the ancient times on the earth, and the whereabouts of the Jiuchen stone figure that unlocked the Jiuchen iron chain is unknown! I can only be forced to Trapped here, the people in Buried Bone Village are the descendants of my former subordinates, and I can't do anything after thinking of various methods..."

Listening to Jimo Ruxue's narration, Lin Tian was stunned.

Dare to love that Jimo Ruxue has been here for thousands of years!

"It's no wonder that when you shot, I couldn't sense the coercion on your body. It was the spirit that was imprisoned by this Jiuchen iron chain!"

Lin Tian thought of this at this time.

"This may be called self-binding! But if I go back to the beginning, I will still do it, I will not go to the ancient gods! Fortunately now, I met people from my hometown here!"

Jimo Ruxue showed endless loneliness on her face at this moment, sighed with a bitter smile, and said with tears: "Now, I want my family, I just want to go back, I don't want to be here, let alone go to the ancient gods!"

Hey, this is the so-called lovesickness and lazy talk about Fengyue, right?

Lin Tian sighed in secret, not knowing how to comfort him.

However, Lin Tian's mind was still above Jiuchen's blood.

If Jimo Ruxue can still remember where he had entered the earth before, it would be better for him to return to the Nine Heavens Continent.

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