The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 301 Raid On Wild Fox Ridge

At this time, on Yehu Ridge, the three heroes of Beicheng were forming a team. The bosses of the three gangs thought it would be easy to form a team. Usually, they had good opponents.

But this gathering made them feel completely different from before. No matter how they called people to gather, there was always someone who couldn't come.

It's not that they don't come, it's because other things are delayed. You urge them, but they don't come. Originally, these people are just ordinary players of the gang, and the gang doesn't give them any good benefits. If the family doesn't come, you take them too. No way, more importantly, you can't scold them, let alone fire them at this time.

Zhenwu Pavilion's gang leader Ruoshui Sanqian, the gang leader above the dome oppressed the sky, and the Fengleibao gang leader Feng Leiyundong really broke their throats.

In fact, they didn't want to fight Wu Tian desperately, they just blocked in name, but now they can't even block in name.

The boss of the three gangs has changed from the original containment plan to the current competition with his subordinate players.

"Wu Tian is chasing and killing two bastard legions. It just so happens that we have time to sort out these players. What does it look like? As soon as the order legion calls out, 60,000 people will act on the spot. Ten thousand people, it has been almost 3 hours since the organization, and even half of the people have not arrived." Ruoshui Sanqian cursed while pinching his waist.

The coercion of the sky is also full of rage, scolding, "A bunch of white-eyed wolves, I heard that the dungeons give the gang points, one is more diligent than the other, and when they say they want to go to the battlefield, one follows the other to shirk the blame, this time I'll take all of them. fired."

Feng Leiyundong frowned and said, "If our three gangs are in this situation, we don't need to fight Wu Tian, ​​just admit defeat, this is completely giving away."

When the three gangs gathered this time, because Yehu Ridge was relatively close to them, the farthest was only an hour and a half away, while Wu Tian’s side took more than two hours, so the three families decided together. Gathered at Wild Fox Ridge.

The slogan of attacking the Legion of Order was called out from the time of the gathering, but now it's shameful, the three of them can only keep calling their subordinates, relying on Wu Tian's main force still around the big snowfield 3 hours away from them , the three continued to call and scolded while calling the players.

Because the three are clearly shouting, a large number of anchors have already started live broadcasts around Yehuling.

"Everyone has seen it now, these are the three major gangs in the north of Jiangling City. I really didn't expect that, I thought that only Qiankun Zongheng, Liu Ziyuan and West could build such a large gang in Jiangling City, but now there are more gangs. Three, compared to Liu Ziyuan, they are not bad."

"I can't believe that these three gangs together have more than 6,000 cavalrymen. It seems that the gang's welfare is very good."

"These three gangs are still assembling. I can't believe how many people they have to assemble. I heard that there are only more than 30,000 people in the Legion of Order who can participate in the battle, which is more than 30,000 less than these three gangs. It's really fighting. , the Legion of Order is more fortunate and less fortunate."

"Although I am very optimistic about the Order Legion, and hope that such a gang can change the atmosphere of Jiangling City, I really can't believe that Wu Tian can do it, because the enemies they face are too strong."

"Wu Tian defeated the three gangs in Jiangling City last time, but he did not dare to go out to the north to attack these three gangs, because he had few people, and now there are three gangs in the north of Jiangling City that are no worse than Liu Ziyuan. I really don't know what Wu Tian should do?"

"Wu Tian's dream was shattered today."


None of the streamers believed that Wu Tian could win. It was the real power and hard power that made them accustomed to the rich to win, and they were used to succumbing to the power.

The players of the Beicheng Sanjie gang also don’t believe that Wu Tian can beat them. Ordinary players don’t care about Wu Tian. The equipment can support up to 30,000 people.

A gang with only 30,000 people who can fight, now the three gangs have gathered more than 450,000 people in such an empty venue.

Even if Wu Tian has a group of archers, they have horse-riding players who can outflank them. Once the archers stop and shoot arrows, they will definitely be caught up by these horse-riding players. Therefore, among the more than 40,000 people who have assembled at the scene, no one regards the Order Legion as back. Alas, the formation at the scene was disorganized.

Ruoshui Sanqian, Fengleiyundong, and others didn't bother to gather their players to line up. When they marched for a while, the formation must have dissipated. Another one, all the legion commanders, commanders, and even the captains under their command were all there. Desperately holding the phone to contact the players.

None of the elite players from the three gangs could arrive on time, let alone ordinary players. Every centurion team was short of people. Under such circumstances, many players of the elite group, relying on some privileges in the gang, even ran to the scene. Chat with other players elsewhere.

This also caused the only enemy who could resist the Qilin shooter team to be ineffective. Therefore, when Wu Tian brought his 1,500 shooters and rode the Qilin warhorse and quickly approached from a distance, no one noticed.

"Strange, why is there a red line in the distance." A player sat on the ground chatting and looked into the distance.

"Red line? Stop talking, are you dazzled." Another player said.

"Impossible, look at the distance, there is really a red line, what is that? Is it a special scene in the game?" the first player asked.

The surrounding players didn't care at all, but when they heard the player's affirmation, they stopped chatting and looked at the north side of the famous player's finger.

On the edge of the barren grassland far away, facing the rising sun, a fiery red line gradually approached them.

This red is very gorgeous, especially in the sun, the moving red lines are like a fire burning on the grassland, and like a flaming snake that is constantly dancing.

"No, it's cavalry, it's cavalry, some cavalry is approaching us." A player suddenly widened his eyes in horror and roared desperately.

The players around looked at him in confusion, and one player asked in confusion, "You didn't read it wrong, right?"

"My hometown is from the prairie, and I will never misread it. It is cavalry. There are at least 1,000 people. Quickly alert the boss and tell the boss that cavalry is approaching." The player shouted excitedly.

The centurion captain in the same team frowned fiercely. He believed the words of his players and quickly reported the incident to the legion commander.

But six or seven calls were made, all of which were busy. As a last resort, the centurion captain ran directly to the entire team of Ruoshui Sanqian, Storm Thunder and Coercive Qiong.

"The three bosses, there are more than a thousand cavalry soldiers in the distance, who are you looking for?" asked the centenarian captain.

The three gang bosses are being interviewed by dozens of anchors at this time, and the three of them are answering the anchors' questions with what they think are the most positive, kind, and people-friendly images.

The three have already thought about it, since Wu Tian has brought the main force to fight with the two bastard legions, they can change their plans and take the opportunity to attack the sub-gangs on the ancient battlefield of Daxue Mountain.

The number of cavalrymen in a gang can only prove whether their gang boss has money and any mobility. After all, they still have to fight head-on, especially since they are only 2 hours away from the ancient battlefield of Daxue Mountain. It's useless, it's still the attack of the mage and melee.

One more thing, two bastard legions were beaten, and they couldn't just admit defeat. They would definitely find trouble with Wu Tian. Since the fight was so fierce, it was perfect for them to take this opportunity to participate in the battle.

"Our three gangs will soon gather 90,000 players, with an average of 30,000 players each. As long as we attack with one attack, Wu Tian's sub-gangs will definitely turn to ashes..." Coercion Cang Qiong's confident words have not yet been said. After that, I was stunned when I heard the words of the centurion captain.

He looked at the other two and asked, "Are you looking for help?"

Fengyun Leidong and Ruoshui Sanqian shook their heads, the next second, the three of them widened their eyes at the same time, Ruoshui Sanqian said, "Wu Tian is not coming."

"Impossible, it's more than 3 hours away, and it's only less than an hour later, how could he come here." Fengyun Leidong said.

The voice just fell.

There was a loud shout in the distance, Wu Tian used a loudspeaker to shout, "I heard that someone wants to destroy my Order Legion, I Wu Tian brought the Order Legion shooter team here, who would dare to fight with me."

There were more than 40,000 people on Yehu Ridge, and it was silent in an instant. You could even hear the sound of a needle falling. The leaders of the three gangs were stunned, all the live broadcasters were stunned, the ordinary players were stunned, and the elite players were stunned. Frightened, they went to their original team, but players from other gangs had already blocked the way, and no one could be found at all.

In an instant, the streamers were all excited and ran to the north side of the Wild Fox Ridge, excitedly aiming the camera at Wu Tian's side. They knew that a big melon was coming.

On the barren grassland on the north side of Yehu Ridge, the red line can already see the human form. One kilometer away, Wu Tian and his 1,500 archers riding on fire Qilin horses are lining up in a line. There was a distance of 5 meters between each two horses, charging towards them in a very loose formation.

A group of anchors immediately recognized Wu Tian who was rushing in the middle, and shouted excitedly, "It's really Wu Tian, ​​he came alone with 1,500 shooters, and now he has to face more than 40,000 players, Let's see what Wu Tian can do to win this battle."

"This is not before level 35. Now is the era of war horses. Wu Tian has only 1,500 cavalry archers, while the three gangs have more than 6,000 cavalrymen."


With the introduction of the anchors, Fengyun Leidong, Ruoshui Sanqian and Coercive Cangqiong came to the commanding heights on the north side of Yehu Ridge and stood beside the anchors.

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