The Strongest Sword King Of Online Games

Chapter 302 War Is Not A Game!

If Wu Tian brought 60,000 main force on war horses at this time, the three heroes of Beicheng would turn around and run away in fright, but Wu Tian brought 1,500 people over, but they didn't take it seriously.

The players that the two sent to the two bastard legions died too quickly, and the reported news did not report the content clearly.

Regarding the situation of the Huo Qilin warhorse, they didn't mention a word, only said that Wu Tian suddenly appeared, surrounded on all sides, and defeated two bastard legions. Therefore, the three of them did not know that the Huo Qilin war horse was normal. The horse moves three times as fast.

The three stood at the commanding heights and watched carefully for most of the day, and then asked in detail the players who stayed in the two bastard legions as liaison officers. They learned that Wu Tian's 60,000 main force was still fighting on the snowy field, and only these 1,500 people came.

Therefore, the three of them knew that their opportunity to perform was coming, and Fengyun Leidong put on a handsome shape in front of the cameras of the anchors, and said loudly, "The cavalry quickly gathered and flanked from both wings."

The coercive Cang Qiong said loudly with the expression of a successful man, "Wu Tian really doesn't know whether to live or die. If he wants to use 1,500 people to beat our 6,000 cavalry, it's time to let him know what strength is."

"Young people are too crazy and impetuous after all, I will let him know what strength is." Ruoshui Sanqian's expression was very "calm".

For a time, dozens and millions of players watching the live broadcast were attracted by the words of the three people, especially when all three of them were exposed. In reality, they are all successful entrepreneurs, and they are in the game just to play , and made countless girls scream and countless men envy.

But at this time, Wu Tian brought 1,500 Qilin shooters to a position 50 meters north of Yehu Ridge. From here, it will be the gathering point of the three players in Beicheng.

"Hash arrows ready, a group of 5 attack, shoot~!" Wu Tian issued an order.

1,500 shooters followed Wu Tian to fight for many battles, and they had already become battlefield machines. Without any compassion, they pulled out the bows and arrows in their backpacks, and shot the hash arrows at the enemy 50 meters away.


A low and penetrating sound of breaking through the air resounded through the grassland, and even the noise of the players on the Beicheng Sanjie party was covered up. The sound of the wind was like a gust of wind crossing the border. More than 40,000 armor-piercing arrows fell more than 5,000 meters. in a long queue of enemies.

In an instant, at least 3,000 players of the Beicheng Sanjie were killed, because their positions were too dense. On average, each player was hit by at least 5 armor-piercing arrows. The damage was so high that ordinary level 30 players could not bear it. not live.

The streamers who were broadcasting live on the front of the battlefield were instantly stunned by the scene in front of them, and Beicheng Sanjie was also dumbfounded.

When Wu Tian used the shooter team to play against Liu Ziyuan on the grassland, there was no live broadcast. In the last battle, the anchors at that time all followed West to the Deadwind Valley. All, no one knows how Liu Ziyuan was defeated. .

Liu Ziyuan would not tell Beicheng Sanjie how he lost, and Beicheng Sanjie had not carefully studied Wu Tian's striker team. In the eyes of the three, Wu Tian could win, relying more on conspiracy and tricks.

Whether it was a sneak attack in the green bamboo forest, an ambush in the Deadwind Valley, or the pursuit of the barren grassland, it was Wu Tian’s weakness and West’s arrogance and arrogance. It was not Wu Tian who really played a role on the battlefield, but Wu Tian. Tian's deputy gang leader - Honored Lord.

Since the identity of the Lord was revealed, in the whole game, except for the Order Legion himself, Liu Ziyuan, and Qiankun Zongheng, players from other gangs all believed that the last big victory was the Lord's idea, especially the Lord who finally scolded West. , the sneak attack after West's anger and loss of square inch has almost become a textbook style of play that major gangs must learn.

As for Wu Tian, ​​he is just a freshman, what does it have to do with him? And what does it have to do with 1,500 shooters? A battle of tens of thousands of people can't be controlled by more than 1,000 shooters.

This is the common problem of many people. They will preconceive the strength of the opponent and put the strength of the opponent on the same level as themselves, or not as good as their own. Unless you know that the person on the other side is much stronger than you, you will not obey him, no Will deal with him carefully.

The Beicheng Sanjie made this mistake. The three successful careers, the strong alliance, and the support of two bastard legions, how could they lose, and they would not be afraid of these 1,500-person shooters.

But in this scene, the three of them were struck by lightning, killing at least 1,000 people in one attack!

Yehu Ridge is a smooth obtuse triangle-like large soil slope. The three-person team is mixed on the four large slopes of the soil slope. Not only are players in this place densely standing, but players in other places are also densely located.

Moreover, at this time, the shield battle can't run to the front at all, and the healer doesn't know where to chat with whom. Without the protection of the shield battle, the cavalry profession still has at least 20 minutes to gather. They don't know what to do. .

"Wu Tian, ​​you despicable bastard, have the courage to let us organize our formation, and we will fight in an upright manner." The coercive sky suddenly pointed at Wu Tian and shouted loudly.

Wu Tian looked up at the oppressive sky that was only one or two hundred meters away from him, and said with a sneer, "Teach you to be good, this is a war, not a game! Fire Qilin shooter team, walk 10 steps forward and continue to attack!"

"Neighing~!" He Yu and the flying rabbit and others enjoyed Wu Tian calling them that. The name of the Fire Qilin Shooter Team made them feel very tall. Everyone tightened the reins and controlled the war horses to walk in the courtyard. After walking 10 steps forward, 1,500 people bent bows and arrows at the same time.

"Hash Arrow"

There was another roar of wind, and 45,000 black armor-piercing arrows fell into the team of the three heroes of Beicheng, and more than 500 people died, making the three gang players who were already flustered even more confused.

On this side of the mountain, there were only more than 10,000 people, and nearly 2,000 people died in the blink of an eye, leaving the remaining 8,000 players in chaos.

At this time, among these people, some people want to rush forward to attack, and some people want to retreat to avoid. Without a unified coordination, players run and collide with each other.

Suddenly, a roar exploded from the chaotic crowd, and the deputy leader of Zhenwu Pavilion roared back to the light, "You can't just die like this, brothers, rush with me and kill the Legion of Order."

Unlike the three gang leaders who like to perform, Backlight immediately gathered the players around him when he saw Wu Tian coming over. Originally, he was the head of the elite group of Zhenwu Pavilion and also served as the deputy gang leader.

With the awakening of him and the players around him, more people around him joined in. Although it was only a few minutes from the discovery of Wu Tian, ​​he had already gathered more than 500 people. At this time, he had brought these people here. first row.

"The shield fights the top shield, and the rest hide under the shield and attack forward." Backlight continued to roar.

For a time, the players around found the backbone and gathered towards the backlight, and the players in the front row ran faster and faster, and the distance of 60 meters soon narrowed to 40 meters.

Standing on the top of Yehuling Mountain, the three heroes of Beicheng breathed a sigh of relief. If Wu Tian killed more than 10,000 people on their side of the mountain, they would be embarrassed.

Ruoshui Sanqian looked at the coercive sky with emotion and said, "Your deputy leader is not bad, you are a master."

Coercive Cang Qiong felt that the backlight gave him a face, and said with a smile, "This is a master I hired with a high salary. At this time, it is time to show the demeanor that a master should have."

Fengyun Leidong and Ruoshui Sanqian nodded. The two also decided to go back to find such a master. At the same time, they were looking at the battlefield with excited expressions on their faces. The cavalry team in the rear was about to complete the whole team. , sticking to Wu Tian's striker team, when the two-winged cavalry attacked, Wu Tian would definitely lose.

Unfortunately, they underestimated Wu Tian's Qilin striker team. On the battlefield, Wu Tian looked at the back light's performance and laughed in surprise, and said, "I didn't expect that there are also clear players under the hands of Beicheng Sanjie. Unfortunately, I followed. It's a pity for them, the shooter team listened to the order, turned the horse's head, and we ran and shot."

"Yes." He Yu and the flying rabbit and others all smiled. 1,500 people controlled their mounts to turn their horses' heads at the same time. Before the enemy rushed into a distance of 30 meters, they controlled the horses to run forward and turned back to shoot arrows.

All bows and arrows are shot at an elevation angle of 45°. Such arrows are guaranteed not to fall on the shield in the first row, but fall into the lineup behind the shield.

So far, with the exception of the Order Legion that can match a shield battle of 30,000 people, the rest of the gangs do not have so many people and will not recruit so many shield battles, which is really useless.

But at this time, the role of the shield battle was manifested. Only the first row of the Beicheng Sanjie was a shield battle. Except for the players in the first row, the players in the back row were hit by armor-piercing arrows. The dense hash arrows were The natural enemies of low defense players, and in a blink of an eye, another group of players died.

"This..." Backlight was dumbfounded.

At this time, he felt like a joke, not only did he not stick to Wu Tian, ​​but instead made his subordinates die faster.

"How can a cavalry shooter have such a great deterrent power on the grassland." Backlight looked confused, and he had no choice.

But when he stopped, the fire Qilin shooter group on Wu Tian's side also stopped, standing 50 meters away and continued to shoot, once the headwind brought people close, Wu Tian took him away, he did not chase, Wu Tian Tian stopped in place to attack.

The team of 8,000 people died more and more, and when it was about to collapse, finally, the cavalry regiment of the three heroes of Beicheng finally completed the assembly.

"The elite cavalry team is assembled." The three deputy leaders of Beicheng Sanjie, Jinghong Guoying, Leng Tianhun and Yaojun said together.

"Okay, Jinghong Guoying will flank from the left, Leng Tianhun will copy from the right, Yaojun will copy from the back, and trap Wu Tian to death." Ruoshui Sanqian roared.

Fengleiyundong and Coercive Cangqiong have already handed over the command of the cavalry team to Ruoshui Sanqian, Fengleiyundong said, "I am surrounded by infantry from the front."

"I'm also going to the front." said the coercive sky.

The players on the three large slopes in the southwest and east of Yehuling have basically completed the whole team and can fight head-on.

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