The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1022: Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin attack

Chapter 1022

   The armies from both sides are gathering. If it detonates, it may be a decisive battle in which you don’t know how many people died.

   has been fought so far, no one has to do with both sides, only the winner will be decided.

   Cao Cao and Zhang Yu both increased their troops at the same time.

   Zhang Yu gathered the soldiers and horses of Youzhou and Qingzhou, leaving only some necessary defensive troops.

   In Yangzhou, Cheng Yu has occupied Shouchun City for ten days.

   In these ten days, Cheng Yu didn't move much.

  He has been making plans.

   "Then Sun Ce has received the news. To respond, it will take only a few days to win Lu'an as soon as possible." Cheng Yu thought.

   After making a plan, Cheng Yu ordered: "Order the front line to continue attacking Hefei City. Within five days, the city must be breached."

   They attacked before, knowing that Hefei City is not easy, and it is not easy to defeat.

   But now that Cao Cao wants to occupy this place, he must do it even if he pays more.

   Order to go down, and the Cao army over there began to attack.

   This onslaught was fierce, because Cheng Yu had already given the order to die. They only had five days, and five days were tight. They were facing Jiangdong's army.

   "Shock, shock."

   "Can't stop, charge me up."

   "The archer, the archer, must use up all the arrows within a few days, and whoever can't use it up will give me the fuck."

   Those Cao generals are also crazy, attacking in the most violent way.

   The soldiers rushed up and kept falling.

   I don't know how many people fell on the way to charge, but they still rushed towards the wall.

   Above the city wall, a slow ladder was erected.

   Cao Jun is on the ladder, climbing up one by one.

   "These Cao Jun are crazy." Zhang Yu's junior general said.

   "They must be beaten down."

   "The archer takes cover and pushes these ladders out to me."

   The young general gave the order. Two or three of them took the long poles, and they leaned out of the city, and then pushed out the ladder.

   People went out, it was very dangerous, but there was no way, there were too many enemies, they all climbed up frantically, and the city could not bear it for a while.

   At this time, Cao Jun’s archers stepped up their attacks, and even approached the city wall under Cao Jun’s order.

   The Jiangdong army on the head of the city is also stepping up its output, and the two sides are fighting for time.

   In such a war, both sides will suffer huge casualties.

   Several teenagers worked hard to resist the enemy's attack.

   After a few hours of fighting, the soldiers were exhausted, and the generals were also very exhausted.

   Secretly took a break when they changed troops to attack.

   A group of soldiers came up as quickly as possible on the head of the city.

   The tired soldiers were replaced, and some went back to sleep without a bite of food.

   After falling asleep, no matter what the outside is, they can only be awakened by the horn of the barracks.

   The fighting was fierce on the first day. Jiangdong soldiers and horses killed more than 5,000 people, while Cao Jun directly killed more than 13,000 people.

   They played too crazy.

   The news will definitely spread. Sun Ce's scout received the news and immediately rushed back to report it.

   Hurry up, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin have received the news a day later.

   "General Zhou, this Cao army attacked us and paid such a high price. I am afraid it is no longer as simple as disrupting Jiangdong's arrangement, but another attempt." Jiang Qin said.

   Zhou Tai nodded, then meditated for a while and said, "This Cao Jun must have an important purpose, but what they are going to do."

   The two couldn't guess, and a soldier hurried over after a while.

   "Report the two generals, the news from Shouchuncheng."

   After all, the Shouchun City has been controlled by Sun Ce for a long time, and it is not surprising that there are people in it.

   "What? This Cao Jun actually wants to control the Poyang Lake area, as well as a large number of areas along the Yangtze River, to turn this into their rear." Zhou Tai said in shock after reading the information.

   Jiang Qin hurriedly took the information from Zhou Tai and looked at it.

   At first glance, Jiang Qin also found it incredible.

   Why is this Cao Cao doing this?

   "Everything makes sense, this Cao Cao must know that Zhang Yu cannot be stopped, so he wants to abandon Jizhou, and then **** this area into their rear." Zhou Tai said.

   Jiang Qin also nodded, and said with a clear expression: "They attacked Hefei City, so desperate, it can be explained. They want to win the Poyang Lake area before Jizhou decides the victory."

   Zhou Tai's face showed a ray of firmness, and then turned to Jiang Qin and said, "Cao Cao cannot be allowed to succeed, they must be stopped, otherwise our interests will be severely damaged."

   After Cao Cao took control of this area, they would expand their territory westward and grab Sun Ce's territory, so Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin felt that they wanted to stop Cao Jun.

   Jiang Qin nodded: "Now that we know their plan, we can't wait any longer, we must retake Shouchun City."

   The two began to discuss.

   After some discussions, Zhou Tai said: "Pay close attention to their movements and look for opportunities to attack Jiangdong's army on both sides. Since they are unkind in the first place, let's not blame us for unrighteousness in the back."

   A large number of scouts were sent out.

   As for Cheng Yu, he has been making various arrangements.

Two days later, Cheng Yu ordered that no one in Shouchun City was allowed to go out, otherwise they would be killed. At the same time, several intelligence strongholds left by Sun Ce were destroyed. Under his control.

   Hefei City, has been violently attacked for three days, and almost appeared dangerous several times.

   Both sides suffered huge losses.

   The second day after the war, Cheng Yu sent 10,000 troops to support.

   The next day, another 20,000 troops were sent.

   On the third day, another 20,000 troops were sent out.

  On the fourth day, Cheng Yu sent only 5,000 people to the battlefield to support.

   After four days of attack, they lost more than 60,000 troops, and they had to send troops one after another to support them.

   When Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin received the news, Zhou Tai excitedly said: "Our opportunity is here. Most of the reinforcements in Shouchun City are going to attack Hefei City. We can go for a sneak attack and we will definitely be able to knock down the city."

   Jiang Qin nodded and said, "Yes, but they still have hundreds of thousands of troops in Hefei. To prevent them from returning in time, I took some troops to ambush them on the road."

   "Yes, we must retake the city this time, and we can't let them succeed." Zhou Tai said.

   After the two discussed, the division of labor began.

   They have more than 86,000 troops in their hands.

   "Just leave 10,000 people to guard the city, I will bring 50,000 people, and you will bring more than 20,000 troops to attack Cao Jun." Zhou Tai said.

"it is good."

   The two made arrangements and decided to find an opportunity to retake the city.

   Zhou Tai and they prepared a little and set off.

  The soldiers were divided into two groups, all the way to Shouchun City, and all the way to Hefei City.

   In order to attack suddenly, they chose to march at night to minimize the chance of exposure.

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