Cao Cao's dispatch this time was entirely in Zhang Yu's plan.

There were various secret battles in Xiangyang City, but Cai Hao didn't know it.

Beneath the calm surface, there is no idea how many people have different minds.

A few days ago, many people came in from other places. These people had escaped from other counties.

However, not many ordinary people have escaped, and more are people from various families.

They all fled back, but they couldn't bring back a lot of assets.

Zhang Yu's army was around, and they were not allowed to carry too many belongings.

At this time, the city is full of pessimistic people.

Many aristocratic families didn't know how many times they had migrated to get here, but they were still chased by Zhang Yu.

Liu Liang was a county chief in another county. After Zhang Yu's army came over, he ran into Xiangyang City.

After coming in, he went to the palace to report, crying bitterly.

However, when Cai Hao knew about it, he didn't blame him. Instead, he comforted him and let him live in Xiangyang City.

Quite simply, how many counties, so many officials, how many people surrendered.

Liu Liang hasn't surrendered yet. Although he ran back, he didn't know how many times better than those who surrendered directly.

Liu Liang stayed in the city for two days and stayed in the inn, never going anywhere.

Two days later, someone came to him in secret, and then he began to move around in the city.

"Hey, you don't know, this Zhang Yu's army is really hard to resist. Just say that Jiangling County, plus the navy, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, will be gone in one night."

In the private room of the restaurant, Liu Liang attended a party, and all the families in the city and some officials came.

A dozen people in the private room asked Liu Liang about Zhang Yu's army.

Liu Liang looked around and saw that everyone was waiting for him to speak, and then he said, "Do you know how Changsha City was defeated?"

Several people looked at each other, they really didn't know.

The news from Changsha City was only delivered recently, but they couldn't judge the various versions.

"Liu Xiancheng, tell us quickly, we don't know if Xiangyang can hold it."

What everyone is most concerned about is whether Xiangyang can hold onto it.

Liu Liang took a sip of wine, and then said, "It was not easy for me to escape. At that time, Zhang Yu's army had already killed and sealed the city. I was not caught when I put on ordinary people's clothes."

"At that time, they searched all over the city, but they did not offend ordinary people with mud legs. I pretended to be the little servant of the teahouse. After the raid that day, some officers might be thirsty and drink tea in the teahouse.

"I heard from them that this Changsha city did not go through a few battles. They attacked three times before and after. On the first day, they attacked the city. Then Zhang Yu's army retreated."

"After a few days, he attacked again, attacked the head of the city, and stopped the attack again."

"It's the same for the third time."

"Think about it, Zhang Yu’s army can easily break Changsha, but they all retreat as soon as they attacked. The morale of the defenders in the city plummeted, and the army has no fighting spirit. Zhang Yu used this method to force Sun Ce's hundreds of thousands of troops surrendered, and Zhang Yu himself did not lose any soldiers and horses, so he could just capture Changsha City and immediately attack several counties in Jingzhou."

Everyone believed Liu Liang's explanation like this.

This rumor is also present in the city, but everyone does not know how to distinguish it.

Too many news, too many versions, it is hard to tell.

Liu Liang said that Changsha City was strong, but Zhang Yu could easily break the city, but he did not force the attack, but used this method to force Changsha City to surrender.

A family leader cried.


"My Li family fled all the way from Xuzhou to Yanzhou. Not long after I settled down in Yanzhou, I ran to Jingzhou again. Now Zhang Yu has killed him again."

"I know the city of Changsha. I visited it once when I was doing business. The city was stronger and stronger than Xiangyang. In addition, Sun Ce has a few warriors. What should I do with this Xiangyang."

The Patriarch of the Li family burst into tears, and this sentiment infected other people.

Many local families in Jingzhou also suffered heavy losses because several other counties fell into Zhang Yu's hands.

Zhang Yu didn't confiscated 70% of these family properties, but confiscated all of them.

These people are very scared. When Zhang Yu breaks through Xiangyang, will they be finished?

Everyone cried, although it was a banquet, few people enjoyed it.

After a while, Liu Liang said: "The outside is saying that Zhang Yu is righteous, Zhang Yu loves the people, and Qiu has no offense, but that is against ordinary people. Although he does not kill, most of my property is gone."

"It's the families and officials who surrendered. They can be treated kindly by Zhang Yu, but they are all fake and fake. Most of the family properties of these people have also been checked and confiscated by Zhang Yu. If you dare not to follow suit, there will be none. Good end."

"Oh, but these people can't help it. Losing their property is better than losing their lives. I'm just a small official and I don't know how to do business. If I can do business like those merchants in the east, it will be fine, but unfortunately. I don't know anything, what can I do if I lose my official position."

After speaking, Liu Liang also burst into tears.

After listening, everyone was full of emotion, but no one spoke.

Some people wonder if they also surrender?

Others think that they have some connections in the east. They are all successful businessmen with rich wealth and a good life. In the past, they used to laugh at them. They had money but no land and no power.

But now, these people admire them, at least they are comfortable and happy.

The banquet was very frustrated, and the group of people were exchanging all kinds of news they had received.

As a person who had just escaped from Zhang Yu, Liu Liang brought back a lot of first-hand news, and he was even sought after in the city of Xiangyang. Everyone rushed to entertain him.

There are some people like Liu Liang, they are of different identities.

However, among the few who are relatively influential, one-third of them were sent by Zhang Yu.

This Liu Liang was naturally the spy that Zhang Yu arranged to come in.

Liu Liang provided a lot of news to the city and spread it directly through many clever methods.

This greatly shook the hearts of the people in the city.

Zhang Yu knows that many families are finding their way.

In today's world, there are very few options available.

Quite simply, they can continue to escape.

Flee to Cao Cao, or Liu Bei.

However, it is conceivable that they have to abandon a large amount of family property every time they escape, and some real estate and real estate have to be abandoned.

Under this situation, they can't bear it.

If Zhang Yu slays Luoyang Chang'an and Shuchuan again, then they might as well not escape.

Now, no one doubts that Zhang Yu has a unified determination and ability.

Zhang Yu, an army of millions, came together, and the remaining three princes, Ma Teng did not say, Cao Cao and Liu Bei together were not opponents.

.. Wonderful Bookstore.


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