The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 316: Ambush the Xiliang Army

In the big tent, Zhang Yu threw Zhang Ning down, and then began to do what the two liked to do.

In this big mountain, breathing the breath of nature is also unique.

Zhang Yu kissed Zhang Ning and reached into his clothes.

Soon, the two began to fight fiercely.

Surrounded by this nature, the two also entered a world of selflessness, as if to merge with nature and return to the most primitive.

For several days, Zhang Yu asked about the information of various parties every day, and then looked at the summarized map. The rest of the time, he took Zhang Ning around the mountain, leaving traces of two people everywhere.

Zhang Yu experienced the field combat that many people liked in later generations, and indeed had a brand new experience.

One month passed quickly.

Zhang Yu also received a lot of information about Hulao Pass.

In the middle of Hulao Pass, the Xiliang Army was under great pressure. Although the Allied Forces suffered more than 200,000 casualties, they were still on the offensive.

Dong Zhuo felt pressure and was planning to move the capital.

Dong Zhuo had already proposed to move the capital in the DPRK, but it was met with fierce opposition.

Despite the opposition, it was nothing to Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo continued to prepare to move the capital.

The situation at Hulao Pass was not good, Dong Zhuo was under great pressure, and the Xiliang Army suffered heavy casualties.

Zhang Yu began to reduce the number of troops going out, and he directly used the system to exchange food without food.

Zhang Yu knew that Dong Zhuo would retreat to Chang'an if he couldn't hold it.

Zhang Yu has a general understanding of the surrounding map, and there will be no problem.

"Paper, lord, Luoyang is in great chaos, Dong Zhuo wants to move the capital to Chang'an." The soldier came to report urgently.

Finally there was news, and Zhang Yu immediately began to study the map.

Chang'an is still far away from Luoyang, and it takes more than a month and more than a month to take the people. I don't know how many people will die.

"Send an order to Han Sheng and Zilong, order them to assemble soldiers and horses, and wait for the order." Zhang Yu ordered.

They have three soldiers and horses, more than 20 miles apart, they can support each other, and they are all cavalry.

Upon receiving the news, the three soldiers and horses gathered together.

And Dong Zhuo of Luoyang also began to implement it. He killed many ministers who opposed it, and some well-known ministers were also killed by Dong Zhuo.

No one in Luoyang dared to oppose Dong Zhuo.

So Dong Zhuo began to order looting.

None of the wealthy households in Luoyang City could escape, they were all arrested by Dong Zhuo, and all their properties were confiscated.

At the same time, Dong Zhuo ordered the excavation of the imperial tombs, and the tombs of some princes and nobles were also dug by Dong Zhuo.

A large number of treasures are loaded with thousands of carts.

After a few days, Dong Zhuo began to force all the people to move their capital to Chang'an. Those who dared to resist were killed.

Dong Zhuo's atrocities shocked the world, and Zhang Yu received the information, filled with outrage.

"Husband, Dong Zhuo is too cruel, we must stop their atrocities." Zhang Ning said with tears in her eyes.

Zhang Yu calmed down and said: "We must stop, but Dong Zhuo still has more than 400,000 troops at this time. Although more than 200,000 troops are guarding various places and defending the Allies, there are also about 200,000 following Dong Zhuo. We only have 30,000 horses."

Zhang Yu analyzed and said: "It's time to find an opportunity to win Chang'an and force Dong Zhuo."

Zhang Yu began to plan to let the scouts deliver messages at any time.

A few days later, the scout came to report that Dong Zhuo sent a courier to Chang'an.

"Opportunity is here, immediately gather the three armies." After analysis by Zhang Yu, Dong Zhuo must have sent someone to notify Chang'an, and Chang'an must have received Dong Zhuo's news at this time.

Sure enough, it was confirmed two days later that Dong Zhuo sent 10,000 troops as the vanguard and returned to Chang'an first.

Zhang Yu thinks this is an opportunity.

Zhang Yu immediately summoned Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun.

"Look, according to the itinerary, these ten thousand cavalry will arrive here in five days, and we ambush here in advance and swallow these ten thousand men." Zhang Yu pointed to the map and said to Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun.

"Well, lord, there are canyons on both sides of this place. It is the ideal place for soldiers to ambush. This is the rear of Dong Zhuo. The Xiliang Army will definitely not be guarded. When they enter the ambush, none of them can run away." Huang Zhong said.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "The most important thing in this battle is that none of them can run. If they escape, our follow-up plan will be affected, which may cause our plan to fail."

Both Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong knew the seriousness of the matter, so several people planned carefully.

After discussing for more than an hour and finalizing all the details, Zhang Yu ordered the action.

The army arrived at the ambush a day later.

Huang Zhong's army is good at assaults and ambushes behind the enemy, while Dianwei's army is both offensive and defensive, ambushing in front, ready to resist the enemy.

Zhao Yun ambushes on both sides of the canyon, preparing to kill the enemy with arrows.

The army began to build fortifications, set up various camouflage, and prepared a lot of stones.

After preparing for two days, the whole army became concealed.

For this battle, Zhang Yu exchanged a large number of arrows.

Everything is ready to stop.

Two days later, the Xiliang army arrived, and they rushed all the way, without even considering the issue of being attacked.

This is the rear area. If there is a large army action, it will definitely be discovered, so they have no scruples, and even no scouts are The reason is simple, the army action requires a large number of food transport teams, the army Can quickly move concealment, but the food transport team can't do it.

The food transport teams are all heavy-duty, and it is impossible for them to quickly march and hide.

But they didn't expect that Zhang Yu and the others had been around for so long in the rear, and they didn't bring any food at all, all of which would be exchanged by Zhang Yu.

Ten thousand troops, like entering their back garden, have no defense.


Zhang Yu roared, and his Iron Wall Legion immediately shot a round of arrows, and then the soldiers threw down their bows and arrows, rushed out, blocking the valley entrance of the valley, preventing the enemy from coming out.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yun also ordered an attack, they were condescending, arrows pouring down.

"Impossible, how can there be an ambush here, impossible."

The Xiliang general yelled in horror.

However, there is nothing impossible, they are just in ambush.

Suddenly, Xiliang soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

"Quick, quick, counterattack." After the shock, Xiliang's general also reacted and ordered the soldiers to counterattack.

The soldiers in Xiliang were still very qualified, and immediately took out their bows and arrows, ready to counterattack.


At this time, Zhao Yun gave an order and ordered the soldiers to push the prepared stones down the valley.

For a time, a large number of stones rolled down, and the Xiliang army was shocked and hurriedly avoided.

But the dense army still killed many people.

The most important thing is that the rolling stone caused a great chaos in the army, and the soldiers were hiding everywhere, unable to fight back.

Zhao Yun commanded the soldiers to attack with arrows while smashing them with stones.

A large number of arrows tilted down, unable to avoid it at all.

Some people borrowed the war horses to avoid them, but they can avoid some arrows, but they are crowded, and many people can only be killed by Zhang Yu and the others.

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