In a blink of an eye, half of the people were killed and injured, and the general of Xiliang was terrified.

"Quick, go back, go back."

General Xiliang knew that the road ahead could not rush over, so he ordered to retreat and prepared to flee back.


Zhang Yu saw that they wanted to escape, so he ordered a chase.


Not long after the Xiliang Army ran, they shouted to kill, and a cavalry rushed out from where they came.

"God is dead, I too."

General Xiliang was desperate, both sides were blocked, and the other side had superior forces, and there were enemies on it that were constantly attacking.

The Xiliang army was hit three-dimensionally, and there was nowhere to hide, and they were all wiped out in less than an hour.

Zhang Yu was still in order to control the casualties, after letting Zhao Yun from above attack for a while, then he and Huang Zhong launched an impact together, and soon defeated them.

In this battle, no Xiliang army escaped, and they were all eaten by Zhang Yu.

"Zilong blocked the news on both sides, and the rest immediately cleared the battlefield." Zhang Yu ordered.

The battlefield was cleared for a day, during which time it was not found.

Because Zhao Yun's men changed into the Xiliang Army's armor to set up cards and patrol, and once they found someone to detain them.

The messengers on both sides were detained.

One day later, Zhao Yun came to report.

"Lord, this is a reply from the Chang'an guard to Dong Zhuo." Zhao Yun said to Zhang Yu with a letter.

"Sure enough." Everyone looked at Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu shook the letter and said: "This letter is a reply from Chang'an's guard to Dong Zhuo, saying that preparations for the arrival of the army and the emperor have begun."

"Master, can we implement the next plan?" Huang Zhong said.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "All conditions have been met, it's time for us to attack."

Everyone was excited, and following Zhang Yu was an excitement, and it was time to do something big.

This time Zhang Yu is indeed doing a big deal. If it succeeds, Yuan Shao should vomit blood.

Zhang Yu and the others began to act.

He brought Dianwei and Huang Zhong in front. Zhao Yun's army was divided into two parts. One was hidden in the canyon to intercept all the messengers who came and went, and the other part blocked the surrounding trails to ensure that news would not leak out for a period of time. .

The news leak is certain, but Zhang Yu and the others only need a few days.

If Dong Zhuo does not receive the news for a long time, he will definitely be suspicious and will definitely send someone to investigate.

Zhang Yu and the others collected more than 10,000 sets of Xiliang Army's armor. In order to ensure success, they marched at night and hidden during the day to reduce the chance of exposure.

The cavalry rushed, and Zhang Yu and the others arrived outside Chang'an a few days later.

"Everyone rests, absolutely no action during the day."

Zhang Yu and the others hid outside the city, waiting for the opportunity.

At night, Zhang Yu called several generals over.

"We acted in the middle of the night. When I opened the city gate fraudulently, Evil Lai brought two thousand people to immediately control the city gate. Han Sheng led people into the enemy barracks, Zilong blocked all the streets, and I went to attack their city lord mansion." Zhang Yu said.

All the generals said that there was no problem, and each clarified the task.

Zhang Yu and the others have also collected news that there are not many troops in Chang'an City, and there is no need to deploy heavy troops here. All troops are transferred to Luoyang to deal with the Kwantung Allied Forces.

Moreover, staying in Chang'an is not an elite force, but an army newly recruited by Dong Zhuo.

In the middle of the night, an army of more than 20,000 people appeared on the official road.

"Open the gate of the city soon." Zhang Yu and the others pretended to be the Xiliang army and called the gate under the city.

"Who are you? I need to tell the general to open the gate." The guard at the gate began to ask.

"There is a lot of nonsense, hurry up and open the city gate. The prime minister asked us to take over Chang'an and prepare to welcome the arrival of the army, which delayed the prime minister's major affairs. Can you afford to commit the crime?" Zhang Yu shouted.

The guard on the top of the city obviously hesitated, and Zhang Yu hurriedly urged people.

The guard didn't doubt it, just because of the procedure, he wanted to confirm his identity.

"Okay, okay, open the city gate immediately."

The guard was also afraid of these uncles, and it was definitely not a good thing to let Dong Zhuo send to the front stand.

Besides, here is the big rear, there can be no enemies, so the defender didn't question it carefully.

With the help of moonlight and torches, they could also see clearly that what they were wearing was indeed Xiliang's armor.

The most important thing is that they got the news a long time ago, and if you count the time, they will arrive within one or two days.

"Open the gate." The guard ordered the gate to be opened.

But Zhang Yu and the others were still standing in place, and didn't make any movements.

After a while, the tall city gate slowly opened.

Zhang Yu's eyes were full of excitement.


When the city gate opened wide and the people inside wanted to come out to meet them, Zhang Yu suddenly launched an attack, and more than 20,000 cavalrymen slew in.

The guard at the gate was stunned, what's the situation? How could you attack them?

"Enemy attack, hurry..."

After a long time, when he reacted, the enemy had already been killed, and the sword was up and down, and there was no chance to even shout out.

Then more than 20,000 cavalry rushed in and killed the set target.

Huang Zhong led the cavalry all the way to assault and kill towards their barracks. Zhang Yu also moved quickly, killing towards the city lord’s each killing towards his own target. At this time, those soldiers were in the middle of the night. They were all still asleep, and were suddenly surrounded and attacked. Everyone was dumbfounded, and they were resolved without much resistance.

Zhang Yu and the others immediately controlled it when they reached the City Lord's Mansion.

After entering the city, there was not much fighting, Zhang Yu and the others smoothly controlled Chang'an City.

After taking control of Chang'an City, Zhang Yu controlled thousands of defenders, and then occupied the City Lord’s Mansion and all the warehouses in the city.

"Haha, the lord has sent it, it has been sent, we found a lot of materials in the warehouse, these are to be transported to Luoyang to fight, now it is cheaper for us." Dian Wei said happily.

Zhang Yu understood that there was indeed a large amount of food, weapons and other materials in the warehouse, but Zhang Yu couldn't take them away.

However, a batch of gold and silver was found, which was worth millions.

"Zilong, how many horses are confiscated?" Zhang Yu asked.

Horses are what Zhang Yu cares most about, and Zhang Yu is in urgent need.

"Lord, we have confiscated more than 20,000 horses." Zhao Yun said.

Zhang Yu thought quietly for a while and said: "War horses are still not enough. You immediately send people to look around for more horses."

Zhao Yun led the way, while Zhang Yu had people continue to pretend to be the Xiliang garrison, and then sealed off the entire Chang'an City.

At this time Dong Zhuo had already begun to retreat, and he didn't know that the place he was going was already occupied by Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu will continue to block news of Dong Zhuo until he is fully prepared.

Chang'an City can only enter but not exit, and those who enter Chang'an will also be controlled immediately.

At this time, Dong Zhuo hadn't noticed the changes in Chang'an.

And Zhang Yu and the others are also busy. Zhang Yu knows that he can't keep Chang'an, but he has to make a good fuss about Chang'an.

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