Huang Ren rushed to the barracks and gathered the soldiers.

"Soldiers, Zhang Yu is chasing after him, kill us and then hurry, but we must not compromise, take out the blood of a soldier... and run with me."

Huang Ren said a lot of morale-boosting words, but the last sentence was so peaceful.

Having said so much, in order to let the soldiers continue to run with him.

Zhang Yu had been demonized, and the soldiers were scared when he heard it, for fear that Zhang Yu would really kill them all.

Therefore, all the soldiers were willing to run with him.

Huang Ren is very much loved by the soldiers, and indeed has the demeanor of a generation of famous generals, because the soldiers feel that as long as they follow Huang Ren, they can escape and survive.

A general who can lead them to life is naturally welcomed by soldiers.

Huang Ren took people to the warehouse in the city to grab food. He didn't need any weapons and equipment, just food.

At this time, chaos began in the city.

Huang Ren and the others are crowded. Although they don't have weapons, they have the aura of Huang Ren as a "famous general", and they can easily get enough food.

After that, Huang Ren took the soldiers out of the city.

"General, where shall we go?"

After leaving the city, the lieutenant asked in confusion.

In the dark night, Huang Ren was also quite confused, where are they going?

"We can't let Zhang Yu figure out our whereabouts, it's too bad for us," Huang Ren said.

Several lieutenants deeply agreed, praised Huang Ren's wiseness, and then looked at him one by one and let him make a decision.

"We will go in the opposite direction and head in the direction Zhang Yu and the others came from. As long as we avoid them carefully, we will be able to avoid Zhang Yu unconsciously and escape." Huang Ren said.

"The general is wise, the genius of Tianzong."

"It's all on the orders of the great god."

Several lieutenants said quickly.

Huang Ren nodded, and then he decided to go to Lu'an.

Lu'an has a triangular relationship with Hefei and Chengde, and the directions they come from and Zhang Yu actually overlap in part.

Huang Ren hurried out with the soldiers.

When such a big event happened at night, Zhang Yu's scout also received the news and hurried back to report it.

"Report, Lord, Hefei is in chaos."

Zhang Yu heard the soldier's report, and of course Dian Wei also heard it.

"What? Grandma Xiong, these gangsters, the uncle hasn't gone to fight yet." Dian Wei was furious, and he still wanted to fight a battle. He didn't expect to hear this "bad news".

Zhang Yu didn't care about this, and immediately roared to let people gather together.

It is naturally the best to win the city quickly without going to war. Zhang Yu can exercise more efficiently and break the game as soon as possible.

With soldiers and horses, Zhang Yu hurried away, before dawn, Zhang Yu rushed to the outside of Hefei.

At this time, the civil strife in the city had just subsided, and the city gates opened wide.

Zhang Yu waved his hand to let the front army enter the city and control the city gate.

After confirming that there was no problem in the city, Zhang Yu entered with the army.

"Boss, it's really a silly, there's no fight." Dian Wei cursed dissatisfied along the way.

Zhang Yu didn't expect that Hefei would be so smooth.

Entering the city, Zhang Yu began to clean up. Any family that did not cooperate will be dealt with, and all the property will be checked.

The seizure is not only money, but even real estate is confiscated.

What do you want to do to seize these real estate? Zhang Yu couldn't take it with him again.

It can't be taken away, but Zhang Yu can sell it directly to the family who surrendered in the city.

It can be regarded as a welfare for them, because Zhang Yu sold it at a low price, so Zhang Yu can still get a large amount of money, killing two birds with one stone.

"Interesting, interesting, I didn't expect this soldier to escape to Hefei."

After half a day, Zhang Yu figured out a lot of things, knowing that Huang Ren had become a famous general, and that this soldier had fled from Chengde to Hefei.

"Grandma Xiong, these are all famous players." Dian Wei was stunned. He didn't expect Huang Ren to escape all the way and become a famous player.

And Huang Ren had another great achievement, that is, he once again successfully escaped Zhang Yu's encirclement and suppression with his soldiers and horses.

This time Zhang Yu came to Hefei to hunt them down and let him escape again.

This Huang Ren's career as a general has added another strong stroke.

Zhang Yu was also dumbfounded after knowing that there was such a dramatic scene.

"Fortunately, we will complete the famous player Huang Ren and run after him." Zhang Yu said.

After Zhang Yu got to know it, he knew that Huang Ren, a famous general, would spread Zhang Yu's "brutal" wherever he went, so it had a great impact on the local area.

This time Hefei will be like this, half of which is due to Huang Ren.

Huang Ren brought more than 10,000 soldiers and horses to support, which did not improve the morale of the defenders in the city, but brought a catastrophic blow to the morale of the city.

Huang Ren and the others were directly paralyzed after entering the city and had no combat effectiveness. In addition, the miserable appearance made everyone sympathize, but it also brought out Zhang Yu and the others.

In this way, how can it not have a major blow to morale.

Therefore, Zhang Yu thinks Huang Ren is a good assist.

Originally Zhang Yu didn't want to stare at Huang Ren, but at this time he felt that Huang Ren was a good comrade, just like a good brother who he sent to the other party as an undercover agent.

Zhang Yu immediately ordered to find Huang Ren's whereabouts, planning to pursue him well.

The fight continues, Zhang Yu's victory over Hefei will surely give the enemy a major blow.

Soon, Huang Ren's whereabouts were found.

"Really able to run." Zhang Yu said with a smile after receiving the But to Zhang Yu's surprise, a soldier and horse also rushed towards them.

That was Sun Ce's soldiers and horses, and Sun Ce and the others were going to chase them down.

Pursue chasing, Zhang Yu is naturally not afraid.

All he brought was cavalry, and he ran when he wanted to, and he was not afraid of being surrounded by others.

Zhang Yu is not in a hurry, he is well collected in Hefei City, and create rumors, to shake the morale of the enemy's frontline.

On the second day, that is, one day and one night, Zhang Yu left Hefei and rushed towards Lu'an.

At this time, Huang Ren and the others happened to be on the way, and Sun Ce and the others would arrive in Hefei for a long time.

Three parties are running on the road.

"Bo Fu, Zhang Yu and the others left Hefei City and headed towards Lu'an. We hurry up. As long as Lu'an can persist for two days, we can catch up with Zhang Yu and find a way to fight them and consume them. Strength." Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce.

Sun Ce sat right away and drove on the road. He nodded and said, "We are taking infantry. It is too bad to chase Zhang Yu. However, Zhang Yu and the others will never go so smoothly when attacking the city. Zhang Yu and the others can't make a sneak attack, and they will definitely not break through the city so quickly."

Although they were infantrymen, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were more confident to catch up with Zhang Yu and the others.

Because Zhang Yu and the others had to attack the city all the way, it would definitely be delayed for a long time.

In order to save energy, Sun Ce marched during the day and rested at night, so the speed was not very fast.

After two and a half days from Huang Ren and the others, they finally fled to Lu'an.

"Damn, Zhang Yu has killed him again, so fast, this Shouchun and Hefei are easily captured by him, this Lu'an probably won't last long."

Huang Ren had experience and didn't dare to stay in one place. He knew that Zhang Yu would be killed soon.

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