When he arrived at the place, Huang Ren prepared food while letting the soldiers rest.

When taking a break, it is organized to rest, and it is stipulated that you cannot take off your clothes, you must give an order, and you can leave immediately.

The arrival of Huang Ren, as Zhang Yu understood and guessed, shocked Lu'an City greatly.

The family of Lu'an immediately panicked.

Huang Ren and the others well publicized Zhang Yu's record and the fate of surrender and resistance.

The resisters were killed in the end, and although those who surrender lost a small part of their wealth, they were well preserved.

The aristocratic families in Lu'an City had known the fate of the other cities for a long time, and they decided to surrender without much consideration.

And Huang Ren didn't have much surprise for this.

This time he stayed directly in the barracks to rest with the soldiers.

When they received the news, they were immediately ready to leave.

At this time Zhang Yu and the others were about to get to the city.

Three hours before Zhang Yu and the others arrived, Huang Ren hurried away with the army.

Naturally, he fled all the way, embarrassed.

"Lord, when I catch Huang Ren, I must chop him off." Dian Wei said with a double halberd.

Zhang Yu smiled helplessly. Zhang Yu also wanted to give Huang Ren a big medal. It was because of him that these cities were so easy to be defeated.

Once several cities fall, it will be very difficult for Chen Wen and the others. When the army shakes, Guo Jia and the others will have a chance.

After more than ten days of tossing Zhang Yu, the effect is very good, and the time is almost ripe.

"Take out Sun Ce all the way, and then eat the supporters from the other routes, and this battle is almost over." Zhang Yu calculated.

Zhang Yu had already planned how to get rid of Sun Ce all the way. Sun Ce could not pose a threat to him. Zhang Yu had already figured out how to deal with them.

When Sun Ce learned that Zhang Yu had easily taken Lu'an City, he was also extremely frustrated.

"Gong Jin, the soldiers and horses in Yangzhou are so unbearable, I'm afraid we were wrong this time," Sun Ce said.

Zhou Yu was also speechless, and wherever Zhang Yu went, the enemy fell in sight.

So, what can they do?

Sun Ce's 30,000 soldiers and horses were originally a powerful force, but in the end they had to be used to extinguish Chen Wen everywhere.

Sun Ce was angry even thinking about it.

What benefits did not get, but the result was such a desperate effort.

"Yangzhou is too unbearable. I just hope that Zhang Yu's strength can be consumed a little bit more and give us some time." Sun Ce said.

The two were speechless, and Sun Ce led Huang Gai, Zu Mao and other generals to move on.

They were still a day and a half away from Lu'an, and knew the speed of Zhang Yu's cavalry, but they didn't dare to go fast, they were afraid of being ambushed by Zhang Yu and the others.

It was the morning two days later after they arrived at Lu'an City.

But what surprised them was that Zhang Yu did not leave Lu'an to pursue Huang Ren, but stayed in the city.

"Gong Jin, what the **** is Zhang Yu doing? They are cavalry, attacking various places and disintegrating the coalition forces besieging them." Sun Ce asked suspiciously.

Zhou Yu also shook his head for a while, before he could understand, Zhang Yu appeared at the head of the city.

"Brother Sun, it's been a long time waiting for you." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu's words made Sun Ce and Zhou Yu confused. This Zhang Yu stayed in Lu'an, so he was waiting for him?

However, it is not a good thing to let Zhang Yu wait here.

Sun Ce had an unknown premonition in his mind.

"Ha, Brother Zhang is polite, I don't know Brother Zhang is waiting specially, why?" Sun Ce asked.

Zhang Yu looked at the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under the city. They were all black and black, as if there were thousands of troops and horses underneath, and as long as he waved the feather fan, the enemy would be wiped out.

Although not so exaggerated, Zhang Yu has the confidence to easily solve the enemy in front of him.

The solution was not to eliminate them, but to retreat, which dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the coalition forces.

Zhang Yu said to Sun Ce: "Brother Sun, waiting for you again, just want to sell Dongting Lake to you, but now that there are competitors, the price must be increased. Ten million yuan can be paid for with food, population and money. ."

"Brother Zhang, you and I are facing each other like this, what business are you still discussing, do you think it makes sense?"

Sun Ce talked with Zhang Yu, and Zhou Yu frowned. Zhang Yu was so confident and abnormal. Zhou Yu didn't believe that Zhang Yu had no support, but he didn't know what Zhang Yu's support was.

Zhou Yu also suddenly felt that Zhang Yu had planned everything a long time ago, and was not at all worried about their arrival.

Zhang Yu on the front of the city said again: "No, no, brother Sun, if you don’t want Dongting Lake, it’s really gone. You should think about it. After all, we have a certain friendship. If you sell Dongting Lake to you, you can sell one. Good price, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sell it at that high price if I sell it to others."

In the first half of the sentence, Sun Ce thought that Zhang Yu was going to talk to himself about friendship, and then he directly said that selling to others could not sell high prices, so he regarded himself as a fool.

What does it mean to sell to others and not sell at such a high price? Zhang Yu just regarded himself as being taken advantage of.

Sun Ce was so angry that he ignored Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu didn't care, he stood there for a while and then went back.

Sun Ce and the others surrounded the city ~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Sun Ce didn't know what to do.

attack? impossible.

Have been waiting? It seems impossible.

But Sun Ce didn't struggle for too long. After half a day, he hurried over on a quick horse.

"Report, Lord, General Han urgent report."

Kuaima rushed into Sun Ce Camp and reported.

General Han is Han Dang. When Sun Ce and Zhou Yu heard this, their hearts trembled. Han Dang was their guard in Changsha. What is his urgent report? Could something happen to Changsha?

Sun Ce quickly let the soldiers into the big tent.

Received the soldier's letter.

"What? Jingzhou's soldiers turned to Changsha? In addition, Huang Zu's fleet went south, with unknown intentions. Suspected of attacking Changsha." Sun Ce was shocked after reading the emergency report.

This Jingzhou soldier Ma was obviously going to attack Zhang Yu, but now he turned to attack Changsha.

This shocked Sun Ce, if something happened to his rear, then there would be no sense in all this.

"Gong Jin, this is Zhang Yu's reliance. He wants to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank," Sun Ce said with a pinch of information.

"Bo Fu, this time we failed, and we had a terrible defeat, so we can only retreat." Zhou Yu knew the seriousness of the matter and said helplessly.

Sun Ce was so gloomy, he didn't expect things to be like this.

Zhang Yu in the city was very calm, he had known this would happen a long time ago.

Previously, I had passed a letter with Cai Hao, asking him to agree to send troops, and then attacked Changsha.

Sun Ce's 30,000 soldiers and horses, if they retreat suddenly, the blow to the morale of the coalition forces is absolutely fatal.

The morale of the frontline was hit repeatedly by Zhang Yu, and it was already very fragile. At this time, after this blow, it is estimated that it will collapse.

Sun Ce hurriedly retired and left without even saying goodbye to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled and said: "The next step is to solve you."

you guys? Who the **** is it?

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