Zhang Yu has recruited 200,000 road-building troops in the Fusang area, and has begun to play an important role in China. Now he is recruiting another 200,000 troops.

That's two hundred thousand troops.

At first, Queen Fusang disagreed, but Zhang Yu directly asked Anyuan's army to go out for training and moved towards Queen Fusang.

After entering dozens of miles a day, the Fusang Queen agreed in a few days.

If he really disagrees, Zhang Yu doesn't mind changing to a queen.

Zhang Yu's strength makes Fusang Queen helpless, and she doesn't even do if she disagrees.

Under Zhang Yu's intimidation and lure, Queen Fusang agreed to enlist Zhang Yu with 200,000 troops.

Two hundred thousand troops were trained directly on Kyushu Island. To this end, Zhang Yu also asked people to specially build weapons and equipment suitable for them.

After all, the Fusang people are too short to do without weapons and equipment suitable for them.

In this way, there are hundreds of thousands of young women in Fusang, and Zhang Yu can emigrate a small number of them and go to pay for his wife. This is still a lot of people willing to go.

Zhang Yu began to receive taxes from Cao Cao and did not pay any special attention when training soldiers and horses.

This was all normal content, but before long, the intelligence department sent a few more pieces of information. When the pieces of information were analyzed together, Zhang Yu could see the difference.

In Qingzhou, Zhang Yu sent a letter to the cabinet, asking them to take it seriously. He didn't plan to go to Xuzhou. He went back after inspecting Qingzhou.

The roads in Qingzhou were built, and the repairs were okay. For a distance, there were 10,000 to 20,000 people. There were militiamen to help maintain order, and the militiamen paid twice as much as the migrant workers.

The road-building army has more than 600,000, which is very large.

If it were someone else, they would levy 600,000 servitudes. I don't know how much trouble it would cause, but Zhang Yu would not be here. After paying enough money, the people would be happy to come to work on the construction site.

Zhang Yu insisted on several road construction sites in Qingzhou, but found some minor problems, but did not find any abuse of labor or the deduction of labor rations.

It was that the sanitation was too poor. After Zhang Yu arrived, he forced these workers to build a large number of toilets first.

With such a dense population and the emergence of infectious diseases, it would be dangerous.

At the same time, Zhang Yu wants them to take a bath and wash clothes frequently. I would rather you let them go to work less and develop these habits.

At the same time, a few people who boiled water were specially arranged for them, and they had to drink the boiled water.

Zhang Yu currently does not have a Ministry of Health, otherwise the Ministry of Health must be required to send someone to take care of these.

It was ten days after the inspection of Qingzhou's affairs, and Zhang Yu only returned to Xinbeiping at this time.

The road is not easy to walk along the way. If the road is built, from south to north, it will be a hard and flat interior with a width of about 100 meters, and the road that communicates with the main city along the way.

At that time, the speed will be much faster, and the army will be able to move three or four times faster.

On the way, Zhang Yu thought: "I build the road, and when I save enough money, I will even repair the canal."

Building a canal is not easier than building a road, but the north-south canal has no less effect than building a road. It is a grand canal that has influenced future generations for more than a thousand years.

Of course, Zhang Yu also knows, don't think about it in the short term.

A few days later, Zhang Yu returned to New Beiping City.

A cabinet meeting will be held immediately.

Rotating Chairman Guo Jia reported: "Lord, according to our investigation, Cao Cao has taken a lot of actions, not only to increase taxes in advance, but also to send people to robber the tomb and secretly borrow money. This Cao Cao must be trying to do something big."

"Can the army be mobilized?"

"The mobilizations are not large, they are all normal mobilizations. From this judgment, there should be no major movements within three months, but the weather is cold for three months. According to the general situation, it is estimated that they will act after the beginning of spring." Guo Jia Reported again.

"Do you have any judgment? Where will Cao Cao attack?"

After everyone discussed for a while, Xi Zhi said, "Master, we judge that Cao Cao is most likely to attack Jizhou. Of course, he may also attack other directions, but the probability of attacking us is relatively small."

Zhang Yu agrees with this judgment. Fighting against himself will not benefit him in the short term, nor can he increase his strength, so it is correct not to fight against himself.

It is a good way to hit other places, occupy the territory, and then increase the strength.

What Cao Cao has to do now is to restrict Zhang Yu from acquiring new territory.

"Well, since Cao Cao won't act in the short term, let's study our response."

Everyone finally agreed that they should also appropriately expand their strength, set aside mobile troops and intervene at any time.

Zhang Yu also agreed and ordered the cabinet to seize several things separately.

"Zibu, you should go back to Jiangdong temporarily to preside over the overall situation there, focusing on several aspects."

"In Jiangdong, I will give you temporary arbitrariness. At the same time, let the cabinet cooperate with you to mobilize resources. In addition, we must also develop the Poyang Lake area."

After Zhang Zhao left Jiangdong and went north to form a cabinet, Jiangdong's affairs slowed down a bit.

After all, Zhang Zhao is there, and some orders can be issued and executed soon.

But now that it is necessary to go from Peking to Jiangdong, the execution is naturally much slower. More importantly, no one pays attention to it all the time, and it is not always necessary for them to be lazy.

With Zhang Zhao watching, no one can be lazy.

Zhang Zhao nodded in agreement. The cabinet is now functioning normally, and it doesn't matter if he leaves for a while.

Zhang Yu looked at Chen Gong and said: "How is Peking College established? Now our elementary college has been expanding, and higher colleges must also be expanded."

Chen Gong said: "Lord, the college can be built in one month, but collecting books and hiring teachers are not so fast."

The collection of books is easy to handle, just take a little more time, but if the teacher doesn't do it, it will be difficult to handle.

A school, the most important thing is a famous teacher, first there is a famous teacher, and then there is a good student, the academy can be healthy development.

Good students~www.readwn.com~ If there is no good teacher to teach, it will only be wasted in the end.

If it were not for this reason, Zhang Yu would have established a few more colleges and cultivated more talents.

"Calling some from Jiangdong, but the most important thing is to find talents by ourselves, and from the whole China, we believe that someone will come for our treatment and our reputation."

"Directly open recruitment and warm up at the same time. The college also recruits students from other places. Only when it is open to all rivers can it develop for a long time."

Zhang Yu set the tone and began to gather talents on a large scale.

The focus of this meeting is on military deployment.

In fact, it is also a logistical preparation. Zhang Yu's main purpose is to let the localities collect as much money as possible.

In several states, overseas, and trade, Zhang Yu tried his best to collect some money and ordered the overseas money to be shipped back immediately. At the same time, domestic preparations began immediately. If the money is not enough, the money from the bank will be advanced first, and the overseas money will be returned. Just return it. Please use the latest domain name to read books on this site

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