The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 972: The minds of the 3 great princes

When there is a need, Zhang Yu can mobilize a lot of power.

Even if the bank secretly printed a large amount of money in a short period of time, nothing would happen.

Zhang Yu has the ability to do it in a short time, but there must be enough real gold and silver to circulate, otherwise it will cause chaos due to the shortage of gold, silver and copper coins in the market.

Zhang Yu didn't need this at this time. He spent all the money at once, which could last for more than ten days, and after ten days, other money would be credited.

As a last resort, Zhang Yu rebuilt a few production lines for making gold coins and silver coins, allowing the workers to rush day and night to get the accumulated ore out as soon as possible.

Cao Cao was preparing, and Zhang Yu was also preparing. He misappropriated a lot of money for military use, and the other money was waiting for the next batch of money to be collected before refilling.

Everything went well, Zhang Yu often studied with Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai to determine the direction of Cao Cao's next attack.

"Lord, no matter where Cao Cao attacks next, we should take one or two places in Jizhou. If Cao Cao hits other directions, he will not experience interference in Jizhou. If he hits Jizhou, we have to fight with him." Xi Zhicai said.

No matter where Cao Cao hits, unless he comes directly to attack him, Zhang Yu has the opportunity to occupy other places.

If Cao Cao hit Jizhou from the south, he would hit Jizhou from the north.

Zhang Yu looked at the map. He also understood the next battlefield very well, so he asked: "You must work out a plan as soon as possible. How many soldiers and horses are needed, where to mobilize them, and where to increase soldiers and horses."

These are too specific things, Zhang Yu no longer needs to do it himself, and leave it to Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai.

"The two of you are mainly responsible for the military action plan, and discuss a result as soon as possible. I will let Gu Yong arrange the logistics preparation immediately."

Zhang Yu divided the cabinet again.

Jushou was sent to Xuzhou to take charge of Xuzhou's reforms and promote several important arrangements.

Let the cabinet take charge of specific affairs in person, which can greatly promote the progress of affairs.

Qingzhou is relatively close to Xinbeiping, so you can pay attention to it at any time.

There is Zhang Zhao in Jiangdong and Jushou in Xuzhou. The other five cabinets are in charge of other things in Peiping and preside over the normal operation of the cabinet.

More than a dozen departments are operating closely around the cabinet, which greatly promotes the progress of the overall affairs.

A new round of development is underway. Zhang Yu sent people to Qingzhou to sell the shops and real estate in the newly built city. These can be sold at high prices, and a lot of money can be made very quickly.

This county town in Qingzhou has been rebuilt for more than a year, and now it has all been built. With a population of over one million, the shops here also have some single-family yards, which are simply hot-selling goods.

Zhang Yu introduced the form of auction and repeatedly got high prices.

Zhang Yu also rented out a large number of shops on two streets. These shops were directly leased for five years, and the rent had to be paid all at once for five years, and they were still sold out quickly.

These Jiangdong consortiums saw this city as if the city was full of fat. They had long been eyeing it, but Zhang Yu had not been in a hurry to open the market.

He first let the people move in. The city already has a population of more than 700,000. This huge population is a big piece of fat. When the shops begin to sell, they will soon sell them all at high prices.

Those who participated in the construction of the city can get a part for free, and they have divided up a large part of the benefits in the city, allowing them to make all the investment.

These Jiangdong consortiums are very supportive of Zhang Yu, and it is so easy to make money with Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu certainly would not refuse these two advantages.

Recovering a large amount of money, Zhang Yu couldn’t continue to make a big deal this time. One-third of the money was invested in the military, and the other third could only be invested in the construction of overseas bases, especially in Africa. On the route.

On this route, I don’t know how many bases to build, and every base is very expensive.

Zhang Yu can only build on some important nodes first, and then slowly build others later.

In this way, the remaining one-third of the money can only maintain the normal operation of the government.

If you don't have money to do things, you will develop slowly.

The shop was too open before, and it will take a while to continue tossing.

Both Zhang Yu and Cao Cao were preparing nervously, preparing for the next round of expansion.

At this time, Cao Cao had already completed the training and integration of all the soldiers in Jizhou, and the combat power was greatly increased.

When Cao Cao and Zhang Yu were preparing separately, Sun Ce was not idle either, and he appropriately expanded his troops.

The other is to prepare to do things in Jingzhou.

Liu Bei had secretly contacted Sun Ce.

After Sun Ce talked with the people, the response was not very big, but Zhou Yu was called.

"Gong Jin, Liu Bei is less than five thousand people. He also wants to replace Liu Biao?" Sun Ce asked.

Zhou Yu also found it difficult.

"Although Liu Biao is old, he was once a raptor who had crossed the river. He came to Jingzhou by himself and was able to control Jingzhou later. It was not without means. It is not easy for Liu Bei to succeed." Zhou Yu also agreed with Sun Ce.

"Then just ignore it?"

Zhou Yu shook his head and said, "This also provides us with a way. We are going to attack Cai Tao. It is obviously impossible to rely on Liu Biao. He is old and has no enterprising spirit. He just wants to live the rest of his life in peace."

"According to our plan, we will start next year, because at that time Cao Cao and Zhang Yu are likely to work on other places. This is our good opportunity."

"If Liu Biao can hang up ahead of time and come up with another person, the balance in Jingzhou will be immediately broken, and then we will have a chance."

The two are discussing how to replace Liu Biao, but even though Liu Biao is seriously ill, he might not die immediately.

"Do you want to send someone to assassinate? This is not easy." Sun Ce said.

"First arrange. Anyway, within this year, Liu Biao can't have an accident. We are not ready yet." Zhou Yu said.

Sun Ce decided after thinking for a while.

"Okay, arrange people right away, frown and plan, arrange people first, don't rush into action."

The three princes of China are all preparing for the next year's war.

Sun Ce wanted to solve the two-sided attack, he had to weaken or even kill Cai Tao.

However, at this time Cai Hao also had an army of hundreds of thousands, and he had money.

This Cai Tao is not ordinary rich, he has made a lot of money, but most of it does not need to be spent.

Unlike Zhang Yu, the stall is so big, how much money it makes.

Several princes are accumulating strength, and the winter of this year is quite calm.

After entering winter, the north was relatively cold, Zhang Yu's road construction army stopped, only the south part was still accelerating.

It may not take long to accumulate strength, until everyone continues to have enough strength, and when the time is ripe, it will be another big battle.

(End of this chapter)

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